Your First Lesson

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AllianceYour First Lesson
Start Kore[79.6, 49.4]
End Kore[79.6, 49.4]
Level 3 (Requires 3)
Category Warrior
Race IconSmall Draenei Male.gifIconSmall Draenei Female.gif Draenei
Experience 250
Reputation +250 Exodar


Learn Charge from Kore. Find a Training Dummy on the northwest side of the Crash Site and practice using Charge.


Let's start your training right away. I want to teach you a combat technique that you'll find useful at the start of battle. By charging your opponent before the fight begins, you can stun the enemy and momentum will be on your side.

I want you to try out this technique using the training dummies to the northwest of the Crash Site. Return to me when you think you've mastered it.



Keep that technique handy, <name>. I find myself using it all the time. Return when you're ready for further training.


  1. A IconSmall Draenei Male.gifIconSmall Draenei Female.gif [1-10] You Survived!
  2. A [1-10] Replenishing the Healing Crystals
  3. Complete both of:
  4. A [1-10] Inoculation
  5. A [1-10] The Missing Scout
  6. A [1-10] The Blood Elves
  7. A [1-10] Blood Elf Spy
  8. A [1-10] The Emitter
  9. A [1-30] Travel to Azure Watch

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