Xyraxz the Unknowable

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MobXyraxz the Unknowable
Image of Xyraxz the Unknowable
Race Devourer (Aberration)
Level 62 Rare Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Chamber of Wisdom, Korthia[55.3, 29.6]
Status Killable

Xyraxz the Unknowable is a rare elite devourer controller located inside the Chamber of Wisdom of Korthia. Gain access to the chamber by using a  [Teleporter Repair Kit] in the Ancient Teleporter at [45.0, 35.5] outside the Mauler's Outlook in central Korthia.

The  [Conquering Korthia]-required devourer drops ~21-25x  [Relic Fragment], 12x rare-quality anima items (175 anima),  [Xyraxz's Controlling Rod],  [Pauldrons of the Unknown Beyond], and the  [Obelisk of Dark Tidings], which starts another reliquary-recovery quest: N [60] Obelisk of Dark Tidings. Xyraxz also grants 5% progress for N [60W] Shaping Fate.

Xyraxz scales up to raid-boss levels of health, so bring a group including a tank and a healer!


  • Spell fire blueimmolation.png Consuming Strikes 10 yd range — Consumes a portion of the target's essence causing melee attacks to heal the caster for 25% of the damage inflicted. Instant
  • Spell animabastion nova.png Devouring Rift — The caster creates rifts at player locations, drawing players who stand near them in and inflicting Arcane damage, while simultaneously casting Devouring Jets. Triggers...
    • Spell animabastion nova.png Devouring Rift — Inflicts 6,608 Arcane damage to enemies within 10 yards of the impact. Initial hit lands for ~11,000 Arcane damage. Subsequent ticks hit for ~500 Arcane
  • Ability golemthunderclap.png Gluttonous Slam Melee range — The caster slams the target, dealing X Physical damage and devours a portion of their essence, increasing the caster's haste by 250% for until canceled. 2 sec cast (3 sec cooldown)
  • Spell fire bluehellfire.png Gorging Smash — Leeches 4,405 health from all players within 10 yards, transferring it to the caster. 2.5 sec cast (4 sec cooldown)

Tracking quest

To check whether Xyraxz was defeated today, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(64278))

If a "true" appears in the chat window, Xyraxz was defeated today; "false" indicates the opposite.

Patch changes

External links