Chamber of Wisdom (Korthia)
The Chamber of Wisdom is a Korthia vignette unlocked by using a [Teleporter Repair Kit] in the Ancient Teleporter at [45.0, 35.5] outside the Mauler's Outlook in central Korthia. Access to the chamber will be announced in a zone-wide emote:
- <Name> has repaired the ancient teleporter to the Chamber of Wisdom!
Head to the marked spot on the zone map and take the Repaired Portal to enter the Chamber of Wisdom. Inside, the rare-elite [Conquering Korthia]-required devourer Xyraxz the Unknowable is inspecting the relics! Fend it off to loot ~19-21x
[Relic Fragment], 5x rare-quality anima items (175 anima), and the
[Obelisk of Dark Tidings], which starts a reliquary-recovery quest:
[60] Obelisk of Dark Tidings. It may also rarely drop the
[Xyraxz's Controlling Rod].
Also inside the room at [55.3, 28.4] along the northern wall is a [Sack of Strange Soil]. It starts
[60] Sack of Strange Soil, another reliquary-recovery quest.
Tracking quest
To check whether Xyraxz was defeated today, copy and paste this command into the chat window:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(64278))
If a "true" appears in the chat window, Xyraxz was defeated today; "false" indicates the opposite.
Patch changes
Patch 9.1.0 (2021-06-29): Added.