Where's My Wolf?!

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HordeWhere's My Wolf?!

Start Karg Bloodfury [63.2, 60.1]
End Karg Bloodfury [61.0, 65.0]
Level 10-40
Category Frostfire Ridge
Experience 13830
Reputation +250 Frostwolf Orcs
Rewards 11g 80s
Previous H [10-40] The Strength of Our Bonds
Next H [10-40] Enfilade, H [10-40] The Master Siegesmith


Beastmaster Torash

Slay Beastmaster Torash and free Nerok in Grom'gar.


My frost wolf, Nerok, was captured with me and the others. I do not know where they are keeping him, but I'll bet the so-called "beastmaster" who dragged us here does.

He is at the beast pens nearby, boasting about his catch to the younger hunters.

We'll see how he boasts with my axe in his skull.


You will receive:


I will not leave my frost wolf behind. Dead or alive, Nerok leaves this place with me.


Nerok and I are the only surviving prisoners, but we cannot leave just yet.


Pick up H [10-40] Karg Unchained before heading out. Start killing a path to Torash, starting east of Grom'gar's body. There, Beastmaster Torash is telling his story to three Thunderlord Younglings.

Beastmaster Torash says: What's this?! A couple of stray mutts, who need to be put down!
Karg Bloodfury yells: Face my axe!

Take him and the younglings out.

Beastmaster Torash says: URGH! Damn... unruly dogs...
Karg Bloodfury says: You should have killed me when you had the chance. Now where is my wolf?!
Beastmaster Torash says: Heh... that mutt... <cough> is being broken... with the other beasts.
Lokra says: Being broken? Nerok would die before he obeyed them!
Karg Bloodfury says: I know. We'd better find him before that happens.

Dagg is in a cage near Torash, ready to be freed again.

On top of Grom'gar in the rylak area, is a Wiggling Egg. Loot it to acquire the  [Mysterious Egg] and 10-20 [Garrison Resources].

Kill a path southwest to the other side of Grom'gar. Nerok is chained up with a bunch of trained coldsnouts. Interact with Nerok to break the chains.

Karg Bloodfury says: Come, brother. You are free now.
Nerok sniffs Lokra and whines.
Lokra says: You smell Asha, don't you? I... am so sorry, Nerok. I failed to protect her.
Karg Bloodfury says: So many brothers and sisters lost...


  1. H [10-40] Securing the South
  2. H [10-40] They Who Held Fast
  3. H [10-40] Into the Boneslag
  4. H [10-40] Moving Target
  5. H [10-40] The Strength of Our Bonds
  6. H [10-40] Where's My Wolf?!
  7. H [10-40] Enfilade & H [10-40] The Master Siegesmith
  8. H [10-40] Return to the Pack

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