Wet Work: Arom's Stand

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HordeWet Work: Arom's Stand
Level 10-50
Type Faction Assault World Quest
Category Drustvar
Experience 26,800
Reputation +150 The Honorbound



Rokhan says: Da spirits be sayin' a big shot from da Alliance be hidin' somewhere in here. Show dem dat da Horde can reach dem, no matter where dey be.


You will receive:

You will also receive one of the following:


Rokhan says: Every pack be needin' its leader. Ya keep droppin' Alliance officers all over Kul Tiras, and da whole Alliance be lost.


Speak with the Shadow Hunter Scout

They sent you to do the job? Oh, dis is gonna be good...
Ya job be simple, mon: get in there, find the target, and take 'em out. We know they be in there somewhere. My job be to give you the voodoo to sneak by the guards, but watch out for the sentries. They can see you, so ya still gotta be sneaky.
I be givin' ya one smoke bomb for when ya finish de mission. Use it to get outta dere!
Gossip I am ready.

Gossip after speaking

Good hunting, mon. You get spotted, you make it back to me or one of de other scouts and we can do de voodoo on you again.

Avoid Wary Sentries in Fort Daelin. After the target is killed, you can use Smoke Bomb to be returned to the scout.

Patch changes

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