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Violent Impact

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NeutralViolent Impact
Start Automatic (Pile of Rubble) [23.7, 56.6]
End Alliance Lady Jaina Proudmoore [24.4, 57.1]
Horde Thrall [24.3, 57.2]
Level 70-73
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 10,400
Rewards 28g 9s
Shareable Yes
Next N [70-73] Slay the Saboteurs, N [70-73] Urgent Recovery & N [70-73] Erratic Artifacts
After the fall

Violent Impact begins the Isle of Dorn storyline, starting The War Within campaign properly. Dalaran has fallen on the Tranquil Strand of the Isle of Dorn, so pick up the pieces and move forward.


Climb out of the rubble and find your surviving leaders.


<Your vision swims as you slowly regain consciousness. Distant shouts and screams echo in your ringing ears.

The last thing you remember is Dalaran, the great, floating city of magic, plummeting to the earth--then nothing but darkness.

Mixed in with sounds of shouting and battle, you hear a strange, insectoid chittering.

The nerubians were waiting for you.

You must rejoin the fight, but first you need to free yourself from the crushing weight of the rubble piled atop you.>


You will receive:

  • 28g 9s
  • 10,400 XP


<Name>! You survived!


Keep your weapons at the ready. This battle is just beginning.


On accept:

After a fade to black, the player is trapped under a Pile of Rubble just offshore of the Tranquil Strand.
Kirin Tor Mage says: Lady Proudmoore! Over here! I found <name>!
Kirin Tor Mage says: I'll get these rocks off you. Just let me--Ahhh!
A Nerubian Ambusher pops out of the ground and one-shots the mage, killing it, before disappearing.

Interact with the Pile of Rubble three times to clear off rocks and escape.

While in the area, players are debuffed with:

Dangerous Skies — The nerubians swarm the skies, making it too dangerous to fly.

Head on shore to spot Lady Jaina Proudmoore and Thrall fending off Burrowing Saboteurs. One of them will call out:

Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: <Name>, to me!
Thrall says: <Name>, to me!

Should players somehow abandon the quest, interact with the Pile of Rubble to pick the quest back up.


  1. N [70-73] Violent Impact
  2. N [70-73] Slay the Saboteurs, N [70-73] Urgent Recovery, & N [70-73] Erratic Artifacts (N [70-73] Shattered Spires if players did not pick Erratic Artifacts up)
  3. N [70-73] Secure the Beach
  4. N [70-73] To Dornogal
  5. N [70-73] They Come from Below
  6. N [70-73] Impossible Odds

Patch changes

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