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Image of Vesiphone
Title <Paragon of Purity>
Gender Female
Race Kyrian (Humanoid)
Level 10-60 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ascended
Location Elysian Hold and graveyards, Bastion
Status Active

Vesiphone is a Paragon of the kyrian Ascended in the realm of Bastion. She represents the virtue of purity, in particular confronting one's emotions and past in order to move on and eventually ascend. Her duties are carried out at the Temple of Purity in southeastern Bastion, although doubts fostered by the Forsworn uprising have presented a major challenge to the Paragon's work.


When the Forsworn began their attack on their fellow kyrian in Bastion, the Vesiphone's Temple of Purity was their first target. Led by the Hand of Doubt, Lysonia, the dark kyrian managed to take control of most of the temple itself as well as Purity's Pinnacle. Vesiphone was not present during the attack, though her Hand of Purity Eridia pushed back against the Forsworn and confronted Lysonia personally.[1] As Lysonia began to gain the upper hand, Vesiphone finally arrived to turn the tide of battle, defeating the Hand of Doubt and forcing her to flee.

During the fight, a fragment of Lysonia was separated and left behind. Vesiphone gave this fragment to a mortal ally of the kyrian and brought them personally to the Mnemonic Locus so that Lysonia's memories could be searched for information on the Forsworn threat. Leaving Eridia at the Temple of Purity to recover, the Paragon then traveled to Elysian Hold to inform the Archon of what had transpired.[2]

Vesiphone later convened with the other Paragons and the Archon, with Kleia and a mortal ally also present, to discuss the Forsworn threat, with the Paragon of Purity warning of the rebels' links to the Maw.[3] She would also be present when the Crest of Ascension was shattered by Devos and a surprise attack launched on the Spires of Ascension.[4]



Main article: The Hand of Doubt#Notes
Main article: Purity's Prerogative#Notes
Main article: Kyrestia, the Firstborne (quest)
Main article: On Swift Wings#Notes
Main article: Kyrestia, the Firstborne (quest)#Notes

It is not yet your time. I shall aid your journey back to the realm of the living... for a price.

Binder Return me to life.

When you release spirit
  • So long as you remain determined, there can be no true defeat.
  • None could have seen that coming.
  • With defeat, comes wisdom.


  • Vesiphone takes the place of a normal spirit healer in Bastion, offering kind words and encouragement to dead players.
  • Her name is likely a contraction of Latin vesperas (evening) and Greek phone (sound, or song), so is the "song of the evening", likely related to her role as leader of the Watchers/Spirit Healers who are there when mortals die.

Patch changes


  1. ^ N [10-53] The Enemy You Know
  2. ^ N [10-53] Purity's Prerogative
  3. ^ N [10-53] Kyrestia, the Firstborne
  4. ^ N [60] Ascended

External links