Vernon Soursprye

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HordeVernon Soursprye
Image of Vernon Soursprye
Title <Stable Master>
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 5-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bilgewater Cartel
Occupation Stable master
Location Nozzlepot's Outpost, Northern Barrens

Vernon Soursprye is a goblin stable master located at Nozzlepot's Outpost in the Northern Barrens.

He's not very trustworthy as a stable master, since he cooked Skippy Hophappy's pet, Mr. Oinky.


Item Cost
 [Rope Pet Leash] 75s



To hunters

Greetings, hunter. I can help stable your pets or assist you in recovering lost companions.

  • Gossip I'd like to stable my pet here.
  • Buy I'm looking for a lost companion.
  • Gossip I'd like to heal and revive my battle pets.

To non-hunters

Greetings, <class>. I can assist you in recovering lost companions.

  • Buy I'm looking for a lost companion.
  • Gossip I'd like to heal and revive my battle pets.
Skippy Hophappy spawns at the entrance to the outpost.
Skippy Hophappy says: I made it! I need to get Mr. Oinky to watch my back while I'm out adventuring.
Skippy runs up to Vernon Soursprye.
Skippy Hophappy says: Hey there! I'd like to get my pet, Mr. Oinky out please!
Vernon Soursprye says: Mr. Oinky... Yeah... Well...
Vernon looks around nervously, making sure to not look at the pig on the spit.
Vernon Soursprye says: Right... he ran away! He's a big juicy guy, and he just got away from us here. I'm sorry, miss.
Skippy Hophappy says: Mr. Oinky! Poor, poor Mr. Oinky...
Skippy Hophappy yells: Mr. Oinky!! Come back to me Mr. Oinky!
Skippy runs away searching for her pet.

Patch changes

External links