Skippy Hophappy

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HordeSkippy Hophappy
Image of Skippy Hophappy
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 5-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bilgewater Cartel
Location Nozzlepot's Outpost, Northern Barrens
Status Alive
Companion(s) Mr. Oinky

Skippy Hophappy is a goblin hunter that appears at Nozzlepot's Outpost in the Northern Barrens. She left her pet boar, Mr. Oinky, with the stable master Vernon Soursprye, who cooked the pig over the nearby fire and told Skippy that Mr. Oinky ran away.

Skippy, not recognizing her beloved pet roasting over the fire, ran off in search of Mr. Oinky.


Skippy Hophappy spawns at the entrance to the outpost.
Skippy Hophappy says: I made it! I need to get Mr. Oinky to watch my back while I'm out adventuring.
Skippy runs up to Vernon Soursprye.
Skippy Hophappy says: Hey there! I'd like to get my pet, Mr. Oinky out please!
Vernon Soursprye says: Mr. Oinky... Yeah... Well...
Vernon looks around nervously, making sure to not look at the pig on the spit.
Vernon Soursprye says: Right... he ran away! He's a big juicy guy, and he just got away from us here. I'm sorry, miss.
Skippy Hophappy says: Mr. Oinky! Poor, poor Mr. Oinky...
Skippy Hophappy yells: Mr. Oinky!! Come back to me Mr. Oinky!
Skippy runs away searching for her pet.

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