User:Zeal/Lore Theories

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This is just a collection of theories i have about certain aspects of Warcraft lore, mostly stemming from my tendency to play devil's advocate.

Please browse, feel free to add any questions or ask for more info and citation where you feel it's needed and i'll try my best to sort them out.

Breaking down the walls of Azj'Aqir

The Silithid, Aqir and Qiraji Origins

I've noticed it has become widely believed that C'Thun created the Aqir from the Silithid, who then later became the Qiraji and the Nerubians. This has gotten to the point that this very Wiki has this written as fact, and changed certain parts away from what is written in the lore. However it is never explicitly said anywhere in the lore, and there are certain parts of the lore that make it impossible to be so. It is the most obvious conclusion to draw from only reading a few bits of information i agree, but i aim to force people to look deeper into the lore and see why it is not the only conclusion, and probably not the most likely one either.


First let me lay down some basic facts that need to be known.

  1. The Silithid, as with much life on Azeroth, were created through the influence of the the Well of Eternity. -The Prophecy of C'Thun
  2. The Aqir, after fighting with the two largest Troll empires, split up. They then became known as the Qiraji and the Nerubians. - [The Twin Empires]
  3. C'Thun created avatars in his own image, from the Silithid. These avatars would later be known as the Qiraji. -The Prophecy of C'Thun
  4. #Facts:1,#Facts:2 and #Facts:3 result in the fact that the Silithid, Aqir, Qiraji and Nerubians are all of the same lineage.
  5. The Qiraji were still Aqir when they split off and while in Silithus and the Twin Emperors (Vek'lor and Vek'nilash) were around before the split. -WoW:Monsters of Ahn'Qiraj - Anubisaths
  6. Ahn'Qiraj was created after the settling in Silithus as the Aqir, after becoming the Qiraji and before the Anubisaths were created. -WoW:Monsters of Ahn'Qiraj - Anubisaths & The Prophecy of C'Thun
  7. The Qiraji and their constructs can not enter Un'Goro Crater, refering to it as the "God Lands". It is rumoured the Titan's lived there. -The Prophecy of C'Thun
  8. All obsidian constructs were created by the Qiraji after the split, while in Silithus, except of Moam, who was created after they lost the War of the Shifting Sands. -WoW:Monsters of Ahn'Qiraj
  9. There is no mention of C'Thun during the war with the Trolls or before the resulting split. On the flip side, there is no mention of the a war with the Trolls or the split of the Aqir, from the Qiraji.


We can now move onto the more speculative stuff.



  1. Naming:
    1. Silithid: Why would the Silithid have been called such? If the region was named after it's inhabitants, then it would have never been called Silithus. If it's inhabitans were encountered after it was called Silithus, then naming them the Silithid would be logical. The term Silithid would have been unknown until the Night Elves first encountered them in Silithus, suggesting it was the Night Elves that named the lesser insect creatures as Silithid at this point in time. They wouldn't know to call them Aqir.
    2. Qiraji and Nerubians: Ahn'Qiraj was established after they became the Qiraji, the same could probably be said about Azjol'Nerub.
  2. The image on the right is from WoW:Story - Troll History. It shows what we know to be a Silithid, around a Silithid hive. Yet, it has the label Azj'Aqir and is used when describing the Aqir, implying it is an actually an Aqir. Thus the Silithid would be Aqir.
  3. Un'Goro Crater:
    1. #Facts:7 would suggest that the Titan's prevented the Old Gods or any of they power/influence entering Un'Goro Crater. From this, it's possible to think that if the Aqir had been created by C'Thun, there was no way for them to have reached Silithus, or at least have been easier for them to have gone elsewhere on Kalimdor.
    2. Based on #Speculation:2 and #Speculation:3.1, this means the Aqir could not have been created by C'Thun.
  4. Intelligence:
    1. The fact that all the obsidian constructs with and without C'Thun's influence only came about after the split, suggests it was until after the split, when they became the Qiraji, that they had the intelligence, ability, and C'Thun's power to do this.
    2. Because of #Speculation:5.1 and #Speculation:4.1 we know they did not gain any further intelligence when becoming the Qiraji.
    3. Because of #Fact:9, it's logical to draw the conclusion that the Aqir did not have the ability or intelligence to record history or comprehend their creation.
  5. Evolution:
    1. Based on #Facts:5, the Aqir had to have evolved in Silithus into the Qiraji, not just rename themselves. We don't know what their appearance was as the Aqir, but we know the intelligence of the Twin Emperors did not change, and there is no mention of a change in appearance for them, suggesting they had the form as exists currently. This would suggest they were what is considered a Qiraji already, and thus the evolution of the Aqir was not a natural one.
    2. Nerubians are quite clearly not created by C'Thun as shown by the completely different appearances. Their characteristics and appearances more closely resemble that of the Silithid (hive minds, insectiod rather than humanoid) and would hint at natural evolution.
    3. The Silithid co-exist with the Qiraji, throughout Silithus and small pockets beyond. They don't however co-exist with the Nerubians or in Northrend as far as we've seen. This would suggest the Nerubians evolved naturally from the Silithid, but we do know they had to at some point, be Aqir. This can only mean one of two things. The first of which not only sounds oddly convenient, but it can't be true because of #Speculation:4.2
      1. The Silithid were with the Aqir, and only a few Aqir were created from them by C'Thun, yet when the Aqir split all of the Silithid went with the Qiraji while the Nerubians evolved naturally from the Aqir.
      2. The Silithid are the Aqir, only a few were created into what we know to be Qiraji by C'Thun, and after the Aqir split the Nerubians evolved naturally and directly from the Silithid while C'Thun continued to create Qiraji.


This would all result in the following timeline based on my speculation.

Q & A

There are a few arguments against this theory i can think of, and allow me to answer them.

The Aqir are said to be intelligent, but the Silithid aren't.
There is a complete misconception of the level of intelligence. There is no mention of structures or a great fortress like that of Azjol'Nerub or Ahn'Qiraj. Only that the Azj'Aqir civilization was underground. No where does it say the Aqir(Silithid) were at the level of intelligence or civilization that rivals the Qiraji.
The Prophecy of C'Thun is written by the Prophet Skeram, a Qiraji. It is biased and so can't be trusted.
All Warcraft lore, regardless of who wrote it, is fact, and not considered to be written with a bias. Only lore where things are pointed at as being uncertain, speculated, rumoured or mythological by characters (e.g. much about the Titans and Creation myth#Night elves origin) are to be taken as not fact. However, even then, in most of those cases, as is often later discovered, [Blizzard] will purposely leave them vague, because despite them being true, they wish to leave fans guessing and elaborate in depth at a later time. It adds much to the story and the resulting feel of the Warcraft universe.
Skeram's accounts have to be taken as fact, as there are no other sources except perhaps the Nerubians that can explain the history of the Qiraji. The Night Elves and Dragons only learnt of C'Thun right before the sealing and is not even spoken of in their account of events. He is a chosen conduit to tell the story of the events for [Blizzard], as only the Qiraji can.
And even then, my theory doesn't solely rest on it, and it would only open up more questions as to what the truth is.
The Aqir are said to have slowly evolved into the Qiraji in Silithus, it couldn't have been C'Thun.
Slow evolution doesn’t necessarily rule out evolution through C'Thun's intervention or that the process for a single Aqir(Silithid) was a slow one. It could just mean the process for the entire Aqir(Silithid) population. It is also never said to be natural evolution.

Where is he now?

Sargeras' Fate

I was surprised more people hadn't questioned this topic. When i bring it up, people assume Sargeras is still around and still running the show despite all the evidence pointing that he has gone and hasn't been in charge of the Burning Legion for a while now. Hopefully i can shed light on this topic and show people what i beleive became of him.


First let me lay down some basic facts that need to be known.

  1. Fact 1


We can now move onto the more speculative stuff.

  1. Speculation 1


This would all result in the following timeline based on my speculation.

  • Stuff that happened

Q & A

There are a few arguments against this theory i can think of, and allow me to answer them.
