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"There's Caleb. He used to try to get me to pay him gold for protection before I told him about the wards I had inscribed on the building that caged the guardian elementals. Long story, but quick resolution." - Sand, Neverwinter Night 2.

"Do you realize the power you might hold? When the world of flesh is beneath you, even creatures mysterious and magical will fall!" - Irenicus formerly Joneleth Irenicus, Baldur's Gate 2

25000Club seal.png
This user is a legendary member of
the 25,000 club!
The Golden Kobold is a symbol of hope, work and great candle affinity. The Golden Kobold
Coobra has awarded TherasTaneel with the Golden Kobold, for their work here at Wowpedia!
Spell arcane manatap.png This user wants Mana Tap back.
Blood elf Druid Squared.jpg This user wants to become a blood elf druid.
INV Weapon Glave 01.png This user wanted demon hunter to be a playable class, and their wish came true!
Fel elf Squared.jpg This user would like Fel Elf to be a playable race.
Warcraft Wiki icon stamp.png This user is addicted to Warcraft Wiki.
Inv misc book 07.png This user has a strong interest in articles on lore.
AntiGarrosh.jpg This user had no plans to defend Garrosh during attacks.
Admin.png This user is a member of the Administrative personnel.
Firefox Logo.svg This user uses Mozilla Firefox to browse Warcraft Wiki.
Rx1 Kx2 This user can spell Terokkar.

Current Projects

Future Projects

Zone-cleanup (images and external links)

And afterwards capitals, cities. Outland and beyond.

mixed infinte

Stuff to look at


Players can obtain what appear to be ioun stones,  [Tourmaline Crown] and  [Crown of Endless Knowledge]. Another form could be the  [Circle of Flame] and  [Crown of Destruction].

Favorite NPCs/Mobs



Mural by "breathing2004", amazing!

List of characters (Europe) :


IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifPriest Athrikus (Jewelcrafting/Mining)

IconSmall Goblin Male.gifWarlock Copperworth (Alchemy/Herbalism)

IconSmall KulTiran Male.gifDruid Corylus (Leatherworking/Skinning)

IconSmall VoidElf Male.gifWarlock Draeir (Inscription/Herbalism)

IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifPaladin Gathios (Blacksmithing/Mining)

IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifDemon Hunter Harellan (Skinning/Herbalism)

IconSmall Goblin Male.gifMage Horaka (Alchemy/Enchanting)

IconSmall Goblin Male.gifRogue Jorrik (Alchemy/Herbalism)

IconSmall DarkIron Male.gifShaman Khalkos (Alchemy/Herbalism)

IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifRogue Oreik (Jewelcrafting/Mining)

IconSmall Lightforged Male.gifPaladin Othaar (Blacksmithing/Mining)

IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifWarrior Rayek (Herbalism/Mining)

IconSmall Nightborne Male.gifMage Sotha (Engineering/Mining)

IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifMonk Stonestep (Leatherworking/Skinning)

IconSmall Troll Male.gifDruid Taneel (Tailoring/Enchanting)

IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifDeath Knight Teron (Inscription/Herbalism)

IconSmall Mechagnome Male.gifHunter Theramin (Engineering/Mining)

IconSmall Highborne Male.gifMage Theras (Tailoring/Enchanting)

IconSmall Troll Male.gifShaman Vornal (Leatherworking/Engineering)


IconSmall Troll Male.gifRogue Alorantu (Inscription/Herbalism)

IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifDeath Knight Balac (Blacksmithing/Mining)

IconSmall BloodElf Female.gifMage Eonys (-)

IconSmall Forsaken Male.gifWarlock Garinol (Alchemy/Herbalism)

IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifMage Icarius (Tailoring/Enchanting)

IconSmall Forsaken Female.gifPriest Kalira (Alchemy/Herbalism)

IconSmall Goblin Female.gifShaman Krixil (Leatherworking/Skinning)

IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifWarlock Melinan (-)

IconSmall Troll Male.gifDruid Mithykyl (Jewelcrafting/Mining)

IconSmall BloodElf Male.gifHunter Relfthra (Engineering/Mining)


IconSmall Worgen Male.gifHunter Copperworth (Engineering/Mining)

IconSmall Gnome Male.gifMage Gaxim (Alchemy/Herbalism)

IconSmall Worgen Male.gifRogue Irminric (Leatherworking/Skinning)

IconSmall NightElf Male.gifDruid Jerrikar (Tailoring/Enchanting)

IconSmall NightElf Male.gifDruid Lorgalis (Jewelcrafting/Mining)

IconSmall Draenei Male.gifPaladin Othaar (Blacksmithing/Mining)

IconSmall NightElf Male.gifDruid Taneel (Inscription/Herbalism)