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User:TheLongConn/Vanahal, the Mantle's Rest

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Vanahal, the Mantle's Rest
Location Dun Valdr, Azjol-Nerub
Instance info
Type Raid
Player limit 10-20
This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.


Vanahal, the Mantle's Rest is the hidden sanctuary of the Prime Designate within the depths of Azeroth's underworld. It is a nexus of great power, connecting Ulduar to a network of Titan installations that stretches across the Cosmos. Sealed long ago as a result of Loken's madness, its vaults have moldered in disuse, waiting for the return of their creators.

Guided by visions from a cosmic messenger, Draugen Stonefell has arrived at its gates with the full might of his Collective. Having cast off their disguise as an archaeological expedition, this army of dwarves, gnomes, and humans has come to reclaim their legacy as Titan-forged. Stonefell believes that they are the chosen children of the Titans, and his visions tell of a power deep within Vanahal; a stepping stone for mortals to become gods, to take on the mantle of their creators.

If allowed, they will usurp the throne of the Titans, on this world and all others. Those who were once stone and metal will be reforged anew, while those who bear no trace of the Makers will be wiped clean.

It is located in Dun Valdr. It is featured in World of Warcraft: Necropolis.


As the War of the Underworld intensifies, the Doorward Expedition cuts its way into the heart of Dun Valdr, uncovering hibernating Earthen, marauding giants, and machines plagued by festering oil and dissonant songs. While the Stonefell Collective's methods have become increasingly suspicious as they plunder the ruins for ancient weapons and artifacts, it wasn't until their attack on Nerroth Modan using Blackrot-infested munitions that their true colors were revealed. Draugen Stonefell himself declared that Dun Valdr held the key to the Titan's cosmic network and that an otherworldly patron had chosen him to reclaim it, guiding him with intense visions. While many among the expedition were skeptical of these claims, Magni and Brann Bronzebeard were uncharacteristically morose, ordering a full offensive against the Collective.

As the Doorward Expedition followed their trail, the Bronzebeard brothers confided in their allies; they had been receiving visions as well, urging them towards the depths of Northrend's underworld and ever closer to the heart of Dun Valdr.

In the shadow of the Spire of Silence, this mysterious patron was revealed. Orsoron the Abdicator, a constellar of the Conclave, has grieved the loss of the Titans. Millions of planets languish in neglect, their machines failing through sheer entropy or a more insidious threat; the Dissonance, a plague of disfiguring oil and noise, a song spreading from planet to planet, moving through the Titan's own usurped networks. Their great works now languish in decay and disuse, with no one to take up the Masters' legacy. Orsoron, in his manic desperation, has turned to the mortals that once repelled Algalon the Observer, his trusted kin, believing there is some incalculable factor that will allow them to shoulder this cosmic burden.

As his three chosen heirs gather in the spire, Orsoron dismisses Magni and Brann, declaring that they would squander the Titan's Mantle. He believes they would use it to preserve this world beyond all others, a seedling whose World-soul will never wake, who still roils with corruption, stained by void, death, and fel.

Brann Bronzebeard yells: There is value in this world!
Orsoron says: There was. Algalon was correct in his assessment. The mortals were born flawed and have utilized that flaw to their advantage. However, like the tree that has born its fruit and will bear no more, it must be culled so the rest of the garden may grow. Azeroth has nothing left to give. Mortal Stonefell understand that.
Magni Bronzebeard says: Draugen... it can't be true. You'd sacrifice... everything? All of Azeroth?
Draugen Stonefell says: Brother, I've fought and bled for this world. I've lost many, many good people. Before today, I would have gladly died for it. But now... this is something bigger. We have a chance to become something great. We can move on, to worlds that need us.
Draugen grips his axes tighter.
Draugen Stonefell says: Worlds that can be saved.

Draugen swears his allegiance to Orsoron and restores the Spire of Silence, reconnecting it to the Titan's celestial network, and by extension, to Loken's hidden sanctuary of Vanahal deep below the earth. With the Spire now active, Orsoron is free to bestow the Titan's mantle to the Stonefell Collective within the depths of Vanahal, opening the gates to the cosmos.

The Spire's restoration also allows the Dissonance to worm its way in once more, spreading its eroding song and drowning Dun Valdr's machines in a tide of oil and corrosive filth. As the Bronzebeards and their allies struggle to contain this plague, Draugen escapes to gather his forces in Vanahal, intent on reclaiming his so-called birthright.



Garden of Clockwork

The gates of Vanahal have become overgrown with vegetation of gears and glass. Within these simulant wilds, the armies of the Collective lie in wait.

Tools of the Gods

Within Vanahal proper, the Collective has reclaimed the knowledge of their forebears, meddling with powers beyond mortal comprehension.

  • IconSmall EarthenNorth.gif Forge-Magus Ozrun
  • IconSmall Djinn.gif Marduk, the False King
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Stonefell Archivists
A Plague of Oil and Lies

Too long has Vanahal been without a caretaker, and in their absence, dark things grow unchecked in the vaults...

  • IconSmall CenturionColossusDark.gif Anxythas, the Weeping Tower
  • IconSmall Ra-den2.gif Choir of Folly
  • IconSmall Norgannon.gif Echo of Loken

A key to the cosmos. A gateway to eternity. Here lies the Mantle, the burden of an uncaring universe.

  • IconSmall MOTHER.gif Maiden of Sovereignty
  • IconSmall Aggramar.gif Draugen Stonefell
  • IconSmall Rygelon.gif Orsoron the Abdicator



Bosses Monsters
The March of Ages
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Pride of Grimfuse
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Might of Ironkeg
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Stonefell Sharpshooter
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Stonefell Warden
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Stonefell Engineer
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Overclocked Artillery
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Reclaimed Bulwark
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Reclaimed Arachnostrider
The Fractured Aerie
  • IconSmall AnimaWyrm.gif Bronzewing
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Collective Technopath
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Stonefell Sentinel
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Hacked Steelmuzzle
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Hacked Ironfang
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Hacked Screecher
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Reclaimed Earthscorcher
Assembly of Grand Design
  • IconSmall Junker Female.gif Cadmus Ferrovolt
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif WIP
Antechamber of Vanahal
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif WIP
Crucible of the Arcane
  • IconSmall EarthenNorth.gif Forge-Magus Ozrun
  • IconSmall Gnomebot.gif WIP
Crown of Perfection
  • IconSmall Djinn.gif Marduk, the False King
  • IconSmall GoblinPummeler.gif WIP
The Memory Vault
  • Stonefell Archivists
    • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Mogan Delvemar
    • IconSmall DarkIron Female.gif Erris Shadeforge
    • IconSmall Junker Male.gif Flint Arcbinder
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Vanahal Historian
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Vanahal Glyphspeaker
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Artifact Collection Unit
Steps of Ascendance
  • IconSmall SkeletalDevilsaur.gif WIP
The Runoff
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Mechanical Abomination
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Oilslick Shambler
  • IconSmall Dwarf Male.gif Riot of Gears
Font of Neglect
  • IconSmall CenturionColossusDark.gif Anxythas, the Weeping Tower
  • IconSmall SkeletalDevilsaur.gif WIP
Oratory of the Maddened Verse
  • IconSmall Ra-den2.gif Choir of Folly
  • IconSmall SkeletalDevilsaur.gif WIP
Sanctum of the Prime Designate
  • IconSmall Norgannon.gif Echo of Loken
  • IconSmall SkeletalDevilsaur.gif WIP
The Appeal to Power
  • IconSmall MOTHER.gif Maiden of Sovereignty
  • IconSmall SkeletalDevilsaur.gif WIP
The Mantle's Rest
  • IconSmall Aggramar.gif Draugen Stonefell
  • IconSmall SkeletalDevilsaur.gif WIP
Cosmic Expanse
The Atocosm
  • IconSmall SkeletalDevilsaur.gif WIP

Dungeon Journal

Reclaimed Thronekeeper

“As the Stonefell Collective marched into the heart of Dun Valdr, they pillaged its vaults for every scrap of technology they could find. Their machinists have fused these ancient relics with dwarven and gnomish designs, crafting countless iterations in the name of progress. Their work has culminated in the Reclaimed Thronekeeper, a mechanical goliath now guarding the gates to Vanahal. In the name of progress.”

The Reclaimed Thronekeeper is an enormous mechanical walker, a fusion of dwarven, gnomish, and titanic technologies. It will level the battlefield with its Mantlebuster Cannon, rockets and techno-magical attacks, all the while steadily gaining energy. Players must balance its growing energy as the fight goes on, even increasing it to accelerate the machine to its next (explosive) phase, before its fires consume everything.


Item Type
[Jerry-Rigged Focusing Loops] Mail Wrist
[Maddening Machinist's Goggles] Leather Head
[Pious Enginekeeper's Sabatons] Mail Feet
[Restraints of Test Pilot #3] Leather Shoulders
[Heuristic Targeting Bracelets] Leather Wrist
[Thronekeeper's Hullplate] Shield
[Plundering Archaeologist's Blade] One-Handed Sword (Str)
[Stonefell Scavenger's Truncheon] One-Handed Mace (Agi)
[Technotheurgic Conduit] Arcane Curio
[Biometric Scan] Life Curio
[Test Pilot's Lucky Dice] Holy Curio


Item Type Tooltip/Flavor text Description
[Restraints of Test Pilot #3] Leather Shoulders "Faired better than test pilot #2, but not as well as test pilot #4.'" Resembles a leather harness with multiple buckles and supports having been torn off, slightly smoldering.
[Plundering Archaeologist's Blade] One-Handed Sword (Str) "It belongs in a museum!'"
[Test Pilot's Lucky Dice] Holy Curio "If they've kept him alive this whole time, they're damn holy to him.'"

Tooltip text. "Flavor text."


“The clockwork dragons of Dun Valdr are a testament to the wonder of the Simulant Gardens; complex, intelligent life, evolving naturally from gears and glass. The apex predators of an artificial ecosystem, they should be seen as a symbol of harmony between the living and the synthetic. Instead, they end up like Bronzewing; captured, leashed, and broken, rendered into just another war machine.”

Bronzewing is an enormous Synthdragon; a clockwork organism that has naturally evolved from the simulant gardens grown by the Novognomes. Once a wild and majestic beast, it's been captured and reprogrammed by the Stonefell Collective as a sentry, guarding the gates to Vanahal. It slowly builds up Phlogiston Pressure over time, which it expels as gouts of white-hot flame.

Item Type
[Clockwork Dragon's Visage] Mail Head
[Gauntlets of the Living Machine] Plate Hands
[Scorched Stonefell Fatigues] Leather Legs
[Simulant Wrangler's Wraps] Cloth Wrists
[Bellowskin Moccasins] Leather Feet
[Synthetic Dragonskin Cloak] Back
[Draconic Control Rod] Staff (Int)
[Poacher's Magnaspear] Polearm (Str)
[Phlogiston Gland] Trinket
[Fire-Suppressing Foam] Frost Curio
[Secondary Cardiac System] Blood Curio
[Simulant Soul Remnant] Death Curio


Item Type Tooltip/Flavor text
[Synthetic Dragonskin Cloak] Back "I'll buy you a dragonskin cloak, but not a real dragonskin cloak. That's cruel."
[Phlogiston Gland] Trinket Equip: Abilities have a chance to heat up the gland, increasing haste by X% for each stack. Upon use or at 20 stacks, the gland sprays a gout of flame, dealing fire damage in an arc. At >10 stacks, activation will damage user, increasing with each stack.
[Simulant Soul Remnant] Death Curio "Was Bronzewing's soul built alongside its mechanical body, or did it come later?"

Cadmus Ferrovolt

“As a member of Draugen Stonefell's inner circle, Cadmus Ferrovolt designed and constructed the machines that would excavate, and later subjugate, Dun Valdr. From atop her personalized arachnidrone, she orchestrates the newly-annexed foundries of Vanahal, forging the next generation of constructs that will remake the world.”

Players may recognize Cadmus from their interactions with her during Dun Valdr's campaign, acting as chief engineer for the Stonefell Collective's overbuilt war machines. From the Assembly of Grand Design, she operates Vanahal's great elevators, reaping the stored materials to construct all manner of tanks, striders, copters, and robots. She will use these to deadly effect in her fight, but she is no pushover herself, sitting upon a personalized arachnidrone, spitting metal and hellfire at her enemies.

Item Type
[Arachnidrone's Steelsilk Mantle] Cloth Shoulders
[Devious Tinkerer's Greaves] Mail Legs
[Cinch of Humming Cables] Cloth Waist
[Forgeborne Reclaimer's Cleats] Plate Feet
[Buckle of the Malevolent Mechanist] Plate Waist
[Cadmus' Last Resort] Gun
[Iron Widow's Fang] Dagger (Agi)
[Steelbite Chelicerae] 2-Handed Sword (Str)
[Ferrovolt's Pocket Assembler] Trinket
[Steelsilk Cocoon] Depths Curio
[Gilded Circuity] Vita Curio
[Unstable Prototype] Shadow Curio
[Keys to the Nouveau Arachnidrone] Mount


Item Type Tooltip/Flavor Text
[Forgeborne Reclaimer's Cleats] Plate Feet "The reclamation of a thousand worlds starts with a single step."
[Steelbite Chelicerae] 2-Handed Sword (Str) "Still twitching."
[Ferrovolt's Pocket Assembler] Trinket Use: Construct a tiny automaton that performs a task assigned by your specialization. WIP
[Keys to the Nouveau Arachnidrone] Mount "When you want to take over the universe in style and comfort."

Forge-Magus Ozrun

“Having become disillusioned with maintaining his Vigil over Dun Valdr, Ozrun has abandoned the Grayslate for the Collective, chasing a more divine purpose. Draugen has shown him visions of a Titanic utopia, far beyond this hell of black oil and rotting iron, and he labors to build this dream, piece by piece. In the Crucible of the Arcane, he uses the very lifeblood of Azeroth to forge weapons of pure energy.”

Forge-Magus Ozrun was once an elder of the Silverblood Vigil, a clan of Grayslate earthen who protected Dun Valdr even as it dissolved around them. Centuries of exhausting and fruitless efforts have done little to save their kingdom, and when Draugen Stonefell extended his hand and his vision, Ozrun accepted. Believing himself to be building a brighter future, Ozrun leverages the arcane history of the Grayslate with the resources of the Titans; forging weapons from pure magic, wreathed in flame, frost, and arcane energies. These levitating weapons fight of their own accord, dancing to Ozrun's will.

Item Type
[Runic Auroxskin Belt] Leather Waist
[Lonely Vigilkeeper's Mantle] Mail Shoulders
[Robes of the Wellspring Forge] Cloth Legs
[Arcane Artisan's Gloves] Cloth Hands
[Grayslate's Sleeping Gaze] Plate Head
[Vulknir, Force Multiplier] 2-Handed Axe (Str)
[Torch of the Lost Vigil] 1-Handed Mace (Int)
[Flashforged Magecutter] Dagger (Int)
[Flickering Lantern of the Silverblood] Trinket
[Warding Seidrstone] Arcane Curio
[Violet Wellspring Ember] Fire Curio
[Volatile Tempering Fluid] Frost Curio


Item Type Tooltip/Flavor Text
[Vulknir, Force Multiplier] 2-Handed Axe (Str) Equip: Abilities have a chance to summon a duplicate arcane axe that attacks your target on its own accord. If your primary target already has 2 axes, extras attack nearby enemies. Activate: Orders all axes to strike at the target, dealing high arcane damage and consuming them.
[Flickering Lantern of the Silverblood] Trinket Use: Summon a lantern that inspires hope, creating a widening ring of light around it. While within the ring, your healing spells heal additional players for X, increasing for every player within the ring of light.

Marduk, the False King

“Centuries ago, Marduk led the enkidians out of the darkness into Dun Valdr and claimed its palaces for himself. Sitting upon an empty throne in a dead kingdom, he believed himself to be king, squandering the power of the Titans in meaningless proxy wars fueled by endless armies of constructs. Now a prisoner of the Collective, Stonefell believes the false king may actually have some use for once. His captors subject him to unimaginable torment, turning flesh and blood into metal and lightning, so the king may one day be "perfect".”

Marduk was the former king of the enkidians, a race of proto-giants from Azeroth's underworld that have claimed regions of Dun Valdr for themselves. Naturally resistant to the Dissonance and its Blackrot infection, they lounge in stolen palaces, leading armies of constructs against each other for no other purpose than relieving boredom. Pretender lords squatting on a dead kingdom, the Collective naturally found their presence revolting and rained fire on their fortresses. Their king, Marduk, was captured and now lies chained in the Crown of Perfection, writhing in torment as Stonefell scientists experiment on his body, attempting to find a "perfect form" for the enkidians.

During the fight, Marduk gradually becomes more resistant to damage as his flesh is "reclaimed" into steel. Stacks of Flesh to Steel can be reversed by subjecting the false king to more experiments, though these may have unpredictable effects on his body.

Item Type
[Meddler's Gene Transcribers] Leather Hands
[Despoiling Giant's Skin Graft] Leather Chest
[Hood of Awakened Potential] Cloth Head
[Gauntlets of Corrected Mistakes] Mail Hands
[Chestplate of Ferrografted Flesh] Plate Chest
[Chirugeon's Fleshcutters] Warglaives
[Enkidian Tyrantblade] 1-Handed Sword(Str)
[Giantkin's Spinal Column] 2-Handed Staff (Agi)
[Perfect Specimen] Trinket
[Defaced Emblem of Kings] Ruin Curio
[Electroshock Restraint] Vita Curio
[Reanimated Tissue Culture] Death Curio

Stonefell Archivists

“Leaders of the Collective's expedition into Dun Valdr, the Stonefell Archivists were handpicked for their relentless pursuit of knowledge and loyalty to the cause. Mogan Delvemar translates titanic runes into holy scripture while Flint Arcbinder directs Vanahal's energies via abstract mathematical formulae. Their leader, chief astronomer Erris Shadeforge, divines their objectives using a celestial planetarium, responding to signals from the cosmos. True believers of their holy mission, the Archivists have calculated the odds of your victory. It's low.”

The Stonefell Archivists were reoccurring figures during the Dun Valdr campaign, their intelligence and narcissism extremely evident. They coordinate the efforts of the Collective within Vanahal, plundering the tools of the gods for their own uses. They wait in the Memory Vault, analyzing a conduit of pure knowledge flowing from Vanahal's depths; a resource they will no doubt use in their battle against you.

Delvemar translates titanic runes into words of holy power, healing and buffing his allies. Arcbinder bends uses mathematical formulae to weave spells against you, dissecting the arena in clean, precise segments. Shadeforge leads the assault, calling upon knowledge of the stars to burn away the interlopers.

Item Type
[Turncoat Scholar's Tunic] Cloth Chest
[Greaves of the Iron Librarian] Plate Legs
[Osseous Exhibition] Plate Shoulders
[Flint's Therapeutic Armguards] Leather Wrists
[Artifact Preserver's Toolbelt] Mail Waist
[Ageless Dustcovers] Cloth Feet
[Cloak of Lost Constellations] Back
[Shadeforge's Letter Opener] 1-Handed Dagger (Agi)
[Knowledge Seeker's Tomahawk] 1-Handed Axe (Str)
[The Complete Collection of Stonefell] Offhand
[Mogan's Unfinished Thesis] Trinket
[Signal From Beyond] Trinket
[Gleaming Crystal Skull] Holy Curio
[Ancient Vendetta] Blood Curio
[Catalog of Extinctions] Ruin Curio
[Folder of Forgotten Manuscripts] Crafting
[Archivist's Address Book] Other


Item Type Tooltip/Flavor Text
[Osseous Exhibition] Plate shoulders A set of pauldrons covered with the labeled skulls and other bones of various Titanforged races.
[The Complete Collection of Stonefell] Offhand An offhand item that is a collection of tomes held together by a leather strap.
[Mogan's Unfinished Thesis] Trinket WIP
[Signal From Beyond] Trinket WIP
[Folder of Forgotten Manuscripts] Profession Use: Reveal a profession recipe appropriate for your character from the Palace of Nerub. "The Archivists have amassed a collection of various profession recipes from the Palace of Nerub."
[Archivist's Address Book] Other Use: Commit Identity Fraud and begin receiving mail meant for one of the Stonefell Archivists. 1 week cooldown. "Shouldn't be left lying around." Upon use, the player gains a short debuff called "Identity Fraud"; the player will then receive an item in the mail meant for one of the Archivists within the next week. The first will always be a Reclaimed Kitten, while subsequent uses will provide various relics for Ancient Knowledge.
[Gleaming Crystal Skull] Holy Curio "Harrison Jones would like to take a look at this."
[Ancient Vendetta] Blood Curio "A documented blood-oath between two Earthen kings, vowing vengeance against one another."

Anxythas, the Weeping Tower

“Within the quarantined areas of Vanahal, the Dissonance has warped the artistry of the Titans into oil and rot. Blackrot infection has had millennia to fester in these disused halls, twisting its servitors into mechanical abominations. Whatever purpose Anxythas once served has long been forgotten, as was its original form. Now a towering monster of rotten iron and cloying oil, it will ensure the Dissonance's song will forever echo throughout Vanahal's foundation.”

Anxythas was once a clockwork construct serving within the vaults of Vanahal, yet the Dissonance and its Blackrot infestation has warped its form into an unrecognizable monstrosity. A slender figure towering over the battlefield, its iron frame mutated into a tangle of rust and oil, Anxythas rouses from its slumber within the Font of Neglect. As its corroded pipes echo with the Dissonance's song, it will unleash waves of oil and filth to drown the champions of Azeroth.

Item Type
[Effluvium Belt-Cinch] Mail Waist
[Waistband of Rattling Pipes] Plate Waist
[Coagulated Blight Bands] Leather Wrists
[Mephitic Ventilators] Mail Shoulders
[Custodian's Platform Shoes] Plate Feet
[Contaminant Transfuser] Gun
[Hammer of the Toxic Miasma] 1-Handed Mace (Agi)
[Clockwork Abscess] Trinket
[Scouring Flame Jet] Fire Curio
[Rejected Titanic Experiment] Death Curio
[Weeping Sludgeport] Shadow Curio

Choir of Folly

“The Dissonance is a perversion of civilization, and its ultimate goal is to return all that which is artificial to the cradle of primordial oil and muck. Rooted within Vanahal's foundation is an abscess of this infection; a choir of disfigured marble faces, joined together in a writhing mass. It's corruption spreads through every medium, as writhing hands emerge from the ground and earsplitting songs fill the air.”

The Choir of Folly is a manifestation of Blackrot corruption, sung into existence by the Dissonance. Once a Titanic terminal composed of beautifully-carved marble faces, it has become twisted into a writhing mass of disfigured faces, lips moving to a tuneless song. Similar to encounters with Old Gods and Il'gynoth, its main body is stationary while it summons multiple appendages onto the battlefield. Unlike them, these appendages do not take the forms of tentacles and eyes, but of elongated arms, horrifying faces on stalks, and disembodied hands.

Item Type
[Anguished Maestro's Gloves] Mail Hands
[Leggings of the Mindless Chant] Cloth Legs
[Oil-slick Clayshapers] Leather Hands
[Indecipherable Ink-Stained Sleeves] Mail Wrists
[Mask of the Stained Soloist] Leather Helm
[Palms of the Mad Artist] Fist
[Stendhal, the Weeping Performance] 1-Handed Sword (Int)
[Severed Hand of the Choir] Trinket
[Crimson Painter's Palette] Blood Curio
[Twisted Spark of Inspiration] Vita Curio
[Bone-Chilling Dirge] Frost Curio

Echo of Loken

“Once the jailer of Ulduar, Loken became an unfortunate tool in Yogg-Saron's resurgence and the downfall of many of the Titanic Keepers. His guilt and paranoia broke him just as much as the Old God's influence, with his madness becoming a tangible presence within Vanahal. Even now, an echo of him lurks within the Sanctum of the Prime Designate, entangled within a web of mistakes and falsehoods. Or, is it just another tool, a lie made manifest...”

The Echo of Loken lurks within the Sanctum of the Prime Designate, a manifestation of the Keeper's madness years after his death. His presence bars the usage of the Prime Designate's personal transporter, the only method by which the champions may reach Vanahal's depths. While he will bear the arcane and lightning magics familiar to those who fought his living self, the echo will also draw upon lies, deceit, and paranoia to extinguish those who come to punish him for his mistakes.


Item Type
[Hodir's Helm of Eternal Winter] Plate Helm
[Thorim's Clasp of Thunder] Mail Chest
[Freya's Nurturing Footsteps] Leather Feet
[Shackles of the Chained Maw] Cloth Wrist
[Mimiron's Sabotaged Plateguards] Plate Legs
[Drottgeir, Spear of the True Designate] Polearm
[Sif's Sibilant Whisper] One-Handed Dagger (Int)
[The Empty Silver Hand] One-Handed Mace (Int)
[Liar's Silvertongue] Trinket
[Loken's Last Word] Trinket
[Bone-Carved Ring of Helheim] Ring
[Archaedas' Gemstone Heart] Neck

Maiden of Sovereignty

“Within Vanahal lies the Mantle's Rest; a connection to the Titan's universe-spanning network, and an altar by which their cosmic power may be bestowed on the worthy, in the event of the Pantheon's destruction. The mantle of their divine ordering may only be given to those who prove themselves of this imperial reign. That is the duty of the Maiden of Sovereignty; she will test the champions of their power, resolve, and loyalty. If they are found wanting, they will be obliterated, as many who came before were.”

The Maiden of Sovereignty is an enormous Titanic watcher who has been tasked with protecting the Titan's Mantle from the hands of the unworthy, testing them for their raw strength as well as commitment to the cold, calculating, and emotionless task of ordering the universe. Many have come before her and all have been destroyed, save for Draugen Stonefell. While she recognizes the power and courage of Azeroth's champions, she believes they are unsuited for taking on the Titan's roles and would squander their gifts.

The Maiden of Sovereignty favors overwhelming physical force, crushing her enemies with a massive gavel.

Draugen Stonefell

“Founder and lead archaeologist of the Stonefell Collective, Draugen Stonefell had dedicated his life to uncovering the secrets of the Titans, only to learn of their destruction at the hands of Sargeras. In his despair, he was contacted by a voice from beyond, calling him to the depths of Azjol-Nerub. The voice revealed himself as the constellar Orsoron, promising Draugen the legacy of the Titans and their crusade to order the stars. Now, as he steps before the Mantle, body reforged into metal and lightning, he will sacrifice everything to claim his birthright, even Azeroth herself.”

Draugen Stonefell was once an ally to the Doorward Expedition before the reveal that he and his Collective are intent on reclaiming the legacy of the Titans. In the shadow of the Spire of Silence, he reconnected Vanahal to the Titan's cosmic network, so that Orsoron may bestow the Mantle onto him and the Collective. Now, in the Mantle's Rest at the foundation of Vanahal, he will assume the role of the Titans and launch a new crusade of ordering into the stars. Here, at the precipice of the beyond, he must be stopped.

In his newly-reclaimed body, Draugen will wield lightning and cosmic power in his attempts to crush you. During the fight, a spark of the Mantle's power may be stolen from him and passed between various players, helping them withstand his relentless assault.

Orsoron the Abdicator



Armor tokens are dropped by bosses in the second half of the raid, giving access to their associated tier set.

Type Class Prefixes
Instrument's Warrior, Rogue, Death Knight, Demon Hunter
Seeker's Mage, Warlock, Hunter, Paladin, Evoker
Harmonist's Druid, Monk, Priest, Shaman
Armor Token Slot Encounter Text Tooltip
[Lilting Runesphere] Hands Choir of Folly "It's singing softly..." Speak into the runesphere, requisitioning a Vanahal Class Set item appropriate to your class.
[Mocking Runesphere] Head Echo of Loken "Hateful laughter fills your ears..." Speak into the runesphere, requisitioning a Vanahal Class Set item appropriate to your class.
[Bellowing Runesphere] Legs Maiden of Sovereignty "It takes effort to ignore its commands..." Speak into the runesphere, requisitioning a Vanahal Class Set item appropriate to your class.
[Pleading Runesphere] Shoulders Draugen Stonefell "Desperation grips your heart." Speak into the runesphere, requisitioning a Vanahal Class Set item appropriate to your class.
[Silent Runesphere] Chest Orsoron "Can anyone hear you? Is anyone listening?" Speak into the runesphere, requisitioning a Vanahal Class Set item appropriate to your class.

Tier Set

  • Death Knight Death Knight: [Soulstarved Tyrant's Runeplate]
  • Demon Hunter Demon Hunter: [Stained Executioner's Vestments]
  • Druid Druid: [Regalia of the Clockwork Garden]
  • Hunter Hunter: [Synthstalker's Ironpelt]
  • Mage Mage: [Raiments of the Silvertongue]
  • Monk Monk: [Vestiary of Echoing Emptiness]
  • Paladin Paladin: [Unburdened Reclaimer's Soulsteel]
  • Priest Priest: [Grand Patternbinder's Finery]
  • Rogue Rogue: [Runic Revenant's Battlegear]
  • Shaman Shaman: [Ward of the Celestial Array]
  • Warlock Warlock: [Tapestry of the Dissonant Choir]
  • Warrior Warrior: [Armaments of the Ceaseless Engine]


  • [Vanahal, the Mantle's Rest] : Defeat all 12 bosses in Vanahal, the Mantle's Rest.
    • Unlocks the "Keeper of the Mantle" title.
  • [Mythic: Orsoron the Abdicator] : Defeat Orsoron the Abdicator in Vanahal, the Mantle's Rest on Mythic difficulty.
    • Unlocks the "Sovereign" title.
  • [Glory of the Vanahal Raider] : Complete all the raid achievements in Vanahal, the Mantle's Rest.
    • Unlocks the "Prime Designate" title.
    • Unlocks the [Wind-Up Key of the Reclaimed Synthdrake] .

Raid Skips

There are two raid skips available for Vanahal, accessible through the Vanahal Teleporter when unlocked. The first allows players to skip the first six bosses (entering just past the Stonefell Archivists) while the second skips past the first nine bosses (entering just prior to the Maiden of Sovereignty).

First Skip

Chief Cartographer Ironbell - "The Collective has dug themselves deep into Vanahal, like a nest of rats, and there's an army of machines and who-knows-what-else between us and them. They have the run of the place due to some blasted teleportation network they have linked up to their members. If we can gain access to that network, I should be able to teleport you past enemy lines, into the depths of the compound."

"Loken was a few knives short of a kitchen set, if you catch my drift, and some of the runes he used are baffling to me. If you can collect some samples from within the compound, I should be able to mock up a translation and get you in there."


  • 4 [Earthen Rune of Devotion] dropped from Forge-Magus Ozrun - "Exquisitely carved, perfectly maintained, it speaks of utter faith to a single ideal."
  • 4 [Soiled Giantkin Rune] - dropped from Skrymir, the False King - "Dirty and broken, a promise unfulfilled."
  • 4 [Expertly-Organized Codex] - dropped from the Stonefell Archivists - "The Stonefell Archivists were diligent researchers; egomaniacal, but diligent."

Second Skip

Vali - "A lie that drowns out all others becomes the truth. You only need to tell it again and again, until the world can't help but believe it. That power in the depths; it's your birthright, as well. Repeat that enough, and these halls will bend themselves to serve you."

"For that, we need tongues and voices."


  • 4 [Whispering Statuary Head] - dropped from the Choir of Folly - "The face gnashes at the air endlessly, but you don't understand its words."
  • 4 [Lies of the Prime Designate] - dropped from the Echo of Loken - "Sibilant and gentle, you almost begin to understand his reasoning..."