User:TheLongConn/The Dark Below

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The Dark Below
Northrend Concept Art Peter Lee 7.jpg
Location Azeroth


  • Surface of Northrend Defended
    • Emergent Swarm Repelled
    • Ammit'ar Cult Incursions Repelled
  • Nerubian Loyalists Reluctantly Ally with Ammit'ar Cult
  • Invasion force gathers around Pit of Narjun

Alliance and Horde


The Hivebound


Nerubian Royalists and Ammit'ar Cult

  • Nerubian Royal Guard
  • Ammit'ar Necromancers
Casualties and losses

Alliance and Horde

  • ~Unknown

The Hivebound

  • ~Unknown
This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

The Dark Below is pre-patch event for World of Warcraft: Necropolis, detailing the events of the The Emergence. In the shadows of Northrend's underworld, the kingdom of Azjol-Nerub has been steadily rebuilt, only to be caught between two forces of destruction; enslavement at the whims of the Hivemind of their Aqiri ancestors, and "salvation" at the hands of the Ammit'ar Cult, seeking to preserve their minds at the cost of their souls. As the kingdom struggles to hold itself together, the very foundation of the world begins to crack. The Hivebound are preparing their invasion, ferociously eager to split the earth like an egg and spill across the surface world, blanketing it in a wave of skittering talons and predatory whispers.

During the Emergence, 5 zones across Northrend will come under assault by the forces of the Hivebound, the enthralled nerubian legions of the once-repelled Hivemind of their ancient aqiri ancestors. Adventurers will participate in Emergent Assaults, fighting off the Hivebound and other minions of the Old Gods as they prepare to descend into Azjol-Nerub itself. The nerubians of the Azjol-anak have made contact with local defensive forces, offering powerful spells, arms, armor, and more in an effort to salvage their homeland.

All the while, the Hivemind whispers into your heads, speaking of communion, homecoming, and the creation of a great work.

Break its mouths and shatter its claws.


Five regions across Northrend will be under assault during the course of the Emergence; Howling Fjord, Grizzly Hills, Borean Tundra, Dragonblight, and Storm Peaks. Assaults will be split into 3 phases of ascending difficulties and rewards.

Stage 1

During Stage 1, attacks will be split across the regions, where the spidery minions of the Hivebound pour out of the earth from Emergence Pits. The smaller pits can be taken on by individuals and small groups, where defeating the invaders will rapidly fill up Seismic Charges that can be used to close the pits permanently. Collapsing these smaller tunnels will net you valuable resources such as [Aqiri Resonating Crystals] and [Shadows of the Underworld] . Be warned, closing the pits only removes one method of entry, as reinforcements will readily burrow up individually to reinforce these beachheads.

Occasionally, attempting to close an Emergence Pit will alert a Hivebound Khepworm that will burst from the pit to protect it. These foes can take considerable punishment and warrant a coordinated response of multiple fighters.

The larger Emergence Chasms stretch across wide areas of the region, where Hivebound drones and toxic fumes pour from their gaping mouths. Closing smaller pits and taking out notable enemies will add to a progress bar shared by all players, ending with the collapse of the chasm with the aid of trusted allies and temporarily freeing the surrounding area from further Hivebound attacks. The methods of chasm destruction vary depending on the region; adventurers will place [Dragonfire Flares] in Dragonblight to alert passing dragons, while the planting of [Ironroot Seeds] in the Grizzly Hills will crush the chasms between enormous tree roots. With each chasm closed, the assault gradually ramps up in intensity, yet adventurers will reap their rewards with powerful buffs and tradable currencies.

Stage 2

In Stage 2, the Hivebound sink their claws and tendrils deeper into the surface. In addition to Emergence Pits opening up across the region, adventurers will have to contend with Bloodcomb Hives and Obelisks of Communion that have breached the surface. Destroying these edifices of ruin will further break the Hivebound's hold on the region, though it comes at a great cost. The bloodcomb hives are viciously defended by legions of enthralled nerubians, bodies twisted and broken through void magic, while the obelisks nurture dangerous rituals, calling out to N'raqi and other loathsome harbingers of the Old Gods.

As the assaults intensify, Hivebound Mindrenders will burrow from the earth to press the invasion. Acting as central nodes for the expansive Hivemind, they direct their lesser legions and are high-priority targets. Be warned, they have great control over mental and psychic magics, turning allies against each other and pulling illusory foes from the minds of their prey.

Stage 3

The final stage of an invasion culminates when enough of the Hivebound's structures have been exterminated from the surface. The Hivemind calls in its most powerful adherents and beasts from the depths of the underworld, erupting onto the surface with religious zeal. These foes require legions of hearty adventurers to take down, but when their rampages have ended and their bodies lay lifeless on the cold ground, one can rest easy. Take up their [Pulsing Hivebound Cortex] and crush it in your hands, breaking the Hivebound's assault on this region.

For now.

Chosen High Caste Low Caste
  • IconSmall AqirCasterBoss.gif Zol'vakozz, Scourge of the Surface
  • IconSmall Za'qul.gif Nul'shorn, Depthborn Canticle
  • IconSmall Drest'agath.gif Gorsageth, Writhing Root of the World
  • IconSmall Il'gynothHeart.gif Korsek, Poisoner of Vordrassil
  • IconSmall GhostElemental.gif Etnas, Promise of Communion
  • IconSmall AqirPriest.gif Hivebound Mindrender
    • IconSmall GhostElemental.gif Psionic Projection
    • IconSmall MemorySmall.gif Intrusive Thought
  • IconSmall AqirGoliath.gif Bloodcomb Hivetender
    • IconSmall AqirTunneler.gif Fleshstarved Hatchling
  • IconSmall AqirPriest2.gif Bloodcomb Architect
  • IconSmall EarthNoble.gif Bloodcomb Golem
  • IconSmall BloodFaceless.gif Lightless Ruin
  • IconSmall FacelessGeneral2.gif Watcher of Ahn'Kahet
    • IconSmall HelyaTentacle2.gif Tendril of the Depths
  • IconSmall OldGodLesser.gif Underworld Horror
  • IconSmall Aqir.gif Emergent Ravager
  • IconSmall AqirTunneler.gif Emergent Swarmling
  • IconSmall AqirFlyer.gif Emergent Harvester
  • IconSmall AqirTunneler.gif Emergent Corpser
  • IconSmall AqirPriest.gif Hivebound Executor
  • IconSmall AqirGoliath.gif Bloodcomb Assimilator
  • IconSmall AqirPriest2.gif Hivebound Thoughtdrinker
  • IconSmall AqirCasterBoss.gif Hivebound Whisperer
  • IconSmall AqirCasterBoss.gif Enthralled Ritualist
  • IconSmall Bioworm.gif Hivebound Khepworm

Ammit'ar Incursions

When the Hivemind's first whispers began to worm their way into the minds of Azjol-Nerub, they were visited by unlikely guests. They called themselves the Ammit, a cabal of undead nerubians that had retained their faculties in the wake of the Lich King's fall. Having picked through the scraps of the Scourge's necromantic empire, they wield powerful death magics not in the name of destruction, but salvation; the undead cannot be enthralled by the Hivemind's void magics, and only through undeath can Azjol-Nerub be saved. What once destroyed the kingdom shall now preserve it.

As the Emergence continues and the psychic cry of the Hivemind echoes through the underworld, the Ammit give the Nerubian monarchy an ultimatum; surrender to undeath and its salvation, or become slaves to the Hivemind and its Old God masters. Believing they have Queen Nezerai and her royal court firmly in their grasp, the Ammit attempt to scour the surface world of any intervening parties, the Alliance and the Horde in particular. Using the Emergence as a smokescreen, the nerubian necromancers strike at the hearts of these world powers' far-flung colonies.

During Emergent Assaults, random cities within the region may come under direct attack by the Ammit death cult. Wielding disturbing necromantic magics, hosts of vicious vermin, and legions of chitinous husks, the Ammit will attempt to destroy and raise these cities, securing the surface of Northrend. Defeating these incursions will net more bonuses, including zone-wide buffs and [Ammit'ar Effigies] , which can be traded in for more rewards.

Unique Events

Every zone will have its own unique events that occur at particular locations around the region, such as Kraken and K'thir cultists assaulting the shorelines, the Emerald Nightmare rising from Vordrassil's poisoned roots, and the husks of dead mammoths being corrupted as horrible garmoths. See below for further details.

World Changes

In the wake of the Emergence, the most striking change to have occurred is the collapse of the Pit of Narjun. Now called the Maw of Narjun, this chasm drops into a frozen cavern that stretches beneath the surface, littered with the ruins of the decayed nerubian civilization. A minor questing and event hub during the events of the Emergence, the Maw of Narjun now acts as a portal into Azjol-Nerub, the heart of Northrend's dark underworld. It is here where the forces of Azeroth will gather to descend into the throat of the world. There, they will battle with a civilization that has turned to dark forces out of desperation, and the Hivemind eating away at their souls.

Areas of Conflict

Howling Fjord


Grizzly Hills


Borean Tundra




Storm Peaks



Inv tradeskillitem sorcererearth.png [Aqiri Resonating Crystal] can be obtained by defeating powerful foes, collapsing Emergent pits and chasms, destroying Bloodcomb Hives and Obelisks of Communion, completing unique events, and through rewards chests like [Tiny Bloodcomb Cluster] and [Bursting Bloodcomb Cluster] . These can be used to buy rewards from Azjol-anak Vaultkeepers, who are keen on studying these crystals and will be willing to part with their treasures for the opportunity.

Trade archaeology cthunspuzzlebox.png [Ammit'ar Effigy] can be obtained by thwarting Ammit cult incursions against cities. Much rarer, these are of particular interest to the Azjol-anak, and they will reward their capture handsomely with [Aqiri Resonating Crystal] , [Shadow of the Underworld] , or various Bloodcomb Clusters.



  • [Tiny Bloodcomb Cluster] can be obtained by completing Stage 1 of Emergent Assaults and uncommonly from notable foes. These contain small amounts of [Aqiri Resonating Crystal] and chances at armor and weapons. "The Hive secures its valuables in combs of gore. Something small glitters inside."
  • [Swollen Bloodcomb Cluster] can be obtained by completing Stage 2 of Emergent Assaults and rarely from notable foes. These contain larger amounts of [Aqiri Resonating Crystal] , guaranteed armor, and a chance at a weapon. "The Hive secures its valuables in combs of gore. There's a heft to this one."
  • [Bursting Bloodcomb Cluster] can be obtained after looting and crushing a [Pulsing Hivebound Cortex] , ending the Emergent Assault. These contain massive amounts of [Aqiri Resonating Crystal] , guaranteed armor, higher chances of a weapon, and a chance at [Shadow of the Underworld] . "The Hive secures its valuables in combs of gore. This one's ready to burst open."

Azjol-anak Vaultkeeper

  • Pets
    • [Bloodcomb Hatchling] : A small hatchling of the Hivebound nerubians, warped by void rituals and ghastly magics."It wasn't tempted by any whispers. It was born this way. It never had a chance to be anything else."
    • [Darksky Harvester] : A flying drone of the Hivebound nerubians, it bears little resemblance to the nerubian forms you know. "It feels so much more calm out in the open air of the surface. Or, at least it bites less."
  • Toys
    • [Emergency Emergent Chasm] : A toy that allows you to summon an Emergent chasm at any location, complete with swarms of tiny arachnids and insects pouring out of it. "For the rare situation in which a swarm of insects is not only wanted, but suddenly required."
  • Item Upgrade
    • [Shadow of the Underworld] : Can increase the item level on Emergent gear obtained during assaults. "Coalesced darkness from the world below. Something gathers in Azeroth's foundation, and its shadow stretches far."
  • Accessories
    • [Cloak of Mucous Webbing] : Back
    • [Bloodcomb Brooch] : Neck
    • [Skittering Leg Lariat] : Neck
    • [Jeweled Egg Band] : Finger
    • [Ring of Communion] : Finger
    • [7-Legged Figurine] : Trinket: Your damaging and healing abilities have a chance to grant you "Spider's Grace", increasing your highest secondary stat by X for X secs. "It's missing a leg. You're not sure if it was broken off accidentally or intentionally."
    • [Fractured Stone of Communion] : Trinket: Your damaging and healing abilities have a chance to link with... something, causing you to deal an additional X damage or heal an X health. "When you're desperate, you don't care who picks up."
    • [Void-Blessed Venom] : Your damaging abilities have a chance of infusing the target with Void Venom, causing an additional X shadow damage over time. "A taste of their own medicine."
  • Armor
Item Type
[Waspwing Robes] Chest
[Waspwing Slippers] Feet
[Waspwing Mitts] Hands
[Waspwing Hood] Head
[Waspwing Leggings] Legs
[Waspwing Mantle] Shoulders
[Waspwing Sash] Waist
[Waspwing Sleeves] Wrists
Item Type
[Wormskin Harness] Chest
[Wormskin Boots] Feet
[Wormskin Gloves] Hands
[Wormskin Mask] Head
[Wormskin Britches] Legs
[Wormskin Epaulets] Shoulders
[Wormskin Cinch] Waist
[Wormskin Restraints] Wrists
Item Type
[Dronescale Hauberk] Chest
[Dronescale Cleats] Feet
[Dronescale Handguards] Hands
[Dronescale Helmet] Head
[Dronescale Greaves] Legs
[Dronescale Spaulders] Shoulders
[Dronescale Belt] Waist
[Dronescale Bracers] Wrists
Item Type
[Chitinplate Cuirass] Chest
[Chitinplate Sollerets] Feet
[Chitinplate Gauntlets] Hands
[Chitinplate Greathelm] Head
[Chitinplate Schynbalds] Legs
[Chitinplate Pauldrons] Shoulders
[Chitinplate Girdle] Waist
[Chitinplate Vambraces] Wrists

Bloodcomb Clusters

Item Type
[Goliath's Shellsmasher] One-handed Mace (Int)
[Mindrender's Saber] One-handed Sword (Int)
[Assimilator's Axe] One-handed Axe (Agi)
[Blood-Drenched Antennae] Two-handed Polearm (Agi)
[Ravager's Edge] One-handed Axe (Str)
[Old Kingdom Club] Two-handed Mace (Str)
[Serrated Wingblades] One-handed Warglaives (Agi)
[Webstrung Impaler] Ranged Bow (Agi)
[Darksky Stinger] Ranged Crossbow (Agi)
[Psychic Antagonizer] One-handed Wand (Int)
[Scrawl of the Surface World] Off-hand (Int)
[Swarmling's Fang] One-handed Dagger (Agi)
[Bloodcomb Bulwark] Shield

Editor's Note: Many of the armor and weapons were intentionally given somewhat-lackluster names, given that this is just the opening gear for the expansion.

Bonus Items

  • [Chunk of Bloodcomb] : Devour the bloodcomb, gaining multiple enhanced stats. Each subsequent bloodcomb increases the stats gained by X%, up to a maximum of 5 stacks. After 5 stacks, further feedings result in vomiting. "Give into the sweetness..."
  • [Wriggling Synapse] : Crush the synapse in your hand, dealing X% shadow damage to all nearby Hivebound. "You feel a tiny voice in the back of your head. It says 'Please don't. Please don't. Please don't.'"

Whispers of the Hivemind