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This article is a player information page

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. Please make sure player character articles are in user namespaces - see the personal article policy.

Image of Terimas
Gender Male
Race Human
Level 70
Class Paladin
Location [1]

TBCLogo.png This user joined during The Burning Crusade.
Spell unused2.png This user prefers to RP.
Garithos portrait.jpg This user roleplays as a human supremacist.
Ability racial nosefortrouble.png This user HATES vulpera.
IconSmall NightElf Male.gif
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif
This user HATES night elves.
Inv misc bag cenarionherbbag.png This user prefers a casual playing style and is not hardcore.
Inv tinfoil hat.png Just because he/she/they're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get this user...
Lordaeron tapestry.jpg This user fights for Lordaeron in life and death.
Spell magic lesserinvisibilty.png This user has too many alternate characters.
Wowpedia icon stamp.png This user has visited Wowpedia in the past.
Inv misc book 07.png This user has a strong interest in articles on lore.
MoP-Icon.png This user participated in the Mists of Pandaria beta.
Legion-Icon.png This user participated in the Legion beta.
BfA-Icon.png   This user participated
  in the Battle for Azeroth beta.
Ability Mount PolarBear White.png This user's character has obtained a Big Blizzard Bear.
Achievement reputation wyrmresttemple.png This user plays on the US Wyrmrest Accord server.
Spell Holy ElunesGrace.png This user plays on the US Moon Guard server.

Player Characters

Alliance This user plays as a member of the Alliance.
IconSmall Human Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes paladin.png
This user plays as a human paladin.
IconSmall Worgen Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes hunter.png
This user plays as a worgen hunter.
IconSmall Gnome Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes warlock.png
This user plays as a gnome warlock.
IconSmall DarkIron Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes monk.png
This user plays as a dark iron dwarf monk.
Horde This user plays as a member of the Horde.
IconSmall Troll Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes shaman.png
This user plays as a troll shaman.
IconSmall BloodElf Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes mage.png
This user plays as a blood elf mage.
IconSmall Tauren Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes warrior.png
This user plays as a tauren warrior.
IconSmall Undead Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes rogue.png
This user plays as an undead rogue.