User:Tanone davis/The Remnant (Kael'thas US)

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This article is a guild information page.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. Guild pages must comply with the personal article policy.

Page last modified: 2018-04-27

AllianceThe Remnant
Server Kael'thas US
Levels 20+
Type Other
Accounts 80+
Armory The Remnant Armory


The Remnant is a casual social/leveling/raiding guild. Our primary focus is on education, community and family. The guild encourages friendly, non-elitist (yet knowledgeable) play. Its tenets are founded in fun, camaraderie and respect.

The Remnant can also be found on Facebook!

Click here to be directed to The Remnant's very own Facebook group. And don't be afraid to request to join! :) No request is denied.


There are two rules to follow when joining our guild:

  1. Respect the Guild
  2. Respect your Guildies

Membership Details

Guild Ranks

The Remnant's Rank structure is a hybrid structure which starts as a typical ladder. After 5 ranks, the structure changes to a departmental type. In these top 3 ranks, members elect to accept specific responsibilities. These 3 have slightly differing benefits according to their chosen roles. Finally, the top level Council which share all responsibilities (though some may specialize at their choosing) and the Guild Master,.

Lower Ladder

  • (Rank 1) Relic - This rank is a placeholder rank for players that have been inactive for a long period of time. Characters are moved into this rank automatically. When a character is moved into this rank, the officer that moves it will record the original rank into the Officer's Note. The Remnant has stated that while this does not insure the character may take over their previous rank, it certainly makes it more feasible.
  • (Rank 2) The Stocks - This is a provisional rank for new recruits. Though there is a repair allowance, Guild Bank Access is limited.
  • (Rank 3) Socialite - This rank is for members who are occasional and seek only the social aspects of the guild with minor benefits. They have slightly better access to the Guild Bank and a slightly higher repair allowance.
  • (Rank 4) Recruit - This rank is for members who play regularly and contribute to the guild or its members on several levels. Recruits are recognized by trends in performance and promoted by officers.
  • (Rank 5) Soldier - This rank is for those members who are active in the guild by contributing to raids and dungeon groups.


Unlike the ladder, all of our officers are of equal rank. However, limitations in the guild architecture force a ladder hierarchy from within the game. Benefits for officers are comparable to each other, but are specialized based on the type of officer. Each officer has a specific responsibility, chosen by that officer. These do change occasionally so this list is expected to be current.


Sovereigns focus on the PVP part of WoW.


The Veterans in The Remnant are those guildies who have been a part of The Remnant crew for a longer period of time than those in lower ranks. They show leadership and have knowledge of how the guild runs, and can help lower rank guildies when the Council and/or Governor is AFK.


Generals are geared toward PvE. They have extensive knowledge of party dynamics, build mechanics, dungeons and raids.

Council Members/Co-GM's


Posted soon.

Weekly Contests

Starting April 26, 2011, The Remnant is holding weekly contests for its members. These contests are meant to encourage the growth of its members and of the guild as a whole. Each contest is geared toward a specific type of character contribution or style of play. These contests are focused on diversity of play

Just for Fun

  • Alt-ernate Reality - On the last day of each month, The Remnant hosts an Alt-ernate Reality day. Members are encouraged to create a new character and enter them into the guild for the purposes of partying for the whole day. Whether or not the character is kept and leveled or deleted is entirely up to the member. As months progress, The Remnant may even sponsor specific themes, such as class-specific days or race-specific days.

Ventrilo "Vent" Information

Host: port: 5163

Click here to download Vent

Raids and Dungeons

For active raiding and general dungeons, The Remnant follows a few conventions that are different from many other guilds. In other circumstances, they choose to adhere to the standards. Though the guild has not done a lot of raids, they boast an extremely high success rate and actively teach other members how to be successful and even lead raids of their own. They achieve their success rate largely due to their officers' vast knowledge of the game and maximum use of its features.

Icon Usage

Raid icons are commonly used for two purposes. The first and most common is to establish kill order. The second is to direct crowd control. Both are equally important for the guild members to know. Kill order is self-descriptive giving direction for how to proceed through a fight. Crowd Control has seen much more limited use among active players as of late, but The Remnant still actively uses it as it greatly lowers the dps and hps required to survive a fight, and in many circumstances speeds up combat. In each circumstance, the party leader should state whether the icons are being used for CC (crowd control) or KO (kill order).

Kill Order
Order Symbol
1 IconSmall RaidSkull.png
2 IconSmall RaidCross.png
3 IconSmall RaidSquare.png
4 IconSmall RaidMoon.png
5 IconSmall RaidTriangle.png
6 IconSmall RaidDiamond.png
7 IconSmall RaidCircle.png
8 IconSmall RaidStar.png
Crowd Control
Symbol Class Action Notes
IconSmall RaidSkull.png Kill target Focus of all DPS.
IconSmall RaidCircle.png Priest Priest [Shackle Undead]
[Mind Control]
Use Mind Control carefully...
IconSmall RaidSquare.png Hunter Hunter Trap Usually [Freezing Trap]; think blue for ice.
IconSmall RaidTriangle.png Druid Druid [Hibernate]
[Entangling Roots]
If melee, cast before shapeshifting...
IconSmall RaidCross.png Shaman Shaman [Hex]
IconSmall RaidDiamond.png Warlock Warlock [Seduction]
Enslave Demon
IconSmall RaidMoon.png Mage Mage [Polymorph] Sheeped mob is the last to kill.
IconSmall RaidStar.png Rogue Rogue [Sap] Sap cannot be reapplied in combat.

Training Raids

In addition to teaching and maintaining skills, techniques and practices, The Remnant also hosts training raids. Training raids work a little differently than many of the other raids. Among the primary differences, training raids are often padded for success. This means that there are often several over-qualified members to run the raid so things don't get out of control and so that stress does not get too high. They serve as instructors and examples of how to perform.

At the beginning of the raid, there is an introduction. During this time, members are told whom the members' focus should be. If, at this time, members are not aware of how to set up their basic UI, then this is addressed before the raid starts. Specific proper practices are also addressed for the sake of emphasis.

The instructions for each boss fight are given every time in a training raid. This is done regardless of how many members are there who know the fight. Second, Deadly Boss Mods is discouraged (not forbidden) to make the training members more self-reliant and recognize the verbal and visual cues. Third, vent is not used for training raids. This is intentional to stimulate awareness. It IS used for all other raids. Finally, the code of conduct is stricter in that training is for people who wish to be better, so it is emphasized that listening and being non-disruptive is key.

After the raid is completed, raid leaders will address the trainees directly discussing successes or room for improvement as a team. Raid members are given a chance to ask questions, make comments and address concerns. Then, the raid leaders discuss the trainees and what could be improved by either the trainees or the leaders. After this is done, the leaders address each trainee individually on points of improvement.

Additional Information

Guild Experience and Reputation

One of the most frequent questions new members of any guild ask are "how important is Guild Experience or Guild Reputation" and "how do I get Guild Experience or Reputation?" Well, the answer is simpler now than it was when Cataclysm first came out. Just play! Guild experience can accrue rather quickly. In contrast, Guild Reputation is significantly slower and is based on Guild Experience, so is unfortunately based on level. The best approach to it is to work one toon until they are friendly, then buy the Illustrious Guild Tabard. Then work to Honored, and purchase the Renowned Guild Tabard for every character you want to raise.

Custom Channels

The Remnant creates and maintains a custom channel for use with our allies. The channel is utilized to find parties, raids and PvP groups for like-minded players to join up. Once the channel is joined by a character, it will be automatically joined each time that character logs on. This is meant for friendly, non-elitist players to have fun on our server, reduce queue times, increase general raiding success and inspire camaraderie. One does not have to be a guild member to join, but send a whisper to Wu in order to gain the password.

To join, type:

/join Reinforcements

Guides and Member Resources

Note... Information here provided by Veteran member Wu

  • Guide to Understanding Focus - Guide targeted toward revealing one of the most useful, yet overlooked features of World of Warcraft. Teaches techniques for mastering the focus that can help improve party usefulness and success, diversify hotkeys, maximize dps and minimize click times.
  • Guide to Power Leveling - Teaches the techniques used by our guild for power leveling a character. Several techniques here are well known, with a few special tidbits that really boost the leveling potential of a player, regardless of faction, race, class or build.
  • Guide to Successful Parties - Educates our members on what gives our guild such a high success rate when it comes to parties and raids. Provides information regarding conduct, communication, macros, and min/max combat factors.
  • Guide to Massive Monies - This guide is geared toward making our members successful at making money from the Auction House. Techniques here range from beginner to advanced and expound upon market observations and trends. The goal of this guide is to teach a player how to make a lot of money spending as little as 15 minutes a session inside the Auction House.