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Earthen Ring EU Alliance Tariella F IconSmall NightElf Female.gif Druid 80 Enchanting / Engineering
Earthen Ring EU Alliance Thonas M IconSmall Human Male.gif Mage 31 Skinning / Tailoring The Theramore Marines
Earthen Ring EU Alliance Anthius M IconSmall Human Male.gif Paladin 23 Mining / Jewelcrafting Stormwind Third Infantry
Earthen Ring EU Horde Kuzor M IconSmall Troll Male.gif Hunter 14 Skinning / Leatherworking

About the user

Inv misc book 07.png This user has a strong interest in articles on lore.
INV Helmet 46.png This user plays on an RP server and does, in fact, roleplay there.
War3Box orc.png This user has been playing since Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.
Ability parry.png This user is dedicated, but not hardcore.
Spell unused2.png This user prefers to RP.
Spell holy weaponmastery.png This user prefers to PvP.
Spell misc emotionangry.png This user dislikes the current ease of raiding and would rather have a greater challenge.
This user plays both factions and isn't ashamed to admit it.
Scryers Tabard.jpg This user's character joined the Scryers.
Achievement level 80.png This user has reached level 80.
(Prior to the level squish)
FemaleIcon.jpgMaleIcon.jpg This user plays both female and male characters.
Ability parry.png This user spent 1000 gold A LOT for Dual Talent Specialization.
Ability TownWatch.png This user plays on the European Earthen Ring server.
GrimtotemSpiritGuide.jpg This user would like for Blizzard to reenable the option to tame Grimtotem Spirit Guides.
Ability hunter pet netherray.png This user thinks that hunter pets with caster stats are broken, and that Blizzard should fix them.
Dark Portal Active.jpg This user's character has ventured through the Dark Portal!
Tarren Mill.jpg This user misses Tarren Mill bloodshed, although he/she has never been there!
TBCLogo.png This user joined during The Burning Crusade.
Firefox Logo.svg This user uses Mozilla Firefox to browse Warcraft Wiki.
INV Misc Coin 02.png "Show me the money!" Gold
This user loves to farm.
Races humans.jpg This user is exalted with Stormwind.
Races dwarves.jpg This user is exalted with Ironforge.
Races gnomes.jpg This user is exalted with Gnomeregan.
Races nightelves.jpg This user is exalted with Darnassus.
Races draenei.jpg This user is exalted with the Exodar.
Inv jewelry stormpiketrinket 05.png This user is exalted with the 
Stormpike Guard.
Achievement zone icecrown 05.png This user is exalted with the 
Valiance Expedition.
Inv jewelry talisman 07.png This user is exalted with the 
Argent Dawn.
Ability hunter pet bear.png This user is exalted with the 
Timbermaw Hold.
Shattered Sun Tabard.jpg This user is exalted with the 
Shattered Sun Offensive.
Spell arcane portalshattrath.png This user is exalted with the 
INV Shield 48.png This player has earned the title
of the Shattered Sun.
Achievement PVP A 16.png This player has earned the title
Ambassador (title).
Ability Mount RidingHorse.png This user's character has obtained an epic mount... yes, yes, just the racial mount....
IconSmall NightElf Female.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes druid.png
This user plays as a night elf druid.
IconSmall Human Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes mage.png
This user plays as a human mage.
IconSmall Human Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes paladin.png
This user plays as a human paladin.
IconSmall Troll Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes hunter.png
This user plays as a troll hunter.
Enchanting This user plays as a Enchanter / Engineer. Engineering
Skinning This user plays as a Skinner / Tailor. Tailoring
Mining This user plays as a Miner' / '.
Skinning This user plays as a Skinner / Leatherworker. Leatherworking
INV Enchant Disenchant.png This player likes to disenchant your pants.
INV Gizmo 08.png Oops! This user's newest device just rearranged the fabric of the Cosmos...
Inv shield 31.png This user plays as a Tank.
Inv sword 46.png This user plays as a DPS.
Spell holy renew.png This user plays as a Healer.
Swift crows.png This user's character completed the quests to turn into a Swift Crow.
Ability Mount GyrocoptorElite.png This user's character has crafted a flying machine.
Achievement boss edwinvancleef.png This user's character has cleared the original version of the Deadmines.
Achievement boss prince malchezaar.png This user's character has cleared Karazhan.
Achievement boss gruulthedragonkiller.png This user's character has cleared Gruul's Lair.
Achievement boss magtheridon.png This user's character has cleared Magtheridon's Lair.
Achievement boss zuljin.png This user's character has cleared the original Zul'Aman raid.
Achievement boss ladyvashj.png This user's character has cleared Serpentshrine Cavern.
Achievement boss kael'thassunstrider 01.png This user's character has cleared The Eye.
Achievement boss archimonde.png This user's character has cleared the Battle for Mount Hyjal.
Achievement boss illidan.png This user's character has cleared Black Temple.
Achievement boss kiljaedan.png This user's character has cleared the Sunwell Plateau.
Inv misc statue 10.png This user's character has downed 2 bosses in the 10-man Vault of Archavon.
Inv misc statue 10.png This user's character has downed 2 bosses in the 25-man Vault of Archavon.
Achievement dungeon coablackdragonflight.png This user's character has cleared the 10-man Obsidian Sanctum.
Ability Mount RidingHorse.png This user likes to mix and match his/her race with other race's mounts.
MurlocRaneman.jpg This user wants to Save the Murlocs!
Murloc.png This user is murloc.
Lurky.png This user is an avid pet collector.
Rx1 Kx2 This user can spell arakkoa.
IconSmall Draenei Male.gif
IconSmall Draenei Female.gif
This user can pronounce draenei.
Scholomance11.jpg This user can pronounce Scholomance.
Xx2 Rx1 Mx1 This user can spell Naxxramas.
R B4 G This user can spell Orgrimmar.
Rouge = Red This user can spell Rogue Rogue.
Rx1 Kx2 This user can spell Terokkar.
Spell Nature WispSplode.png This user prefers Arcane magic.
Spell Frost IceStorm.png This user prefers Frost magic.
Trade Engineering.png This user would like Tinker to be a playable class.
Ability Hunter BeastTaming.png This user wants hunters to have the ability to tame mounts.
Achievement goblinhead.png This user wanted the Goblin to be a playable race, and his wish came true!
Ogre Head.JPG This user would like Ogre to be a playable race.
Wanted Hogger TCG.jpg This user would like Gnoll to be a playable race.
KoboldMG.png This user would like Kobold to be a playable race.
Timbermaw Ally art.jpg This user would like the Furbolg to be a playable race.
MurlocRaneman.jpg This user would like Murloc to be a playable race.
Murloc.png This user would like Mur'gul to be a playable race.