User:Slamshady/Tony Zorro

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AllianceTony Zorro (Infekted)
Image of Tony Zorro (Infekted)
Title Lieutenant-Commander
Field Marshal (former)
Gender Male
Race Human
Level 80
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) Alliance, Stormwind
Occupation Officer, Special Forces
Location Stormwind City
Khaz Modan US
Status Deceased
Companion(s) Nerala Fedorath, User:Slaman/Tiaam Samorune, Sam Benson, Michael Jollner

Tony Zorro (code name Infekted) was a veteran of the First, Second, and Third wars before becoming a veteran of the Dragons, as well as a high ranking member of the normal Alliance army. Known for his combat prowess, incredible luck, and penchant for mischief, he accomplished many seemingly impossible feats in his service and is held in high regard by the few who are aware of these acts.


Early Life

Born Anthony Cain Zorro in Stormwind City sometime during the 16th year before the opening of the Dark Portal to a vagabond woman scraping an existence in the streets of Stormwind. He did not grow up in the orphanage, although his mother was almost never present. As a result, Tony learned to fend for himself almost from the time he could walk. He taught himself to fight through trial and error in scuffles on the streets of the city. When orcs threatened the kingdom of Stormwind in year 0, Tony found an excuse to slip into the Alliance army, despite being 16 years of age. His toughness and fighting skill were most likely the highest contributing factors.

First War

Assigned to an infantry division, Zorro defended Stormwind from the orcs' initial assault, then served in the army as they fought to maintain the safety of the kingdom's towns as the Horde pushed through the Portal in greater numbers. He quickly rose to a Alliance  [Corporal] as he showed much greater skill and instinct than most soldiers. He fought in the streets of Stormwind during the Fall of Stormwind Keep to clear a path for Anduin Lothar, who was retreating with the young Prince Varian Wrynn. Zorro barely escaped with his life as he leaped onto the last boat amidst a hail of arrows as it pulled away from the Harbor. Upon arriving in Lordaeron, Zorro was promoted to Alliance  [Sergeant] for his actions.

Second War

As Lothar pushed back into the kingdom of Azeroth, Zorro followed the Regent Lord's division and assisted in all the engagements that followed, being promoted to Alliance  [Sergeant Major] for his competence and ability to lead troops. At the Siege of Blackrock Spire, Zorro and the troops under his command were one of the most successful, as the troops under Zorro were fiercely loyal and inspired by his boldness. After Lothar's defeat at the hands of Orgrim Doomhammer, Zorro rallied with Turalyon to push the orcs back and win the day. For his efforts, Zorro became a Knight (Legacy) of Stormwind. He continued to fight in the desperate struggles all the way back to the Dark Portal, where he sustained a major injury that sidelined him for a long while right before the Alliance Expedition went through. Had he not been injured, he would most likely have been part of the Expedition.

After the official end of the Second War and the closing of the Dark Portal, the momentary lull in fighting allowed many soldiers to be up for review, as time did not allow much during the constant fighting. Zorro was promoted to Alliance  [Commander] after retelling his actions during the war and receiving recommendations from his troops and remaining superiors. For his service in the period between wars, he was promoted again to Alliance  [Lieutenant Commander].

Third War

With the advent of the Third War, Zorro was well established in the Alliance army. He led a regiment of troops from Stormwind City to Kalimdor to repel the Burning Legion at the Battle for Mount Hyjal. Upon returning in the final teleport by Jaina from the carnage there, due to his actions and lack of candidates, Zorro was promoted to Marshal (Legacy), which prevented him from directly participating in battle.

Alliance/Horde Conflict

At this point, Zorro was a world-renowned strategist and fighter, and he was able to contribute greatly to the initial Alliance efforts against the Horde in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, and Alterac Valley. He was promoted to Alliance  [Field Marshal], second only to the King and Grand Marshal of the Alliance forces. Shortly after receiving this rank, he was demoted back to Lieutenant-Commander for "behavior unbecoming of a figurehead of the Alliance army." Always a lover of alcohol and mischief, he was regularly found participating in acts many would frown upon. For his past efforts and due to the standards of the military, he was allowed to keep his rank below Commander. It is hypothesized by many that he was demoted on purpose, since his only true interest in the army was to fight, which being a Field Marshal did not allow very often.

Enlistment in the Dragons

Shortly after his demotion, he was contacted by then Regent Lord Bolvar Fordragon. Bolvar, sensing Zorro's frustration, offered him a spot as an original member of the Dragons. Zorro immediately accepted, and was assigned to the "Prestige" group. He participated in nearly every engagement up until the Shattering. During his time in the Dragons, he helped create many legendary items and tales, solidifying his spot in Azeroth's history.


During the Assault on Icecrown Citadel, Zorro fell ill. By the time the Lich King was defeated, Zorro was rapidly losing strength, and had to retire from the Dragons shortly thereafter. By the time of the Shattering, he could barely walk on his own, and was on bed rest for about a month before succumbing to liver and kidney failure in the Stormwind Infirmary at the age of 45. He had enough time to write a living will, and was cremated upon his death. His ashes were scattered into the Twisting Nether off the edge of Hellfire Peninsula, as per his request. It is presumed he did this to completely avoid being resurrected in any capacity.


With a mess of thick black hair normally tied up haphazardly in a bandanna on his head, causing him to regularly forgo the use of a helmet, one catches the attitude of Tony Zorro from first sight. His dark, seemingly black eyes are intent on whatever currently holds his attention. He is almost always seen in dark-themed, imposing armor adorned with various spikes, even in public and official gatherings. In battle, his incredible agility and dexterity coupled with tremendous strength allowed him to properly utilize a large and sinister-looking weapon in each hand. Always the first one into a skirmish despite the attitudes of his superiors, he required those who fought with him to keep a wide berth as he spun and sliced through opponents with the extraordinary reach he was able to have with two large weapons. In more private settings with friends he was commonly found fiddling with various musical instruments, and expertly so, to the surprise of many. He sometimes joked about how he could have gone down a very different path.


Not afraid to speak his mind, Zorro came across to those who did not know him as brash and irresponsible. However, as everyone quickly came to realize, he was as trustworthy and honorable as any. Highly knowledgeable and capable in battle, he also held himself to a code of honor among his troops, as he considered himself one of them. This is evidenced by the fact that he would be in the front line with them as they fought. Always unorthodox with his military lifestyle, Zorro was almost always under the influence of alcohol. The only time this proved to be detrimental was shortly after his promotion to Field Marshal, where he was demoted for his behavior (although it is assumed he did this on purpose to be able to participate in battles personally again). His drinking habits served to bolster his already headstrong approach in a fight, giving him an added sense of invulnerability. However, unlike many headstrong fighters, his skill complemented his attitude, and his opponents would be sliced to pieces or smashed to a pulp before they could respond to his onslaught. Even when struck or wounded, Zorro never slowed down, and would only stop his rampage when nothing remained to threaten him.


Zorro could make use of nearly anything as a weapon (and often did), and was not averse to wading into a battle with nothing more than something heavy and the clothes on his back. However, he did acquire quite a few pieces of notable equipment during his storied career.


  •  [Lionheart Executioner] - Zorro designed this blade as an officer between the First and Second Wars. It was crafted for him by Ironus Coldsteel, a weaponsmith of great renown. It is unknown what happened to this well-worn blade.
  •  [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] - Zorro's first mission in the dragons was to be part of the team that ventured into the Molten Core to take out the lieutenants and key figures of Ragnaros' army. Upon defeating Baron Geddon and Garr, Zorro discovered that they held the ancient bindings of a wind lord. Taking a leave from the fight in Molten Core, Zorro ventured to Silithus, where he met with Highlord Demetrian, who gratefully gave Zorro a vessel of rebirth to bring back his master, Prince Thunderaan. After defeating Ragnaros and delving into the ways of ancient elementium smelting, he returned to Demetrian to fortify the vessel with elementium and the essence of the Firelord. Luckily, he had returned with members of the Dragons who wanted to see the fruit of his labors. Thunderaan was defeated and Demetrian's duplicity was forgiven when he trapped the remaining essence of Thunderaan into the blade of Thunderfury, which was now the property of Zorro. On his death, Zorro gave the legendary blade to Sam Benson.


  •  [Shadowmourne] - Zorro was part of the team that helped forge this legendary weapon for use against the Lich King. After  [Shadow's Edge] was created by Sam Benson and Nath Robertson, Zorro volunteered to withstand the blood magic from Blood-Queen Lana'thel as he allowed the blade to siphon his own blood. With similar sacrifices from Hadar Stonefist and Arthur Ginsan, a working runeblade was created. Due to the massive number of Scourge that had to be slain with it to feed the runeblade, they all took shifts fighting the persistent waves of Scourge with it as they assaulted Icecrown Citadel. Although Darion Mograine had rights to full ownership of the weapon, he wanted no part of it after it fulfilled its purpose. Zorro had partial ownership of the weapon until his death shortly afterward. He only used it in a combat situation once.
  •  [Soul Cleaver] - An ancient axe used by Gaz Soulripper up until his resurrection as a death knight. It passed into the possession of Teron Gorefiend until Zorro helped defeat him in the Black Temple. Due to its ingrained dark magic and infamous history, Zorro did not will it to anyone, and its current whereabouts are unknown.


  • Battlegear of Might - This gear was forged in the endless heat of the area surrounding the Molten Core by the Thorium Brotherhood. It was specifically designed to withstand the fire magic of many of the elementals in the area, while still providing protection from blades.
  • Battlegear of Wrath - Originally created by Horde blacksmiths for the raid on Blackwing Lair, this armor was meant to combat the wild and chaotic magicks of the Lair's denizens. It was also made into a weapon itself to showcase the brutality of the Horde and the wrath of their retribution. Sam Benson recreated the pieces himself after seeing the armor and looting it off of fallen opponents.
  • Field Marshal's Battlegear - Zorro earned the gilded shining armor reserved for officers in the Alliance army after a great many battles and contributions to the war effort. He was one of the few to wear it in its first incarnation.
  • Warbringer Armor - Forged by Sam Benson (with assistance from Altruis) using the materials and design of the Burning Legion, this demonic-looking plate armor protects its wearer from fel energies and demonic taint.
  • Destroyer Armor - This imposing armor was made famous by the champion fighters of Kael'thas's army and was said to be designed by Kael'thas himself. Zorro re-purposed the armor of the champions that were slain and refitted them for himself.
  • Onslaught Armor - This bulky plate armor is extremely heavy and dense, effectively turning its wearer into an unstoppable juggernaut. Created by blacksmiths in the Black Temple and refined by the Ashtongue Deathsworn, this armor is stylized off of the massive plates that cover a pit lord's body.
  • Valorous Dreadnaught Plate - Forged by Argent Dawn blacksmiths based on the style and form of the legendary Dreadnaught's Battlegear, originally developed by Korfax. The newer version was created to be more of a weapon itself, as opposed to the practical, smooth form of the original version.
  • Siegebreaker Plate - Forged by Sam Benson with help from many of Dalaran's blacksmiths to emulate the regal, yet imposing armor of the Titan constructs in Ulduar.
  • Wrynn's Battlegear - This practical armor was developed for use in the Argent Tournament, based off specifications from the King himself.
  • Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Plate - This armor was originally made for use by the Ymirjar Lords in the service of the Lich King. Its design helps to withstand the constant chill of Icecrown. After finding pieces throughout Icecrown Citadel, Sam Benson redesigned it (with much assistance from Crusader Grimtong) to fit others.

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