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This article is a player character biography page for Planck of Shu'halo US created by Pittsburghmuggle.

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Image of Planck
Faction Horde
Gender Male
Level 100
Race Troll
Class Shaman
Professions Blacksmithing/Mining
Realm Shu'halo US

Planck of the Iron Vanguard

So.. yeah. 8 years of Alliance. I'd farted around on Horde toons now and then. I got Gando the Troll Priest to level 32 once, but Sunwell Isle distracted me from him and I never went back. I had run a Horde death knight through, so I had been to level 62 on Horde, but on Death Knights it really didn't count.

After letting it sit for several months, I decided to use my Character Boost for Warlords of Draenor. I knew I wanted to be a Troll - trolls were always my favorite of the Horde races - I was stumped on a class though. I realized that I wasn't interested in ever running a Dwarf or a Draenei, so a Shaman made the most sense. More providence came in - I had both leather and cloth heirloom gear (this was before the heirloom tab), and two heirloom daggers form a rogue that never worked out. He was the most heirloomed toon I have ever run, and he made it to 60 in less than a week real time, with 1 day, 9 hours, 27 minutes, 8 seconds played.

I named him "Planck" after Max Planck, the physicist who originated quantum theory.

Character Biography

Planck was very content as a guard. He worked in Orgrimmar until Garrosh Hellscream took over, then - not really being a big fan of Garrosh - he ended up being sent to Dreadmaul Hold in Blasted Lands, a very boring assignment. Still, he made the most of it. One day, while on duty on the battlements he looked down and saw the Iron Horde swarming toward the Hold. He turned to his Tauren buddy and said:

"Hey mon, dose orcs don' look like OUR orcs..."

The loss of the hold was a slaughter. Planck got knocked out and the next thing he knew we was awakening in an Alliance field hospital. The Alliance was being surprisingly nice to him - it turned out they had found him on the battlefield and saw he was still alive, and after realizing these orcs were not of the Horde they asked him what he knew - which of course wasn't much.

He feigned sleep as he heard several voices nearby debating killing him or letting him go. Finally the priest Monongahela came in with a Stormwind Guard, Pemberton, and they escorted Planck to the Horde camp as a gesture of goodwill. Pemberton loudly grumbled the whole way there (and the whole way back, to Monongahela) that this was a bad idea, but Monongahela's arguments for mercy in the face of this new threat had won out with the Alliance officers.

Planck doesn't know why he has been asked to assist in going through the dark portal with the Horde after what he has been through, but "Dem's orders."