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Master Sergeant Pemberton of the Shattered Sun


This article is a player character biography page for Pemberton of Eitrigg US created by Pittsburghmuggle.

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Image of Pemberton
Faction Alliance
Gender Male
Level 100
Race Human
Class Warrior
Professions Alchemy/Blacksmith
Realm Eitrigg US

Pemberton was my first character, started in March of 2006. I chose Warrior for the sheer heck of it, figuring Warriors do tremendous damage. I leveled him straight to 60 with no alts. He dinged 60 in August of 2006, then he became a weekend instancer/raider as I started up Zando.

Pemberton's profession is Alchemist/Herbology. Back in those early days I thought that sharpening stones were made with alchemy, so I chose it as his profession. I soon realized that I was wrong, but the ability to make my own healing potions as a Warrior was too good to drop. In 2014 I dropped his herbalism and started him working on Blacksmithing.

The name Pemberton comes from a day I spent in my birth town of Toledo, Ohio when I was fifteen. My stepmother was getting her haircut so I took a walk up and down a nearby street named Pemberton, and thought it was a pretty cool name. Seventeen years later, that occurred to me at the character select screen after installing WoW.

You can also see him on the Stormwind Guard collection page.

Character Background

Pemberton grew up in Tarren Mill, and seeing the undead plague which was starting to ravage Lordaeron his parents sent him to spend some time with his Uncle and Aunt, blacksmiths in the town of Lakeshire, Redridge. Pemberton got along fine with his Aunt and Uncle, but his older cousin Zando spent most of his time locked up in his room.

It was during this visit that the plague of undeath hit Lordaeron. Pemberton was deeply angered by this, and the moment he came of age he left for Northshire Abbey to seek his fortune for the Alliance. While still keeping in contact with his Uncle and Aunt, he hates the town of Lakeshire with a passion and has never returned.

He has a dislike for night elves, but trusts them - he just doesn't like elves standoffish and mysterious ways. He has an even stronger contempt for Death Knights, whom he feels should never have been permitted back in the Alliance.

He is a proud wielder of the  [Dragon's Call], which he found after defeating the Shade of Eranikus in the Sunken Temple of Atal'Hakkar. He had a hand in revealing Lady Katrana Prestor to be the Dragon Onyxia, and wielded the Dragon's Call against her in an epic battle to destroy her. Pemberton's proudest moment was handing the head of Onyxia over to the authorities in Stormwind.

When the Dark Portal was opened Pemberton was there on the front lines, however once conquering the continent he found himself in need of a break and spends most of his time fiddling about in Alchemy, specifically transmutation.

One of Pemberton's greatest fears is that his parents have turned into one of the Forsaken in the undead plague, and has never learned what happened to them. This fear was tempered somewhat when he personally assisted the group responsible for killing The Lich King.

Having avenged his parents Pemberton decided to take a break from his wandering lifestyle. He visited his Aunt and Uncle in Redridge, then went to stormwind where he took a job in the Stormwind Guard. When Deathwing struck, he did what he could to help. As Deathwing was defeated, and the Siege of Orgrimmar happened, Pemberton listen to the news closely.

When word that the Dark Portal had reopened and strange orcs were pouring out, Pemberton was tasked with informing adventurers that Archmage Khadgar needed them at the front. Then Pemberton resigned and headed off to join the fight, still clad in his Stormwind Patrol Armor.