User:Noobboycomics/Granfer Traenis

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This article is a player character biography page for Granfer of Argent Dawn Europe created by Noobboycomics.

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"I have made friends with their people, and what is wrong with that? What is it that is so different about them, to us? They may not look the same, talk the same, act the same but they have lives. They have memories, they have their innocents, they have their criminals. They are not the villains, and we are not the victims. This is a two sided conflict. We just need to learn to make peace and live as one. For while conflict will never truly end, we can make an effort. Make an effort to speak our minds about what we are expected to believe by society." - Granfer speaking his mind about his beliefs on the wars in Pandaria.

AllianceGranfer Traenis
Image of Granfer Traenis
Title Darkslayer
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Class Former Paladin
Affiliation(s) The Alliance
Alliance of Lordaeron
Argent Crusade
Occupation Pacifist
Location Stormwind
Status Alive
Cavarus Traenis (father)
Maria Traenis(mother)
Aldric (Brother)
Nelline (Sister)
Doradir (Rival)
Mentor(s) Vanilas Lighthope
Uther the Lightbringer
Alignment Neutral Good


Granfer stands just under six feet tall. He has a thin face with high cheekbones and a pointed chin. His mid-length hair is chestnut brown. His eyes shine a warm chocolate colour which seem to sparkle with a keen interest in his surroundings. Usually he can be seen wearing a muddy brown jacket that falls down to his knees, while a matching hat tops his head, worn down through years of use.

He is a quiet, thoughtful man, prone to trail off into thought mid-sentence. His voice is soft with a hint of a Lordaeron accent.

He is religious, though his faith being challenged on many occasions. These have led to strong beliefs about morals and warfare - that war is an atrocity and waste of life. His refusal to fight has led to trouble with the law, including a brief imprisonment. These beliefs have led to criticism and even abuse by people who consider him a coward. Despite this, he prefers to be diplomatic and calm, though he often struggles to see other people’s sides of an argument.

He holds a severe dislike of King Varian Wrynn, who he views as a reckless warmonger. Regardless, he holds a begrudging respect since a ceasefire was made with the Horde. Deep down however, his animosity still lingers, and in secret he whispers of a world without kings.


Early Life

Granfer was born in the city of Lordaeron, the eldest son of Cavarus and Traenis; some twenty years before the Kingdom's fall. His father fought in both wars against the Orcs, and eventually joined the Knights of the Silver Hand. This proved to be a huge influence on the young boy, and it was not long before his father decided to send his son to follow in his footsteps. Granfer grew up a slightly serious and bookish boy, rarely getting into fights although he had many arguments with his younger brother Aldric, mainly about favouritism and such. His sister, Nelline Traenis, would often avoid these arguments.

At the age of eleven, Granfer was sent off to be a squire to a fellow colleague of his father’s, a rather brutish paladin named Vanilas Lighthope. Despite his rather strict rules and short temper, he trained the boy in both swordplay and the ways of the Light and soon enough, the young Granfer showed possibility of becoming a great Paladin.

On his eighteenth birthday Granfer was knighted into the order of the Silver Hand and was given a title “The Darkslayer.” He continued to train with the order for many years in which Lordaeron was in a relative peace and had no further attacks.

The Plague

However, there were rumors of a certain plague spreading through the Northern Lands and certain villages were believed to be overcome with it. It was these times that King Terenas sent his son and a handful of Silver Hand members to investigate these rumors. Granfer, however, stayed behind as he was thought to be too inexperienced to bodyguard the prince. Shortly after Arthas returned from his expedition to Northrend, there were whispers that the young man had changed even corrupted. Although there were these rumors, Lordaeron welcomed her Young Prince with welcoming arms, and Arthas slew his father and destroyed his once beloved city. Many lives were lost when the city fell, including Granfer's mother and siblings. As the kingdom crumbled under the Scourge's feet, Arthas set out to find his father's urn, which was kept with Uther Lightbringer and soon enough, Arthas started his surprise attack on the order. The young Granfer took the task of heading out with a small squad to take down a number of Scourge. This was surely a suicide mission, but Granfer readily took the task, knowing that if he would die, he would die defending what was left of his homeland. Waves upon waves of the risen dead attacked the group, who fought desperately in a futile attempt to kill and burn any they came across. The battle overwhelmed the young Granfer, who realised that there was no chance of survival. In a rash decision, brought upon by panic and fatigue, he fled the battle, leaving his fellow soldiers to die.


Granfer fled to the town of Southshore and travelled to Stormwind City on a ship of frightened refugees. Once safe in the City, he became overcome with regret and shame, knowing that his men died because of his foolishness. He took refuge in the local inn, selling what he had including armour and weapons to buy a room. He then started to drink his life away and stayed like this for six years. Soon, he became friends with a young woman named Roanna Atkinson, a member of the SI:7. She took pity on the young man and showed him what he could become if he turned his life around and stopped drinking. Granfer agreed and started training in Northshire for a few months. It was here that he met another former member of the Silver Hand, a man named Ivir Lathian, who had been living in Ironforge after escaping the Scourge. The two men soon became friends and travelled around the South, helping in any way they could.

The Wrath of the Lich King

A few years after travelling through the Dark Portal to help fight off the Burning Legion, Granfer and Ivir came back to Stormwind, but not for long however. The traitor Prince Arthas, now the Lich King and fully in control of the Scourge was planning to destroy all life on Azeroth from his base of operation: Icecrown Citadel in Northrend. Despite being told not to, Granfer went out to Northrend with a few other eager recruits and signed up to defeat those who tore apart his life. He soon joined the Argent Crusade and spent ten years fighting in the cold North...


After the Lich King had been defeated, Granfer and his companions came back home, tired but uninjured, however his ideas on war had been changed forever. He had seen enough up in the North and vowed to himself that he would stop fighting and lay down his weapons and armour. He left the Argent Crusade as well, saying that war will not help matters and that peace should be the only option. With the sudden Cataclysm, Granfer stayed out of the front lines, instead choosing to be a medic and help heal those who were injured. From this point forth, he took no part in the real fight.

After Deathwing had fallen, Granfer found himself a few allies and friends including a young huntress named Morgrynn who views him as another father, and an aspiring Dwarven Paladin Genad Granitehand who Granfer promised to help train. He returned to Stormwind in hopes that he wouldn't be required to pick up his weapons again...


Granfer kept his pacific vow to heart and was extremely displeased when he heard that the Horde and Alliance had started another war, this time on the mystical lands of Pandaria. As a former member of the Alliance, Granfer was called up to return back to fight. Granfer however wanted none of it and returned the letter along with his apologies and his reasons for staying away from the fighting. This action caused an uproar within the noble houses of Stormwind and Granfer was tried and sentenced to six months imprisonment for pacifism and apparent treachery. During these six months, Granfer met a Tauren Druid by the name of [Nayavu Two-Horns who was captured by the Alliance. The two prisoners formed a fast friendship, even though they were both on the different ends of the war. Both of them passed the time by teaching each other the cultures of their people - Nayavu even teaching Granfer a small part of his language. After six months was over, Granfer was released and never saw the old Tauren again. The man was greeted to the cries of angry citizens - his actions were seen as offensive by most people of the city and Granfer was seen as a man of unpopularity. Granfer retreated away from society for a time, only coming out of his home to take small trips around Stormwind and spent most of his time writing anti-war poetry. He also developed a strong hatred for Varian Wrynn of whom he sees as a ruthless warmonger and privately wishes for not only peace, but for there to be a kingdom without a king.

Granfer never forgot the Tauren he had met in prison and kept studying the culture of the Tauren and even took a private trip to Mulgore to seek out Nayavu's tribe. He spent two weeks in the harsh lands of Kalimdore learning the Tauren language however he had to keep the trip a secret as he was still being watched by the Nobles of Stormwind - primarily a rival of his, a fellow Paladin named Doradir Lightcrest and returned to Stormwind thankfully without any trouble.

After the wars ended in Pandaria, Granfer kept to his reclusive ways though thankful for the King's decision. Nowadays he just keeps himself to himself - rarely seen outside of his home.
