User:Noobboycomics/Morgrynn Hycliffe

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
AllianceMorgrynn Hycliffe
Image of Morgrynn Hycliffe
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Class Hunter
Affiliation(s) The Alliance
Location The Pig and Whistle
Stormwind City
Status Alive
Relative(s) Casius (father)
Jean (mother)
Alignment Lawful good


Morgrynn stands at a reasonable height for a human woman of her age. Her long but rather messy black hair is usually tied in a scruffy ponytail to keep it out of the way when hunting. Her arms show a medium set of muscles and sport a few scars indicating a woman who has spent years fighting in the wilds.

She has a number of Piercings: one on the right side of her nose, two on the earlobe of her left ear and one on the side of her left eye.

She usually wears light, practical gear, mainly leather or cloth for when she is out and about in the streets of Stormwind, but when she is out fighting or hunting she wears heavy chanimail armour. She also wears a number of headdresses like different coloured bandanas or sometimes a hat or two.

You’ll mainly see her with a few melee weapons most of the time, usually a number of daggers or cutlasses, but always carries her signature golden heavy rifle with peculiar patterns engraved on it. You can tell she likes this gun because unlike her armour, it is kept in an immaculate shine.

She talks in a very sharp but clear voice that is sometimes raised when angry but kept at a normal manner when calm. She has a rather wild nature about her and never seems to settle down. She also has the habit of threatening people with her beloved rifle.

She is also seen with a rather large umber coloured mastiff which she calls “Buckley.”


"Dunno why people are so nosy 'bout other people's kid years. 'Suppose people are just curious 'bout that sorta stuff eh?"

- Morgrynn when asked about her childhood

Morgrynn was born to a working-class family in the then human occupied town of Southshore. As a child, the household only included her mother, Jean Hycliffe, and herself along with the family dog - Buckley. Her father remains a mystery to her as she had never met him - rumours have it that he left his pregnant wife to go and do business in the close city of Gilneas and was shut inside. Her mother was a nurse who never had much time for her only child and therefore there was no bond between them. This also meant that Morgrynn never had that much education or schooling as her mother was always busy. To this day, Morgrynn still cannot read nor write and has the lowest of manners.

She spent a lot of time picking flowers with her mother that would then be crushed to make medicines and teaching herself to hunt with her father's old rifle. She also was quite sociable and made friends with a number of children; however her loss of manners and violent nature gained her the reputation of being a bully.


"Go to Stormwind they told me. Don't worry 'bout your ma. She'll make it through. So off I went with a gun slung across my back, a Mastiff at my feet and a few hungry orphan mouths to feed."

As Azeroth waged a war against the elements and Deathwing ravaged the whole world, the Forsaken took this opportunity to attack the town. As her hometown burned, Morgrynn was told to leave her mother (who was helping tend to the wounded and plagued) and to travel to Stormwind along with a few orphans of the town. This she did, taking Buckley and her rifle with her and set off. They travelled for days, though due to Morgrynn's good hunting skills they were rarely hungry.

When Morgrynn and her group of wearied orphans came to the soggy Wetlands, they came across an old merchant who was planning to travel to Ironforge. Being of the kindly sort, the merchant allowed the group to travel with him but at the price of three copper coins. Luckily, Morgrynn took a small bit of the family's savings with her and was able to pay this fee.


"Kind fella he was. Rarely talked though. Still wonder what happened to him."

A deal was a deal. When the caravan trundled into the large city of Ironforge, the merchant parted ways with the group but left them some money from his shop. This helped them pay for necessities such as food and clothes and also a ticket for the tram that would eventually take them to Stormwind. They spent ten days in the Dwarven capital which is why Morgrynn has a love of alcohol.


"We were told that the walls were white as snow and that there was the most charitable folk that lived there. Remind me to never trust the word of others again."

The first thing that the group saw as they stepped out of the tunnel between the Dwarven District and the trams was the smog that lingered in the air. It filled their lungs and made it difficult to breath, the sounds of hammers upon anvils made their heads ache. The four of them bought a room at the Golden Keg and slept the night there. At sunrise, Morgrynn took the three orphans to the Stormwind orphanage and walked around the city to search for a job. However, jobs were not easy to come by for a woman of her status and therefore she had to make a living from scrounging around in the gutters. She gained a few copper coins from selling her father's rifle; the only item she had kept from Southshore. Distraught and angry, and feeling as though she had no reason or purpose, Morgrynn fell into depression and lived on like this for a few months.


"Never gave up on me he did. Always knew I could improve an' for that, I repaid him by stayin' by his side."

- Morgrynn's thought on Granfer

The first time Morgrynn had met her future father-figure, she had a fatal wound to her leg that he helped fix.