User:Nakabeast/Dungeon Journal Fall of the Zandalari

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Currently Under Construction; Part of the Fall of the Zandalari raid concept

Fall of the Zandalari

Following Deathwing's calamitous Cataclysm, the Zandalari, one of the oldest empires of Azeroth, have struggled to survive as their home of Zandalar sinks into the Great Sea. After failed alliances with various troll empires and the Thunder King Lei Shen, the Zandalari, led by the ambitious Prophet Zul, have prepared to launch one final invasion of Azeroth. Rastakhan, the Zandalari's former king, has enlisted the aid of the Horde in the Alliance to crush the Zandalari's conquest and put an end to Zul once and for all.

Ui ej boss nofal.png Nofal the Beastmaster
An avid lover of all sorts of mighty creatures, Nofal has participated in every Zandalari campaign to date, capturing unique beasts all across the globe. Pandaria was especially good to the beastmaster, offering an assortment of cloud serpents, mushan and other exotic creatures. Now, armed to the teeth with Pandaria's finest, Nofal uses her new ferocious allies in her defense of Mugamba's great sanctuary.
File:Ui ej boss megaera.png Karybdon
Deep within the pure waters of Mugamba's falls, the sea serpents of Zandalar have grown to monstrous sizes. Among them is Karybdon, one of the last remaining patriarchs of its kind. Stationed in the holy Fountain of the Loas, Karybdon has taken on properties of the holy spirits, becoming almost and powerful as the gods themselves. Aggressive and stubborn, this mighty serpent does not take kindly to strangers.
File:Ui ej boss chief ukorz sandscalp.png Veterans of the North
During the campaign against the Lich King, the Zandalari sent a team of their best soldiers, scholars, and doctors to the fallen city of Zul'Drak to quell the madness that was consuming the Drakkari. Among the army were Scalper Ahunae, Element-Tamer Dagoda, and Witch Doctor Khufu. These champions of Zandalar, led by the master rogue Falthir the Sightless, now act as Mugamba's final defenders, hoping to bring glory to Zandalar once more.
Colossus.png Colossus of Zuldazar
For millennia, the massive Colossus of Zuldazar towered over the summit of Zandalar's capital city, acting as a figurative protector of the troll empire. Following the Cataclysm and the destruction of Zuldazar, the titanic statue was transported to Mugamba's summit to continue its duty as protector. It is rumored that the Colossus houses the souls of fallen Zandalari kings. The Prophet Zul aims to ignite those souls and turn them upon his empire's invaders.
UI ej boss denchulu.png Den'chulu
Although Vol'jin openly opposed Zul and his union of the troll nations, not all of the Darkspear Tribe held the same convictions. Den'chulu, a teacher of druidism, was one of the few who saw merit in Zul's plan. Alongside others who saw a future with the Zandalari, Den'chulu led a secession from the Horde, pledging loyalty to Zul and the Zandalari. As a test of faith, the prophet placed leadership of the invasion of the Echo Isles at Den'chulu's feet. Now, the master shapeshifter assaults her former home, hoping to seize it in the name of Zandalar.
UI ej boss arctikus.png Great Father Arctikus
For years, the vicious Frostmane trolls have been locked in conflict with the dwarves of Dun Morogh. When the tribe was approached by the Zandalari ambassador Hekima the Wise about joining their ranks, the tribe's leader, Great Farther Arctikus, began to prepare an assault on Ironforge to show the Zandalari of his strength. Although Hekima fell, the oath of loyalty did not. Armed with the magical tools from Zandalar, Arctikus and what remains of the Frostmane assault the Gates of Ironforge where the enduring conflict between the two kingdoms will finally reach its climax.
File:Ui ej boss zian of the endless shadow.png Guan'yao the Soulstealer
During the Horde and Alliance's assault on the Throne of Thunder, the clever Guan'yao and a small sect of mogu warriors fled to the shores of Mugamba Isle to find refuge with the Zandalari. Once Zul set his eyes upon seizing the blood elves' Sunwell for his empire's needs, the prophet tasked the mogu spiritbinder to lead the seizure of the sacred well and the use of its magical waters to empower the spirits of the Zandalari.
File:Ui ej boss oondasta.png Gonk the Great Hunter
The great raptor loa Gonk the Great Hunter was once the worshiped being that taught the trolls how to connect with nature and embrace druidism. In more recent times, however, the unrest between the various troll nations has infuriated him. Marching upon Nordrassil, the Zandalari attempt to summon Gonk into the mortal world, enslaving the mighty loa in their campaign to destroy the world tree.
UI ej boss servitors.png Servitor Twins
Years ago, King Rastakhan sent an emissary of his wisest trolls to the Stranglethorn Vale in order to combat the threat of the Gurubashi. Among them were Vinchaxa, the Servitor of Zanza, and Exzhal, the Servitor of Rastakhan. Following the destruction of Hakkar, both servitors were tasked with overseeing the construction of Zul'Zanzar. Combining their vast intellect and magical abilities, the Twin Servitors were successful in creating the mobile city and would give their lives to ensure its survival.
UI ej boss hirandar.png Hir'andar
Deep in the jungles of Zul'Gurub, the Gurubuashi trolls worshiped the mighty bat god Hir'eek. When Zul'Gurub fell for its second time, the Zandalari combed the city and retrieved any resource that could aid them in their resurgence. Among the treasures and weapons, two batriders, Maaka and Rafae, discovered multiple offspring of Hir'eek. One child in particular rose to be the Zandalari's greatest warbat: Hir'andar. Surrounding the skies above Zul'Zanzar, Hir'andar leads the Zandalari's warbat riders in defense of the Horde and Alliance's retaliation.
File:Ui ej boss spoils of pandaria.png Prison of Souls
Designed by Rastakhan himself, the dreaded Prison of Souls was an interrogation system that used voodoo energies to extract the truth from the prisoner's soul. When Zul'Zandar was being constructed, Zul weaponized the prison to torture rather than interrogate. Deep in the bowels of the flying bastion, Rastakhan now acts as the Prison of Soul's victim. Watched over by Overseer Tol'mar, the prison will no doubt kill the former king if it is not destroyed.
UI ej boss jaaushu.png Tiki Lord Jaa'ushu
Among the many enchanted tikis that the various troll nations have created for centuries, none have have come close to possessing the power of Jaa'ushu. Combining the powers of the most prolific troll magic from across Azeroth, Jaa'ushu is imbued with the very essence of the troll race. The massive tiki lord acts as gatekeeper to the higher reaches of Zul'Zanzar and will crush any who are deemed unworthy of the Zandalari's patience.
File:Ui ej boss jin'rokh the breaker.png Zanza
Regarded as the prime loa of the Zandalari, Zanza was once at peace with the heroes of Azeroth, assisting them in their war against the Gurubashi years ago. However, as the Zandalari's allegiances shifted, so did Zanza's. The loa's voodoo magics have contributed to fueling Zul's war through strengthening his soldiers in addition to powering Zul'Zanzar, the city named for him. With Zanza as the last of the Zandalari's loas still on their side, the fate of the empire's survival rests on his will. Zanza will do anything in his power to ensure the survival of his people.
UI ej boss prophet zul.png Prophet Zul
Zul, wise prophet and leader of the Zanchuli, knew of the devastation that was approaching Zandalar. Although he begged King Rastakhan to prepare for the calamity to come, it fell on deaf ears. When the Cataclysm came and destroyed his homeland, it was Zul that the Zandalari followed. The destiny of his entire nation fell upon the prophet's shoulders. Zul united the troll kingdoms across Azeroth to protect the Zandalari, to protect what it means to be troll. Failure after failure has come to Zul, yet his constitution has never wavered. With the Zandalari's final moments approaching, now is not the time for Zul to fear.
UI ej boss voodoo engine.png The Voodoo Engine
Deep within the heart of Zul'Zanzar, the Voodoo Engine churns, a powerful generator that keeps the floating bastion in the skies. Designed by the loa Zanza, engine was crafted in the depths of the voodoo realm by the spirits themselves. The engine is protected by various levels of security that aim to stop any harm coming to the engine's functions. Although the origin of the magical energies that power the engine remain a mystery to even Zul, faint cries of anguish can be heard within the engine. Cries for blood. Cries for release.
UI ej boss rastakhan.png Rastakhan
For over two hundred years, Rastakhan ruled the kingdom of Zandalar. Stubborn and naive, the king ignored the visions of disaster his adviser Zul warned him of. When the Cataclysm finally struck, Rastakhan lost the favor of his people. In his stead, Zul became the leader of the Zandalari, and the former king could only watch on in horror at the atrocities Zul committed in the name of his homeland. His pride shattered, Rastakhan devised a plan to right his wrongs. Uniting the champions of Azeroth, Rastakhan led a final counterattack against Zul and the Zandalari. However, in the ruins of his empire, and with little left to live for, it dawns upon the former king that all who once donned the name Zandalari have been eliminated. All, that is...but one.