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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

Mira is an avid player of World of Warcraft, and also a casual role player. Her main characters are on the server Scarlet Crusade (US) and Wyrmrest Accord (US). She plans on making a fan fiction called The Cleansing of Azeroth, which takes place post-Cataclysm. Her characters are listed below.


Some of the characters below are actual characters Mira plays in World of Warcraft, while others are only featured in The Cleansing of Azeroth. Be aware that the role play information given takes place just before the first chapter of her fan fiction.

Kajia Scartooth

HordeKajia Scartooth
Image of Kajia Scartooth
Title <Ambassador of Elements>
Gender Female
Race Troll
Level 80
Class Shaman
Occupation Ambassador, Adventurer, Leatherworker
Location Nagrand
Relative(s) Tok (father), Nai (mother), Dorchun Scartooth (adoptive father)
Mentor(s) Dorchun Scartooth, Zul'Kana
Companion(s) Jufera, Naliri Spirithoof, Rokun Spirithoof, Firos, Terran, Aquo, Zeffor
Alignment Lawful Good

Kajia Scartooth is a shaman with what some would call a "magic tongue". She can appease almost anyone and talk her way out of almost any situation, and this has gotten her extreme respect from most factions, especially the elements, who have the closest ties with her.

In World of Warcraft

The character Kajia, out of all of Mira's characters, was the first to reach 80. She is an Elemental/Restoration shaman, and resides on the server Scarlet Crusade. You can find her on weekends doing the weekly raid, and weekdays farming heroics for justice points to buy heirlooms for the upcoming Cataclysm. When she's not in an instance, she usually stays just outside the Horde inn in Dalaran, or on thursdays she roleplays with her guild, the <Crimson Vanguard>.

Roleplaying Information


Kajia has a deep blue skin and crimson red eyes. Neon red hair flares out in a mohawk fashion from her scalp, while braids flow down to her shoulders, simulating a fire on her head. Long tusks seep through the opposite sides of her mouth, curving in opposite directions. She is average height by troll standards, but considering that troll standards are extremely tall, she towers above most Humans and/or Blood Elves.


She not only communicates with most elements, she thinks of some of them as close friends. In fact, Zeffor the wind elemental, Firos the fire elemental, Aquo the water elemental, and Terran the stone elemental have been with her her whole life, serving as her childhood companions. She sometimes talks to them in public, calling them by name, but since no one besides other shamans can see them, it looks as if she’s talking to herself most of the time.


Kajia was born a year before the Second War, on the Darkspear Islands. Her mother died during childbirth, so it was left to her father to raise her. Her father also enlisted the help of a woman named Zul’kana, who was despised by most for being a female witch doctor. Zul’kana could see Kajia’s “imaginary friends” as well, which was the main reason for Kaija’s father asking for her aid. A girl three years younger than Kajia, named Jufera (often called “Juju”), became her childhood friend, and partook in Zul’kana’s teachings. A year before Thrall came to the Darkspear Islands, Jufera’s parents had arranged a marriage for her. Not being able to cope with this, Jufera said her goodbyes to Kajia and Zul’kana and fled on a raft heading west, towards Durotar. A year later, Kajia’s father made friends with an Orc shaman named Dorchun Scartooth. When Kajia’s father and Zul’kana died at the hands of Zar'jira, their dying wish was for Dorchun to raise Kajia for the rest of her youth. For the next 5 years Kajia lived in the Valley of Trials, training as a shaman under Dorchun. Dorchun was the first who recognized Kajia’s imaginary friends as elementals, and taught her to communicate with all the elements. When Kajia turned 18, she left the Valley of Trials and headed to the new capitol of the Horde, Orgrimmar. She learned how to use the element of earth to create totems, which she carved herself out of wood. After using her totems to help defeat the demons in Ragefire Chasm, Kajia went to an audience with Thrall and gained his favor. She was sent on more missions as an representative of the Horde to faraway lands, and gained favor with Cairne Bloodhoof, Sylvanas Windrunner, and Lor'themar Theron. She also learned to use the elements of fire, air, and water to create more totems along her journeys. Shortly after she was made an Ambassador of the Horde, she was sent to Outland. After the Horde had defeated Illidan, Kajia was sent to Northrend to help defeat the Lich King. During the Cataclysm, she used her healing powers to aid those who were injured. Then, after the demise of Deathwing the Destroyer, she sided with Thrall during the splitting of the Horde. Her next mission, however, will perhaps be the deadliest one. For her next mission involves a necklace, a necromancer, and the Cleansing of Azeroth.


Nemae (formerly Jayla Lucam)

Image of Nemae
Title <The Death of Light>
Gender Female
Race Forsaken
Level 64
Class Death Knight
Occupation Bodyguard, Alchemist, Adventurer
Location Tirisfal Glades
Relative(s) Robert Lucam (father), Susan Lucam (mother), Nicholas Lucam (brother), Rebecca Lucam (sister)
Mentor(s) Xavier Cross, Adranos Nightfade
Companion(s) Malenia Soldaris, Rena Cross
Alignment Neutral Good

In World of Warcraft

The character Nemae is a level 64 Blood/Unholy specced Death Knight on the server Scarlet Crusade. Mira has put off leveling Nemae, like all her other alts, until Kajia earns a full set of heirlooms for her. Nemae is also in <The Crimson Vanguard>.

Roleplaying Information


From her chopped, short brown hair to her bulky, black, blue-trimmed plate armor, you can barely tell Nemae is a woman. The only hints that give away her gender are a slight curve to her face and body, and a feminine quality to her voice. Two leather straps are attached to her face, supposedly hiding what used to be her eyes and nose. A small, blue glow emanates behind the spots where her eyes should be.


She carries a doll with her at all times, and whenever she gets angry or frustrated she will start to rip the doll apart. Being that Nemae has anger management issues, the doll is in constant need of repair.


Jayla Lucam was born in what was once called Lordaeron, and is now called the Eastern Plaguelands. She was born the youngest of three siblings, her sister Rebecca Lucam being two years older than her, and her brother Nicholas Lucam being five. When she was 6 years old, her mother sewed her a doll that looked just like Jayla, from her blonde hair to her big, blue eyes. Jayla loved her doll immediately, and took it everywhere with her. Even when she left the Lucam farm to visit the city of Stratholme for her paladin training, she would always keep the doll someplace on her person. Rebecca and Nicholas also trained in Stratholme, and while Rebecca trained to become a priestess, and Nicholas trained to become a mage.

Just before Prince Arthas Menethil came to cull Stratholme, Jayla and Nicholas ate some bread made from infected grain on one of their visits, and went back to the farm before the mass slaughter. Rebecca did not visit Stratholme that day, and did not eat the bread. When the two reached home, Nicholas died of the plague first. Jayla’s parents mourned over the death of their oldest and only son, ignoring their remaining to daughters and the farm itself to grieve over the loss. Rebecca was the only one to notice that Jayla had attained the plague as well, but she was also a budding alchemist, and swore to Jayla she would cure her before her death. Love, however, comes at the most inopportune times. Rebecca fell in love with a farmer named Marcus Bennet, forsaking the task of saving her sister and letting Jayla succumb to the plague. Jayla died, and rose from her grave to become one of the dreaded scourge soon after Nicholas rose.

Nicholas was one of the few to break free of the Lich King’s grasp along with the Banshee Queen Sylvanas Windrunner, and a few years later he made sure Jayla broke free too. Jayla, now a warrior of the Forsaken, and Nicholas, a mage of the Forsaken, took up adventuring and traveled to places like the Arathi Highlands, Silithus, and the Burning Steppes. Slowly but surely, hate grew inside Nicholas. A hate of the Horde, a hate of the Forsaken, and a hate of life. He left the Forsaken and took up necromancy for the Lich King, without Jayla’s knowledge. Thinking Jayla would be better off not knowing of her brother’s misdeeds, Sylvanas sent Jayla to Outland to aid against the Burning Legion. When Illidan had been put to rest, Jayla headed back towards the Undercity, only to be intercepted by her brother when she set foot on Azeroth. Nicholas tried to convince Jayla to join the scourge willingly, but Jayla refused, resulting in her second death.

Jayla was raised as a Death Knight by Nicholas himself. She was trained by the Death Knight Adranos Nightfade, a former Blood elf mage. She killed countless humans, and one of the only things that made her waver from the Lich King’s will was the fact that Jayla still had her doll. Knowing that Jayla was gaining willpower, the Lich King sent her to the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel. Not knowing Jayla still had the doll, Nicholas tried to convince the Lich King not to send Jayla on the suicide mission, but the Lich King denied his request. This, among other things, was what ultimately led to Nicholas’ decision to leave the Lich King’s army, and no word has been heard of him since. After the Battle for Light’s Hope Chapel, Jayla joined the Knights of the Ebon Blade. She changed her name from Jayla Lucam to Nemae. Nemae rejoined the Horde, taking up her sister’s old profession, alchemy, and became a renown alchemist living in Undercity. She witheld from using the powers given to her by the Lich King because of the death it had caused, until a peculiar thing happened. The Cataclysm emerged.

Nemae was grudgingly sent on a mission to the Hillsbrad Foothills, where she would be forced to use her abilities. She procrastinated from using the Lich King’s gift until she found a lone Blood elf warlock being attacked by elementals, and she decided, just this once, to use her powers to save the Sin’dorei. The warlock, whose name was Malenia Soldaris, eventually hired Nemae to become her bodyguard, and Nemae began using her powers again. Though Malenia does repair the doll Nemae has kept with her all her life, Malenia might come with more baggage than Nemae thought. Baggage that might also solve Nemae’s final unanswered question... whatever happened to Nicholas?


Malenia Soldaris

HordeMalenia Soldaris
No image available
Title <Mistress of the Curse>
Gender Female
Race Blood elf
Level 38
Class Warlock
Occupation Adventurer, Tailor
Location Tirisfal Glades
Relative(s) Cidai Dusklight (sister), Morenil Dusklight (father), Loressa Soldaris (mother)
Mentor(s) Adranos Dawnfade, Desanos Lirecli
Companion(s) Adranos Dawnfade, Nemae, Rena Cross
Alignment Neutral Good

In World of Warcraft

Roleplaying Information





Cidai Dusklight

HordeCidai Dusklight
No image available
Title <The Black Demise>
Gender Female
Race Blood elf
Level 30
Class Rogue
Occupation Assassin, Adventurer, Jeweler
Location Booty Bay
Relative(s) Malenia Soldaris (sister), Loranna Soldaris (mother). Morenil Dusklight (father)
Mentor(s) Morenil Dusklight
Companion(s) Kirfa Screwfire
Alignment True Neutral

In World of Warcraft

Roleplaying Information



