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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
Image of Jo'ao
Gender Male
Race Forest Troll (Humanoid)
Level 80 Elite (Northrend)
40 Rare (Plaguelands)
Class Rogue
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The Relentless
Former affiliation(s) Goroscream Forces, Himself, Amani tribe
Occupation Master of The Relentless, formerly a High-ranking rogue of the Goroscream, Mercenary and Assassin of the Amani tribe
Location Wrath-Logo-Small.png Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron, Halls of Reflection
Cataclysm Western Plaguelands
Status Alive

Jo'ao is a Forest Troll Rogue.


Second War

WC2-BnetE-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness or its expansion Beyond the Dark Portal.

Jo'ao fought personally for the Horde during the Second War after the rescue of his leader, Warlord Zul'jin. Later in the war, when Zul'jin told his people that they were no longer in league with the Orgrim Doomhammer's Horde, not all Forest Trolls accepted it, even after being told that Doomhammer abandoned the siege to Quel'Thalas, this group considered Zul'jin's decision an act of treason.

Jo'ao and his companions learned much about treachery and how it was a disaster for any group with the Orcs, thus, they tried to convince Zul'jin to reconsider his decision, but were almost killed by the Warlord's loyalists, Zul'jin ordered that his men didn't kill Jo'ao and his rebels. He said that he would consider the idea, and if the Horde proved itself by gaining the upper hand in this war, the Forest Trolls would rejoin the Horde. But that didn't happen, instead, it became clear that the Horde would be defeated, and thus Zul'jin removed the Forest Trolls officially from the Horde, and mysteriously disappeared.

With Zul'jin gone, Jo'ao and his rebels staged a coup d'etat to put a Presidium in charge of the Amani tribe, with the objective of keeping the order while Zul'jin was gone and make the Amani rejoin the Horde, but the coup failed and Jo'ao and his rebels had to flee Zul'Aman if they wanted to survive.

Life in exile

After the failed coup d'etat, the Amani rebels were scattered all around the Eastern Kingdoms and started living as independent trolls.

Jo'ao lived in the shadows of Lordaeron, stealing food from small human villages to survive, this didn't last long, however, as he quickly found a job as a mercenary in a Mercenary Camp, filled with exiled gnolls, ogres and even other Forest Trolls.

As a mercenary, Jo'ao served several people, his combat prowess was admirable especially when he was together with other Rogues. Despite his muscular body and brute force, he was easily able to blend with his surroundings and attack enemies from behind, because of his body shape he was capable of serving as a protector in emergencies.

Several were the enemies who fell beneath the might of Jo'ao and his partners, the Forest Troll was specialized in both armed and unarmed combat.

The Third War

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

The Scourge of Lordaeron

When Lordaeron was invaded by the Scourge, Jo'ao and all the other mercenaries in his camp were hired by Duke Lionheart to fight for the Alliance against the undead hordes. Under Lionheart's leadership, Jo'ao and the mercenaries were capable of repelling the Scourge from Lordaeron's minor cities. After Kel'Thuzad's first defeat by the hands of Arthas at Andorhal, Duke Lionheart and his mercenaries advanced to the town to consolidate it as a human resistance focus against the undead, a task Jo'ao and his allies were able to do with success alongside the Knights of the Silver Hand...

After the events of The Culling, Lionheart heard that Jaina Proudmoore was taking her forces and refugees away from the Eastern Kingdoms, the Paladin left Jo'ao and his group of mercenaries under Gavinrad the Dire's leadership and left Andorhal to join Jaina's Human Expedition.

In time, the Scourge returned, this time led by Death Knight Arthas, Jo'ao and his men resisted alongside the humans but were defeated, of the mercenaries, only Jo'ao survived, thanks to a Gnoll Warden that blocked a fatal spell from a Skeleton Mage with his own mace, the gnoll was destroyed by an Abomination aftewards.

Jo'ao seized the opportunity and escaped Andorhal to save his life.

Post-Third War

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

Lordaeron Palace Gardens

Jo'ao spent the rest of the Third War fighting alone against the undead that pursued him and seeking a safe place to hide from the Scourge, Jo'ao found the ruins of the Capital City's palace gardens, as it seemed a quiet and calm place, Jo'ao decided to establish himself there...only to find the three dreadlords, Varimathras, Detheroc and Balnazzar. The dreadlords were ready to take away his life, but Jo'ao said that he would serve them, with only his mortal life as the price to be paid.

Jo'ao says: Look, forgive me for what I did, listen, my name be Jo'ao and I'm a mercenary, I can fight for ya! The only price I ask from ya is that I'm kept alive!
Detheroc says: A pathetic offer...
Varimathras says: But you'll serve the Legion, in death...
Varimathras and Detheroc prepare to strike Jo'ao.
Balnazzar yells: Hold it, brothers!
Balnazzar starts a fast earthquake that bring the other dreadlords, along with Jo'ao and some buildings, to the ground.
Balnazzar says: Remember that the Legion has mortal servants too, there must be a difference between us and the putrid Scourge.
Balnazzar says: The Burning Legion accepts any kind of servant, but the Undead Scourge is obsessed with turning everything into undead beasts.
Balnazzar says: The trolls of this world once created a vast empire, perhaps by allowing this one to join us, we can bring a whole army of his kind to our side in later years...
Varimathras says: Consider yourself lucky, troll thing...
Balnazzar says: Now make yourself useful, green muscle bag.
Balnazzar says: We need to consolidate the more distant lands of Lordaeron, mainly the region around the fallen city of Andorhal, as a newcomer, you can start to make your name in our ranks there.
Jo'ao says: Big thanks for lettin' me live! I'll be arriving at Andorhal shortly!
Jo'ao whispers: (To himself) Oh, coincidences...
Jo'ao salutes Balnazzar and the other dreadlords and immediately leaves the Palace Gardens.

Jo'ao was grateful to Balnazzar and went to the frontlines of the Scourge at the place which would later be known as the Western Plaguelands. Shortly after Jo'ao's leaving, Arthas the Death Knight arrived.

A New Power in Lordaeron

After much service at Andorhal, Jo'ao and a Scourge contingent were called by Balnazzar to the Capital City of Lordaeron to protect it from Sylvanas's rebels, the Forest Troll was in charge of defending the city from Grand Marshal Garithos's Alliance forces.

A skirmish ensued as both Scourge and Alliance troops met, and after hours of battle, Jo'ao was hit in the left shoulder by Garithos's axe, opening a deep wound. The troll was forced to retreat and went to the other side of the city seeking shelter to heal himself from his wounds, but unfortunately for him, The Dark Lady's second assault force, led by Varimathras, had just arrived at the same time as Jo'ao...

Deciding to do the work of a spy while his wounds didn't heal, Jo'ao stealthed and observed their arrival, until he was found...

Varimathras says: You...!
Varimathras quickly charges at Jo'ao and slashes his chest, taking him out of stealth.
Jo'ao yells: Aaaargh! Varimathras!
Despite his grave wounds, Jo'ao laughs and prepares himself for battle.
Jo'ao says: So ya be in league with da elf witch, eh? Funny to see that the "pathetic mortal troll" was more loyal than one of ya kind.
Varimathras yells: Insolence!
Varimathras casts [Rain of Fire].
Jo'ao yells: Oh no...!
Jo'ao sprints away.
Jo'ao says: We shall meet again, mon! Mark mah words!

Jo'ao ran to the center of the city, to fully recover himself.

Jo'ao says: Boss! It's ya brother, he be helping da Dark Ranger!
Balnazzar says: I haven't seem much action coming from you, mortal...was I really wrong in keeping you alive?
Balnazzar yells: Tell me something I don't know, you useless scum!
Balnazzar says: All I saw was you running from a corner of the city to the other, you even ran in fear of that puppet Garithos and his Alliance!
Jo'ao kneels down.
Jo'ao says: I be sorry, boss! They were too many, by now, both sides of da city be under enemy control, I promise I'll do something!
Balnazzar says: The mortals of the Legion aren't cowards like you, troll.
Balnazzar remembers of the Orcish Horde of the First War.
Balnazzar says: ...your combat prowess back at Andorhal was formidable for a mere mortal. But now, you're useless for me.
Balnazzar unleashes two Infernals.
Balnazzar says: Listen, my minions, this troll will be your training for the final battle to come. Kill him, burn his bones!
Jo'ao sprints to escape the Capital City.

Jo'ao escaped through the west side of the city, the Infernals that followed him were intercepted by the Alliance Remnants, indirectly allowing Jo'ao to escape.

Misery and Shame

With the end of the Burning Legion's invasion, came the end of the Mercenary Camps, without them, Jo'ao wasn't able to find any sort of job. Jo'ao became a criminal, often stealing supplies and food from what remained of human presence at Lordearon.

His health was getting worse from day to day, his body slowly developing diseases such as anemia and anorexia nervosa...Jo'ao did his best to resist such maladies, but he was getting weaker by each passing day, making him unable to steal anymore food.

Miraculously, the near death Jo'ao was found and brought to a small base camp in the middle of the woods of Tirisfal Glades by a fellow forest troll. There, many other forest trolls could be found, coincidentally, those were Jo'ao's former coup d'etat partners.

It seemed that during the Third War, the exiled trolls managed to find each other, all of them were in terrible health state, so they decided to unite in order to endure their current hardships and survive in this new life, and that Jo'ao, was the only member of the exiled group that hadn't been found yet. Jo'ao was glad that a simple political partnership back at Zul'Aman became such a strong friendship, and decided to join the other forest trolls.

Joining the Goroscream

Jo'ao and his group left the Tirisfal Glades due to the ever increasing influence of the Forsaken over the land, and started to live a nomadic life in the lands of Lordaeron, often raiding outposts to steal their food.

Certain day, they were found by Guénon, a jungle troll who was recruiting members for the recently founded Goroscream Forces, Jo'ao and his group were hostile at the troll hunter at first, but they began to tolerate his presence. Guénon and the exiled forest trolls had a long talk, after Jo'ao told Guénon the reasons of their exile, the jungle troll opened a smile, seeing this as an opportunity for his forces.

Guénon asked the forest trolls if they still wished to work for the Horde, Jo'ao and his partners answered positively, but they heard that the Warchief would never trust them because of what Zul'jin did in in previous times, Guénon said that his group brought glory to the Horde independently of the Warchief's will, and that he had no bias.

After a long discussion among the members of the group, the exiled forest trolls decided to join Guénon's Goroscream Forces, in order to have a higher quality life and show the Horde that they can be trusted.

War against the Lich King

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Jo'ao and some of his forest trolls were left behind at Goroscream Hold, their duty was to protect the Goroscream capital alongside other small groups while Guénon and the main army fought in the war at Northrend.

However, as the conflict reached it's end, Guénon sent a letter to Goroscream Hold requesting the presence of Jo'ao, the two trolls met days before the final assault to Icecrown Citadel at the Crusader's Pinnacle, Guénon told Jo'ao that Jaina Proudmoore was going to lead a small contingent of Alliance adventurers and champions from the Argent Tournament into the Frozen Halls, the jungle troll then said that Jo'ao was to lead a group of hunters and rogues in order to represent the Goroscream and the Horde in such invasion.

The day of the assault finally came, and as the Goroscream fought the Scourge and it's incoming reinforcements in the outside, Jo'ao and his task force sneaked into the Frozen Halls, where they introduced themselves to Lady Proudmoore. Jaina and her forces were at first confused and annoyed by the very presence of a forest troll and a group of strange faces near her, but the potential she saw in each one of them made her accept them in her assault team.

Jo'ao and his task force fought with great cunning against the Scourge at the Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron...but fate was not kind to Jo'ao and his colleagues at the Halls of Reflection, like the Alliance forces alongside them, Jo'ao and his companions had to escape the Wrath of the Lich King, however, he was the sole Goroscream survivor, the rest being consumed by the Scourge's lord signature [Remorseless Winter]. Jo'ao refused to board on the Alliance's gunship and thus jumped from the cliff where the Halls of Reflection ended, although he fell from a high distance, Jo'ao used his [Shadowstep] in the last second, stopping the full damage he would have suffered from the fall.

Jo'ao was then approached by Kredo, who warned him that Guénon had entered Icecrown Citadel with the other adventurers and that the Goroscream would prevent every single sort of Scourge reinforcement that may go to the citadel from any place at Northrend.


After the end of the conflict at Northrend, Guénon took Gorossauro and a Jungle-Forest Troll force with him to the southern Durotar to aid the Darkspear tribe in reclaiming the Echo Isles while Warlord Roggar led a furbolg expedition to Dun Morogh to help the Gnomeregan Exiles in reclaiming their lost city, as for Jo'ao...the forest troll returned to Goroscream Hold alongside the rest of the Force. For weeks, Jo'ao faithfully followed the orders given to him to destroy the remaining Scourge at the Western Plaguelands by Kredo, Yoza, Kortoh and, after the leader's return from Zalazane's Fall, Guénon. Jo'ao heard the amazing stories about Zalazane's Fall from his forest troll friends that took part in the conflict, somehow, such stories inspired Jo'ao to fight even better, becoming a relentless enemy of the remaining undead.

Goroscream Wars

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

See: Goroscream Wars

Jo'ao was the first leader of the Goroscream army during the Goroscream Wars, under his short leadership, the Goroscream Forces seized control over the Alliance-Argent Crusade Chillwind Camp, in order to prevent direct conflict with Tirion Fordring's men, Jo'ao had the Goroscream shadow priests [Mind Control] the crusaders before invading the camp and use them as reinforcements. Also, to prevent them to even think about what happened, the crusaders were sent to the center of Gahrron's Withering and had their mind control dispelled, where they had little time to ponder about anything and fight against the Scourge there in order to survive.

Guénon visited the Goroscream-controlled Chillwind Camp, and ordered Jo'ao to lead the Goroscream Forces at the camp, Guénon trusted Jo'ao a group of Goroscream rogues that would stay with the forest troll, lurking in the shadows and ambushing anyone who tries to enter the outpost. Guénon then departed with the rest of the Goroscream army to Hillsbrad Foothills.

Jo'ao spent the rest of the conflict watching over Chillwind Camp with the other rogues, their duty continued even after the Goroscream Forces' ultimate demise by the Alliance Counteroffensive for no Goroscream survived to tell them that the conflict was over. Thus, they continued to ambush every Alliance member that tried to occupy the area, mainly the small expeditions sent by Stormwind to do so. Only after several weeks did their deadly ambush leave one single survivor, this survivor warned Stormwind, thus a bigger and stronger force -backed up by farmers from Westfall- was sent to the camp, Jo'ao and the rogues weren't willing to give up Chillwind Camp so easily, and they ambushed the expedition even with the odds against them. Obviously, this time the Alliance gained the upper hand, and fearing that they'd begin having casualties, they retreated to Goroscream Hold to report the loss of Chillwind Camp to Guénon, but all they found were piles and piles of corpses, Guénon's one was nowhere to be found.

Upon finding Stormwind's crest in a dead human footman's shield, the rogues discovered the Goroscream was now defunct thanks to the Alliance. Consumed by hatred, they abandoned their duties with the Horde and created their own faction, dedicated solely on having revenge against the Alliance with no one's help, thus, under the leadership of Jo'ao, the rogues founded the The Relentless.