User:Melvrian/Khazria (Moon Guard)

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This article is a player character biography page for Khazria of Moon Guard US

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
Please make sure player character articles are named properly - see the player character articles policy.

Khazria Alexandria Windfeathers
Faction Alliance
Gender Female
Race Half-Elf
Class Mage
Talent Spec Fire
Professions Tailor, Enchanting
Realm Moon Guard
Ui-charactercreate-classes mage.png This user plays as a Mage.
IconSmall Human Male.gifIconSmall Human Female.gif This user plays as a human.
INV Misc Tournaments Banner NightElf.png This user's character is a Champion of Darnassus.
Races nightelves.jpg This user is exalted with Darnassus.
Icebreaker model.png This user misses the boat by a few seconds every damn time.
Ability Mount RidingHorse.png This user likes to mix and match his/her race with other race's mounts.
Spell Fire MoltenBlood.png This user prefers Fire magic.
Spell Frost IceStorm.png This user prefers Frost magic.
Achievement level 60.png This user has reached level 60
(Prior to the level squish)
INV Helmet 46.png This user plays on an RP server and does, in fact, roleplay there.
Flat lands This user enjoys exploring the less visited areas on Azeroth.
This user is positive to an Alliance / Horde union!

Khazria is a level 85 Half-elf Mage on the US realm Moon Guard.

Background (RP)

Khazria was born from Aresia Windfeathers a high elf archmage from Silvermoon City and Deserian Nightflame, a human warrior from Lordaeron.

Khazria was raised in Southshore and spent most of her life training to be a mage in Dalaran. Her father was a guard in Lordaeron, where he fell in combat defending Lordaeron from the Scourge. During that same week, Silvermoon City was attacked and Khazria also lost her mother. Khazria fled to Stormwind City promptly after. Where she practiced her mage training, and learning to work along with other mages.

Khazria fell in-love with many people, but the relationships never lasted, nor did she ever gave up her self to anyone. During this time, she spent time in Darnassus, learning the ways of Elune.

Upon the announcement of blood elves joining the Horde, Khazria became a source of insults. She often times can be become volatile due to the constant bickering. Khazria eventually went to Draenor where she joined up with the Scryers. Assisting them with tailoring and any other goods they might need. She occasionally did visit Stormwind City or Darnassus, but never stayed for long.

Khazria was one of the few to notice that Dalaran was moved from Hillsbrad, shocked and amazed. As time passed -- and upon entering Northrend -- Khazria came into contact with the very organization which trained her, the Kirin Tor. Khazria promptly joined the Kirin Tor and began training originally as an archmage, but decided it wasn't her type of work and style of combat. She then proceeded to learn how to become a warmage. Khazria spent her time in Dalaran, assisting those nearby and helping younger-trained magi with their own trainings.

When the cataclysm struck, Khazria's main worry was the effect it had on the world, and proceeded to assist anyone in need, be it Alliance or Horde...


  • Aresia Windfeathers (Mother)
  • Deserian Nightflame (Father)

External Links