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This article is a player character biography page for Khazria of Shadow Council US

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.
Please make sure player character articles are named properly - see the player character articles policy.

Khazria Alexandria Windfeathers
Faction Alliance
Gender Female
Race Half-Elf
Class Mage
Talent Spec Fire
Professions Tailor, Enchanting
Realm Shadow Council US
Ui-charactercreate-classes mage.png This user plays as a Mage.
IconSmall Human Male.gifIconSmall Human Female.gif This user plays as a human.
Inv misc tournaments banner nightelf.png This user's character is a Champion of Darnassus.
Races nightelves.jpg This user is exalted with Darnassus.
Icebreaker model.png This user misses the boat by a few seconds every damn time.
Ability mount ridinghorse.png This user likes to mix and match his/her race with other race's mounts.
Spell fire moltenblood.png This user prefers Fire magic.
Spell frost icestorm.png This user prefers Frost magic.
Achievement level 60.png This user has reached level 60
(Prior to the level squish)
Inv helmet 46.png This user plays on an RP server and does, in fact, roleplay there.
Flat lands This user enjoys exploring the less visited areas on Azeroth.

Khazria is a level 80 Half-Elf (Human) Mage on the US realm Shadow Council.

Background (RP)

Khazria was born from Aresia Windfeathers a high elf archmage from Silvermoon City and Deserian Nightflame, a human warrior from Lordaeron.

Khazria was raised in Southshore and spent most of her life training to be a mage in Dalaran. During the attack on Silvermoon City due to the Scourge, Khazria fled to Stormwind City. Where she spent the rest of most of her life training to be a medic, and working along other mages. As time passed, Khazria fell in love and settled down. With the recent disappearance of her beloved, she moved to the new and restored Dalaran, where she took training to be a warmage. Dabbling in Frostfire magic, she seeks to destroy anyone who dares threaten the Kirin Tor.


  • Aresia Windfeathers (Mother)
  • Deserian Nightflame (Father)
  • Rodaner Windfeathers (Brother)
  • Kelinea Windfeathers (Daughter)
  • Tarinitina Windfeathers (Daughter)

External Links