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AllianceExtractum Zeliek
Image of Extractum Zeliek
Title <Highlord>
Gender Male
Race Human
Level 85 Elite
Class Paladin
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The Alliance, Church of the Holy Light, Argent Crusade and Knights of the Silver Hand (currently). Alliance of Lordaeron, Kingdom of Lordaeron, and the Argent Dawn (formerly).
Occupation Paladin-General of Stormwind
Location Cathedral of Light, Stormwind.
Status Active
Relative(s) Sir Zeliek (Brother)
Alignment Lawful good

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Highlord Extractum Zeliek is the current Paladin-General of Stormwind. He is a veteran of all three major wars to date on Azeroth and is either 65 or 66 years of age, originally a member of the House of Nobles of Lordaeron before it's demise and take over. His continued activity in service of the Alliance has been marked in several major conflicts in Outland and Northrend, being a veteran of both the Battle for the Wrathgate and Ulduar to name two of his most recent ventures. He's usually found in the Cathedral of Light outwith military activity and Alliance representation, otherwise he can be found anywhere and everywhere. He is a leading diplomatic figure in Storwmind because of his principles in equality, peace and his vast experience in dealing with different languages and races. Unlike many military leaders in the Alliance, he is known to be welcoming and friendly to peoples of the Horde through both respect and principle, even if initially sceptical. In his own words he finds it "massively difficult to maintain a grudge towards a fellow mortal even with viable cause." He maintains a good relationship with the Blood Knights, and it has been rumoured that he and Lady Liadrin were romanticaly involved, such rumours have been dismissed quickly by Extractum as "farcical and untrue" but he has never denied Liadrin's beauty, saying "Liadrin is a charming, witty and beautiful Sin'dorei but I respect her as a Paladin above all other qualities!"

Before the year of the King

(Following the unofficial timeline) Born in the year -33, Extractum lived a good life, the son of a promising nobleman of Lordaeron with his brother in Lordaeron. Strict followers of the Light, his family were wealthy land owners who were always charitable and compassionate to thier serfs and those living on thier lands and villages. When Extractum was 20, his father died in the year -13, he inherited the property and title of his father. He felt at that time he had done nothing to merit such a title and was sceptical about taking up such a mantle. Despite this, he pressed on and followed his Father's motto of "Eternal Vigilance." He soon became embroiled in the political affairs of the Kingdom of Lordaeron as one of the representatives in the governing system. He served some time as the Lordaeron ambassador to the Wildhammer Clan in Aerie Peak, where he became a very adept honorary gryphon riderand respected by many Aerie dwarves in the process, this experience would stand him in good stead in later life. He became known to be both level headed and intelligent beyond his years, and by the year -8, he had become both beloved by his poeples and close to the House of Menethil. He maiontained a close freindship with King Terenas II and an uncle-nephew relationship with a young Prince Arthas. These were to be the only years of peace Extractum would ever see.

The First War

In the year 0 (Year of the King), The Horde of Draenor, led by Gul'dan, came forth from the Dark Portal and mounted an assault on the City of Stormwind. Far to the North at this time, he only heard rumour and tail of the barabaric orcs slaughtering innocent people and these chilled Extractum to the bone. It wasn't until after the succesful defence of the city of Stormwind that it was eventually destroyed by the Orcish Horde. The reality of the impending disaster struck Extractum as he opened up the gates of his lands to Human refugees coming from the Kingdom of Stormwind. He took up arms as a warrior taking a small militia of men from his lands to help the refugees flooding from the South.

Extractum was present in his balcony in the Lordaeronian throne room when the Lion of Azeroth, Anduin Lothar came in year 5. He heard his speech which called for the armies of the Human Kingdoms to come together as one race to fend off this threat of alien attack from the Dark Portal. He agreed with his friend and king that this was an important mission for Lordaeron to partake in. This agreement was the beginning of the Alliance of Lordaeron.

The Second war

The years of the Second War, were the longest of Extractum's life. He became a Paladin at the end of the First War, joining the Knights of the Silver Hand, after a reccomendation by Uther the Lightbringer at the age of 39. He fought in countless battles, pushing the Orcish Horde back meter by meter until Warchief Blackhand was ousted from Azeroth. He gained prestige for valour, courage and mercy in both the Alliance of Lordaeron and the Silver Hand because of his efforts.

After the Second War

After having victory over the Horde in the Second War, Extractum settled back into the role of a nobleman, maintaining loyalty to both his Holy order and the monarchy of Lordaeron. Because of his strict addherance to the principles of the Light, his compassion led his thinking. He protested vigorously against the imprisonment of the Orcs across Lordaeron, claiming that Humanity was becoming just as ruthless as the Horde once was.

He witnessed the rise of the New Horde. He would never admit it except after a few ales in the Lion's Pride Inn, but he was pleased when he saw Thrall become a strong and wise leader, confrming his suspicions that Orcs were not inherintly evil or mindless creatures. Extractum once said to a keenly listening crowd "That'll remind the narrow-minded fools in the Keep who the real monsters were! Internment camps... That boarish Aedelas didn't have the intellect to comprehend such a thing could happen."

The Third War

With his affiliation with both Lordaeron and the Silver Hand, he was very very disturbed and concerned by the spread of the Plague of Undeath across his homelands. When he seen Andorhal had fallen due to corrupted grain supplies, he knew the situaton was heading towards a state of irepairabillity. Andorhal was the centre of both grain production and transportation, it fell first, but it had had enough grain deliveries from the city for surrounding cities like Brill and Stratholme to induce diasterous results. The latter being both closest and largest in vicinity, he rushed with the Knights of the Silver Hand to Stratholme, where Arthas was already in command. He watched and was horrified as Arthas ordered he and his order to purge the city of unliving and alive inside. When Uther the Lightbringer refused Arthas such blatant slaughter, he disbanded the Knights of the Silver Hand. Extractum, now a high ranking commander of his Holy order, turned and with Uther, rode away from the city and left the blood on Arthas' hands.

Arthas' command to disband the order because of this insubordination couldn't break the spirit of the Knights and Extractum reported the Prince's odd and worryingly violent behaviour to King Terenas. The matter was swept aside, the King was reluctant to believe the jabberings of the 58 year old veteran. However, Extractum new that this would not be forgotten so easilly.

Sure enough, months later when the Prince returned triumphant from Northrend, Extractum stood amongst the crowds that towered over Arthas. Although he loved the man before him like a son, he couldn't deny he had changed. He saw no longer wielded  [Light's Vengeance], the Holy warhammer gifted to Arthas by Archbishop Alonsus Faol, in it's place he held a glowing blue weapon from which Extractum could sense evil. Hours later, it became apparent that by some "accident" Extractum's friend, King Terenas Menethil II had died, but deep down he knew that it was down to Arthas' newly found malevolence.

During this war, another sorrow befell Extractum, with the death of his younger brother during a Silver Hand scouting party at the hands of the Scourge. This caused Extractum to mourn for 3 months continuously before he could console himself with the fact his brother's spirit was with the Light.

After the splintering of the Alliance, the Kingdom had fallen from plague, the loss of it's ruler and Lordaeron was brought to it's knees. Many had died and many stayed in the now darkened lands. Extractum travelled South, assuming a position in Stormwind given to him by the House of Wrynn.

Before Renewed Conflict

Extractum desperatly held onto the now severly diminished groups of Paladins that once made up the Knights of the Silver Hand. He valiantly attempted to hold them all together and did so with some degree of success. Notable Paladin such as Duthorian Rall, Grayson Shadowbreaker and many dwarven Paladin in Ironforge gave thier continued support to the Order. For a while however, he focused on his duties to the new Kingdom to which he belonged. He became a great teacher in the Cathedral of Light and spent a lot of his time in the Royal Library.

After the last of Lordaeron's defunct landowning barons had died away, King Varian Wrynn proclaimed Extractum the first ""Steward of Lordaeron."" Another title Extractum felt he could not fulfillhad been given to him, but he was not going to turn away such an honour, as he felt that there was no one left with as much patriotism as he who could revitalise the people of his broken continent. Along with this honour, he was made a Highlord which further dignified his claim to Lordaeron's stewardship and in gratitude for his past accomplishments in the name of the Alliance.

World of Warcraft

Since such times, Extractum has participated in the majority of Alliance military action. He has lead many battalions into battle and has become known for his part in battles such as the Assault on Blackwing Lair and the battle of Zul'Gurub in Stranglethorn Vale. His most prominent victory was when he assisted the Argent Dawn in the Eastern Plaguelands, where he both entered the floating necropolis of Naxxramas and commanded the Alliance forces that took part in the attack. It was also within the necropolis that he was reintroduced to his brother, Sir Zeliek, who had been risen as one of the Four Horseman by Kel'thuzad. Extractum was elated to see his brother, although he was now unliving and serving the Scourge, it was not willingly, he had retained his sanity through sheer strength of will and faith. Extractum had never been more proud to be a Zeliek than when he saw his brother continue to manipulate Holy magics even in undeath. He proceeded to send his borhter's spirit on to the Light for good, this time being able to say his final goodbye like he never could during the Plague of Undeath. He was also the man who landed the final blow upon Kel'thuzad, claiming victory in the name of the Light and the Allaince.

For his skill in battle and strategy, and no doubt his vast wealth of experience, at the age of 63 we was proclaimed a Champion of the Alliance and the Paladin-General of Stormwind, making him the principle commander of Paladin forces in the Human capital(and unoffically the entire Alliance, due to even prominent Dwarf Paladins from Ironforge taking orders from him through respect.)

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Following his successes in Azeroth, he was once again called to arms to aid his Argent Dawn allies in the Blasted Lands in the Battle for the Dark Portal. Extractum had a presence in Shattrath City, as a temporary advisor to the naaru A'dal in matters in Outland. He also aided in the eventual tactical meetings concerning the assault upon the Black Temple fortress and the attempt on Illidan Stormrage's life, where he was involved in the organisation of Alliance forces.

Whilst in Outland, where the shattered landscape recquired a great amount of flying, Extractum left his old stallion back in Stormwind, favouring one of the gryphons of the Alliance forces instead. After proving his worth in the Sha'tari Skyguard using a mount he had only handled for a short space of time, he was revered by the organisation. He went on to liberate the Netherwing Dragonflight in Shadowmoon Valley from the Dragonmaw Clan, and gained the respect of many drakes of the flight. Two of these dragons became good friends and joined him on his adventures. He is known to be a fierce combatant during mounted flying combat because of his experience with the Wildhammers so many years ago and his abillity to ride a drake of any kind with great agillity and speed.

Upon returning to Stormwind, another enemy defetaed, Extractum thought he could lay down his weapon and retire from millitary service. However, this was not to be. He refused to allow the Scourge to consume another home and another generation of Humanity. With this rage Extractum channeled his Light magics and felled many Undead Wyrms that day.

He knew that Northrend was his next destination.

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Upon arriving in the harsh Borean Thundra, Extractum helped defend the initial site and construction of Valiance Keep with his Holy forces. When this was completed to a respectable degree he ventured forth into the forgotten artic continent to aid the Alliance. After a breif spell in the Howling Fjord He assisted Highlord Bolvar Fordragon in preperation for an attack on the back door of Icecrown Citadel, the new throne of his old monarch, prince Arthas. When the plague machines were activated and the Red Dragonflight breathed life upon the site, Extractum was lucky enough to have survived, as he had been charged by Fordragon to command the Gryphon riders. This defeat left a bitter taste in Extractum's mouth... glimpsing the now fully evil Arthas he knew he needed to cleanse his soul.

During his travels in Dragonblight Extractum came across a cavern defended heavilly by the Scarlet Onslaught, upon entering he found an alter with a missing weapon. Extractum found, disgarded in a pile of snow  [Light's Vengeance], the former weapon of Arthas Menethil. Extractum disgarded his old mace and picked up the sacred Warhammer, blessed by Archbishop Faol himself so many years ago. Extractum vowed to use this weapon in honour of all that was once Lordaeron.

Extractum was already an Argent Champion, having belonged to the organisation for a brief time in it's earliest years, but he now came to the Argent Tournament Grounds as a Champion of Stormwind and an ambassador for the Alliance. During this time, he operated mainly from the airship The Skybreaker.

After he was chosen to be one of the few to attack the Lich King's frozen fortress, he and an elite squad of Alliance soldiers invaded the sanctum of the Lich king and slowly made their way through his ranks of undead. After killing many undead monstrosities, they finally reached the top of the Frozen Throne. Upon it, sat Prince Arthas. He was now mostly unrecognisable beneath his crown of the Scourge, the Helm of Domination, but Extractum knew it was Arthas and that was all he needed to know. The battle was long and hard, but the Alliance forces prevailed with the aid of the new Ashbringer.

Upon his death, the broken Arthas was cradled in the arms of his Father's soul. Extractum was said to have felt not great happiness upon seeing this but great sorrow, as Arthas lay there dead, he looked just as he had so many years ago as a young child in the gardens of Capital City. These events gave Extractum nothing but anguish Extractum and he felt like he had killed his best friend. He returned to Stormwind and returned to the Cathedral teaching, praying, preaching and reading in the Royal Library of Stormwind Keep. He says nothing of his successes in Icecrown Citadel to anyone, except that he had "completed his initial objective, that was all."


 [Light's Vengeance] has been Extractum's weapon of choice since it's discovery in Northrend, it is a sacred warhammer, blessed by Archbishop Alonsus Faol and originally given to Arthas Menethil at the age of 19 upon his initiation into the Knights of the Silver hand.

Extractum wears a set of Grand Marshal's armour which was blessed by A'dal the naaru, giving it increased strength and granting Extractum a greater degree of Holy magic manipulation.


Extractum oversee's construction at Valiance Keep upon Rasputin‎

Extractum means exorcism in Latin.

This is my in game character and I love him dearly.

Extractum has several mounts:

On his adventures in Northrend he initially tamed and developed a close bond with a red Proto-Drake, which he named Rasputin, Rasputin now acts as a mount to Extractum when he is recquired to. He was Extractum's hardest earned companions, recquiring a lengthy 6 hour taming process.

His oldest mount is Valor, his Charger.

Extractum's afore-mentioned Outland companions are called Malfas and Onyxien, his two Netherwing Drakes who are close companions of his, whom he met when he liberated the Netherwing from the Dragonmaw Clan whilst in Outland.

He has a very intelligent Silver Covenant Hippogryph called Revelare whom he also uses as a mount but primarily as a companion, as opposed to his pet-like relationship with Rasputin.

To some in Outland he is known as "Drakemaster," because of his performance with his Netherwing companions over the skys of shattered Draenor. This has carried over into both Northrend and Azeroth amongst certian groups. This is because in battle he will mount one of three of his drakes (mentioned above) showing his aptitude for flying combat.

The above point does not detract from his strength and melee expertise with a warhammer.

He has lived on 2 seperate servers: Wildhammer (EU) and Azuremyst (EU). The latter is his current realm of occupation.

Alliance This user plays as a member of the Alliance.
IconSmall Human Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes paladin.png
This user plays as a human paladin.
Races nightelves.jpg This user is exalted with Darnassus.
Races humans.jpg This user is exalted with Stormwind.
Races gnomes.jpg This user is exalted with Gnomeregan.
Races dwarves.jpg This user is exalted with Ironforge.
Races worgen.jpg This user is exalted with Gilneas.
Ability mount netherdrakepurple.png This user is exalted with the 
Inv jewelry talisman 08.png This user is exalted with the 
Argent Crusade.
Inv jewelry talisman 07.png This user is exalted with the 
Argent Dawn.
Cenarion Expedition Tabard.jpg This user is exalted with the 
Cenarion Expedition.
Ability Hunter Pet NetherRay.png This user's character has obtained a Nether Ray mount.
Warcraft Wiki icon stamp.png This user is addicted to Warcraft Wiki.
Wikiicon-gnome-at-work-icon.png This user edits articles within Warcraft Wiki often.
Achievement PVP A 16.png Extracum has earned the title
Ambassador (title).
Spell Holy HolyGuidance.png Extractum has earned the title
the Argent Champion.
INV Misc Tournaments Symbol Human.png Extractum has earned the title
of Stormwind in the Argent Tournament.
Temp.png Extractum has earned the title
the Noble.
Ability Mount Charger.png This user's character has obtained their Charger.
