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Hello! I'm Kandooww. I'm from Madrid, Spain. I'm an infant teacher, but I have time for play WoW. I'm fascinated by the WoW's lore and I hope to contribute in something.

My characters

Server: ColinasPardas
Server: Tyrande (EU)


Consortium Tabard.jpg This user's characters display neutrality, having at least one for each race, no matter the faction.
Ui-charactercreate-classes druid.pngUi-charactercreate-classes hunter.pngUi-charactercreate-classes mage.pngUi-charactercreate-classes paladin.pngUi-charactercreate-classes priest.pngUi-charactercreate-classes demonhunter.pngUi-charactercreate-classes evoker.png This user has at least one character of each class. Ui-charactercreate-classes rogue.pngUi-charactercreate-classes shaman.pngUi-charactercreate-classes warlock.pngUi-charactercreate-classes warrior.pngUi-charactercreate-classes deathknight.pngUi-charactercreate-classes monk.png
Inv misc book 07.png This user has a strong interest in articles on lore.
Inv sword 46.png This user plays as a DPS.
This user plays both Alliance and Horde, but prefers Horde.
TBCLogo.png This user joined during The Burning Crusade.
Inv felstalkermount.png This user plays on the Digital Deluxe Edition of Legion.
Inv babytortollan.png This user plays on the Digital Deluxe Edition of Battle for Azeroth.
Inv aetherserpentmount.png This user plays on the Heroic Edition of Shadowlands.
Realms.gif This user plays on the European Colinas Pardas server.
Darkspear Troll Banner small.png This user helped the Darkspear trolls reclaim the Echo Isles.
INV Hammer Unique Sulfuras.png This user's character has obtained [Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros].
INV Sword 39.png This user has obtained the one-handed weapon  [Thunderfury].
Inv weapon glave 01.png This user's character has obtained [The Twin Blades of Azzinoth].