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Grand Appothecarry Kai

Grand Apothecarry Kai
Image of Grand Apothecarry Kai
Race Unknown
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Status Alive

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About Grand Appothecarry Kai

I am a demon genral of the fel hounds, i came from outland and i am manaroths Genral. Once the Genral of the Fel hounds Grand Appothecarry kai was Nathrezim. He was working for the King MalGanis. He is the most poweful king ever but he got killed By Arthas Menathill when he was a Paladin but then rised Grand Appothecarry kai. Kai was found by the leader Lady Sylvanas Windrunner. But Kai ascaped From undercity but made mass Chaos killing millons of Sylvanas's People. Kai Freed the leader Grand Appothecarry Putress and Varimathras. He Helped then take over Undercity.

The Undercity

As soon as we left the undercity it was on fire, Millons of demonic brethren attacked. We was surrounded, but as darkness closes in Light appers, some one named Uther poped out and Killed my Demonic Brethren. i was mad. I raged him and killed im he and his people was upset. But i was pleased and so was Varimathras and Grand Appothecarry Putress.

How i got the name Grand appothecarry Kai

Grand Appothecarry Putress named me Grand Appothecarry Kai because i was in honor with the Undead Scoruge. I was relived i was called a Hero, but then i saw a provecy Dremer he said

Nellia says: You are in grave danger Grand appothecarry Putress is going to betray you. You must get OUT OF here right away! If not you will DIE!


Grand Appothecarry Kai says: So, it is done.
Grand Appothecarry Kai says: Good i didt it, i killed Grand Appothecarry Putress.Lets Go Varimathras.
Grand Appothecarry Kai yells: RUN QUCIKLY! THEY ARE COMING!

Quick messeges

Grand Appothecarry Kai says: You may all be confuised i might be the User Rhyssmart.

I am not! We just have the same Second name My name is Kai!

Thank you!