User:GoldenYak/The Malevolence

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MobThe Malevolence
Image of The Malevolence
Race Elemental
Affiliation(s) The Malevolent (leader)
Location Northrend

Related to Spider Kingdom Expansion Concept

The entity known as the Malevolence is a creature of pure arcane energy that haunts Azeroth's ley line network. Inimical to all living things, the Malevolence spreads its corruptive influence using the ley lines of Northrend, subverting magic users and creatures closely attuned to arcane energy. The Malevolence seeks to escape from the ley line and manifest itself in Azeroth proper.


The Blue Dragonflight Disperses

After the Cataclysm, Kalecgos and the other dragon aspects lost their great powers, becoming ordinary dragons. As a result, many dragons lost faith in their progenitors and left their flights to seek their own destiny. The blue dragonflight, already few in number with many dragons uncertain of Kalecgos' worthiness, suffered particularly badly, with very few elder dragons remaining in Coldarra to support the now ordinary Kalecgos. Nevertheless, Kalecgos rallied his supporters and convinced them of the need to undo the damage Malygos had done to Azeroth's ley line network. With the aid of the Kirin Tor, who have entered into an uneasy alliance with their former enemies, the blue dragonflight has begun to slowly repair the damage.

The Malevolence Awakens

In the aftermath of the Catacylsm, the Malevolence awoke when Kalecos, dragon aspect of magic, attempted to correct the damage done to Azeroth's ley lines by his predecessor, Malygos. The Malevolence, upon awakening, began to manifest itself at the blue dragonflight's stronghold in Coldarra, the Nexus. The Malevolence began attacking the blue dragonflight in response to their efforts, together with the Kirin Tor, to repair the damage done to the ley line network by Malygos. Capable of controlling beings who have high amounts of arcane magic, the Malevolence subverted several blue dragons and mortal mages and turned them against their former brethren. Soon, the Malevolence began employing a strange form of arcane necromancy, animating the corpses of arcane magic wielders and using them to assault the living.

The Blue Dragonflight Responds

Kalecgos summoned the power of the blue dragonflight's Nexus to turn it against the Malevolence. However, even the Eye of Eternity was corrupted by the Malevolence, and without the Focusing Iris Kalecgos suffered from a tremendous magical backlash, incapacitating him. Thankfully, Kalecgos was able to force the Malevolence from the Nexus entirely, although the structure suffered great damage as a result and the Occulus rings were destroyed. With Kalecgos protecting the Eye, many of the blue dragonflight's forces have been forced to withdraw almost entirely from the Nexus, for fear of them being subverted by the Malevolence. While Kalecgos holds the Malevolence at bay, the rest of the blue dragonflight has joined forces with the Kirin Tor to battle the minions under the control of the Malevolence, and continue their efforts to repair the damage to Azeroth's ley line network. They are led in their efforts by Madragos, a blue dragon and one of Kalecgos' most trusted comrades. The blue dragonflight has begun to reach out to the mortal races of Azeroth for aid in overcoming the Malevolence.

Quests and Storylines

The Malevolence can be found throughout Northrend's surface and its underworld. Wherever the ley lines of Azeroth have broken through the surface and large amounts of arcane energy can be found, the Malevolence has the potential to manifest itself.

The Malevolence and its forces have fought against the Twilight Cult wherever the two can be encountered. Undead blue dragons animated by arcane energy, known as Wychwyrms, have also fought against Scourge forces and other undead. The Malevolence holds no allegiance to any known power, and is seeking to destroy and conquer for its own sake. The Malevolence has not addressed any living thing directly, but those under its influence will often voice what appear to be the aims and goals of their master.

Currently, the Malevolence is confined to the ley line network in Northrend. Due to the realignment of Northrend's ley lines performed by Malygos, the Malevolence is cut off from the rest of Azeroth's ley lines. The blue dragonflight is currently attempting repairing the Nexus, with the hopes of using it to draw the Malevolence completely out of the ley lines and expel it safely into the Twisting Nether. The Malevolence seeks to conquer the Nexus and use it to manifest fully, escaping the ley line network and emerging into Azeroth itself.

Karazhan - The Malevolence Rift

The blue dragonflight and their Kirin Tor allies attempted to use the Nexus to expel the Malevolence from the ley line network, purging the world of its threat. However, renegade agents of the Twilight Cult led by Thaumaturge Fin'zanel attacked the Nexus, disrupting the ritual and causing a catastrophic realignment of the ley lines. Instead of expelling the Malevolence, the ritual restores the ley line network of Northrend to its original configuration, allowing the Malevolence to escape Northrend entirely.

The Malevolence has fled Northrend and traveled to Deadwind Pass. There it seeks the dark tower Karazhan, the true heart of the ley line network. With the power it will gain from devouring the heart of all arcane power in the world, it will be able to escape the ley line network and wreak havoc on all of Azeroth.
