User:GoldenYak/New Crystalsong Forest

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NeutralCrystalsong Forest
Level: 77-80
Crystalsong Forest.jpg

UNDER CONSTRUCTION related to Spider Kingdom Expansion Concept

Crystalsong forest is no longer the peaceful sanctuary it was during the war with the Scourge. The Twilight's Hammer has invaded the forest, and have their sites set on Dalaran itself. Though the Nexus War has ended, and the Kirin Tor have reconciled with the blue dragonflight, a dark influence still seeks to bring down the magical city from within - the Malevolence.


The city of Dalaran has watched over Crystalsong forest since the first days of the war against the Lich King and the Undead Scourge. Throughout the entire length of the war, the magical city weathered every assault the Scourge mounted against it, as well as dealing with efforts of the blue dragonflight, under the command of the blue aspect Malygos, to destroy the Kirin Tor. Throughout all the battles and hardship, the shining woods of Crystalsong remained untouched by either the predations of the Scourge nor the exploitations of the blue dragons.

With the onset of the Cataclysm, the peace of these woods has come to an end.


When Deathwing's Cataclysm tore through Azeroth, Crystalsong forest was profoundly affected. The crystal trees shook and cracked, filling the entire forest with a sound like thunder. The spirits haunting the woodlands vanished simultaneously, with a shared cry of anguish. The crystalline creatures that once lived there have fled, disappearing into the mountains surrounding the forest. Slowly, the arcane energy of the region has bled out of the shattered crystal trees, and the forest grows darker by the day.

At the center of the woods, the Cataclysm has torn open the earth, causing nerubian ruins from underground to be thrust up through the surface of the forest flood. Nerubians have used these ruins to invade the surface world, and they swarm through the slowly fading forest. Joined by the forces of the Twilight's Hammer, the combined armies are preparing to advance out of the crystal forest and occupy the rest of the region, preparing for an all out attack upon Dalaran.

Cataclysm changes

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Areas affected:

  • Twilight's Hammer forces have occupied Crystalsong Forest. The region has been dubbed Naz'Zevon, the Gathering Dark by the nerubians.
  • The Cataclysm has forced nerubian ruins through the surface of the forest. The Twilight are using these ruins as staging grounds.
  • Sunreaver's Command and Windrunner's Overlook have become heavily fortified, and are under constant assault by Twilight's Hammer and nerubians.
  • The Great Tree has been surrounded by the dark power of the Nightmare.
  • Violet Stand has increased it's fortifications against the growing threats in Crystalsong.
  • The Ironwall Dam is swarming with nerubians. Faceless Ones and Undying Tendrils infest the nearby Decrepit Flow.
  • Dalaran has increased their security - flying troops patrol the skies above the city, and the surrounding floating islands have become fortified with ground forces.
  • Dalaran forces are on guard for enemies within and without - the Twilight's Hammer seek to infiltrate the city, while the forces of the Malevolence are trying to invade Violet Hold through the blue dragonflight's magical portals.


The crystal forests have begun to fade in the wake of the Cataclysm. The creatures and spirits that once inhabited those forests have disappeared, replaced by the dark forces of Twilight. The lakes of the region have shown signs of infestation from faceless ones and Undying Tendrils.

Map and subregions

Crystalsong, as Twilight falls

Quests and Storylines

Twilight forces have infested the eastern woods, where nerubian ruins have been thurst upwards through the forest's floor by the Cataclysm. The Twilight's Hammer has been joined by hordes of nerubians led by Spider Lord Tarantulax. The quest chain for the region will culminate in a showdown with Tarantulax that will end with the nerubian's ultimate defeat. Quests for the region are found largely in Dalaran, as well as Sunreaver's Command and Windrunner's Overlook, and they involve sabotage, information gathering, and bombing runs against the growing Twilight army. Many of the quests are available daily, and will yield Violet Insignia badges, which can be traded at Dalaran for item rewards ideal for players preparing to advance on to level 80+ content. Insignia badges can also be traded for reputation items for all Northrend factions.

Other quests are available at the Great Tree of Crystalsong, which has become infected by the Nightmare. The Nightmare has begun spilling out through the tree, forming a portal to the infected portion of the Emerald Dream. Nightmare creatures are beginning to manifest themselves around the tree, and members of the Wyrmrest Accord are in the area to aid in holding back the Nightmare's influence.

Changes to Instances in Dalaran

  • Blue dragonkin in the Violet Hold have been replaced by Malevolent Dragonkin. They are using the same magical conduits created by the blue dragonflight to invade Dalaran.
  • Cyanigosa in her blood elf form is in custody within the Violet Hold, and is undergoing rehabilitation. She appears to be in contact with the Malevolence and is striving to resist it's influence.
  • Cyanigosa has been replaced as the final boss with Ultramagos, a blue dragon under the control of the Malevolence.
