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This article is a player character biography page for Erelle of Sisters of Elune US created by Erelle.

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Erelle is a Blood Elf Hunter on the Horde Faction of Sisters of Elune US.

Erelle Sellyene Netherbright


  • Affiliation: Horde, Netherbright Regiment; Order of Discord
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Blood elf
  • Age: Thirty four by human standards, (roughly 130 years)
  • Height: 5'11”
  • Relatives: Onika Netherbright (Deceased: Twin Sister), Sael'thos Skyskinner (Living Relative: Cousin)
  • Employment History: Farstrider, Veteran of the Second and Third Wars, Commander of the Netherbright Regiment, Animal Handler and Trainer (Current)
  • Nickname: Ere, Erebear

Physical Description

Tall and lanky, Erelle falls toward the taller end of the scale and often times ends up standing at least a couple inches taller than most female Blood Elves. There are only traces of femininity about her, her posture and expressions often far more masculine than one would think appropriate of a woman. A life in service to the war efforts of first the Alliance and now the Horde has left her fairly muscular, the effect being that she is wiry and limber, all but lacking feminine curves that are now so proudly flaunted by other members of her race.


Her eyes, formerly Fel Green, have since begun to return to the natural blue of the High Elves, though it should be noted that only one eye is actually making this transition. The other has been irreparably damaged and holds only the milky white color that is the trademark of one who is blind. Accompanying this blind eye are several dark scars across the left side of her face which have subsequently ruined the ornate and intricate black tribal tattoo (often said to resemble the tattoos of the Kaldorei) that has been inked across her cheeks and around her eyes.

She is rarely seen without some type of protective armor on and a weapon at her side. An almost severe modesty is prevalent in all manners of her dress, with very little skin being revealed and dark, earthy tones being her colors of choice.


Erelle and her twin sister Onika were born to wealthy parents. Their mother, Elisana Netherbright, was an aspiring social climber within the Royal Courts of Elven Society and their father, Lydarian Netherbright was a well known soldier within the Sun King's army. Things at home became overly stressed as the twins' parents began disagreeing more and more on the paths that their daughters should take, with the fights eventually escalating into physical violence on the part of their father. Elisana desired that her daughters be brought up with all of the finery and exceptional teachings as they made their way into the life of a courtier. Lydarian however, had different designs for his daughters and trained them rigorously for several hours each day for almost the entirety of their young lives. As time progressed, Elisana eventually gave up on the life she had planned for her daughters, withdrawing into herself and away from her children, spiraling into a depression that eventually ended with her tragically taking her own life. Out training with their father, who had also begun physically assaulting his daughters as well, the girls were unaware that their mother had died until Erelle and Onika found her later that evening.

The death of her mother was a critical point in Erelle's life and helped to shape her into the woman she is today. Blaming her father for the death of Elisana, Erelle began training even harder in the hopes of finding some sort of outlet for the fits of rage that she found herself becoming more and more prone to. While Erelle distanced herself from her father as the family splintered apart, her sister Onika stuck stalwartly by his side, holding onto the hope that one day he would realize his mistakes and learn to love his daughters.

When the girls came of age, Erelle proved to have an exceptionally keen eye and quickly rose through the ranks of the Farstriders, making a name for herself as a master marksman at the same time her sister was training with the Sun King's soldiers as a fighter; both were preparing for war.

After the razing of Silvermoon, Erelle, Onika and their father departed with Kael'thas Sunstrider along with the other regiments of newly named Blood Elves to the human lands in order to give and seek aid. As they sat betrayed in the human prisons awaiting dawn for their execution, Erelle found herself cursing her father once more, blaming him for the current predicament that she and her sister now found themselves in. Her anger and hatred of her father boiled slowly in her mind and when the Naga arrived to whisk the captured elves away to Outland, Erelle refused, declaring that she would rather die come morning than spend one more moment having to breathe the same air as the man who called himself her father. Onika did not, and went through the portal with Lydarian and Kael'thas Sunstrider, as did the rest of the elves. Erelle's death would have been assured had it not been for the human male she had forged a blossoming and potentially romantic relationship with. The Paladin, Michel Hightower, is perhaps the only reason that she is still living.

The Netherbright Regiment

The Netherbright Regiment was the brainchild of Erelle Netherbright, who had begun suspecting that Kael'thas Sunstrider did not in fact have the best interest of his people at heart, being led as he was by the deceptive and wicked Naga. The Regiment exploded with new recruits almost immediately and within a few short months became a very strong force in the underground resistance movement that sought to de-seat the Sun Prince and appoint a new leader for the people of Silvermoon. Erelle very quickly recognized the potential within the army that she had raised, and began directing them in various ways, one of which being the patrolling of city streets within the city as Erelle viewed the guards as being incompetent.

The Regiment soon became a name that was familiar to nearly every blood elf that still lived within Silvermoon City and they began to draw both political and social fire from various other organizations.

Ruling her Regiment with an iron fist, Erelle gained a somewhat notorious reputation within the ranks of her own army, being known to use physical violence as the means to solving disciplinary problems. Strict rules and factional laws enforced by Erelle's inner circle of advocates and close friends ensured that the Regiment was always running smoothly and despite several violent setbacks, Erelle settled into her place as the leader of a force to be reckoned with. Several members came and went from the Regiment, many leaving after learning of Erelle's violent and often vicious nature, which had become something of almost a legend. Most notably, there was a large exodus from the Regiment after Erelle had a soldier stripped and publicly beaten within an inch of his life with the flat of his own broken sword for insulting her sister, who had recently returned from Outland and joined Erelle in her place of power at the head of the Regiment.

Despite Erelle's growing notoriety, new recruits were flooding into the Regiment daily and as their numbers grew, so did her confidence.

Under her nose, however, trouble was brewing and the Regiment was soon thrust into great turmoil as Erelle was slain and then forcibly resurrected, coming through the encounter with her mind barely intact.

When Kael'thas returned to Azeroth with his demonic forces in tow, Erelle saw the opportunity not only to assist in slaying the wayward Prince, but the potential chance to murder her father, who had remained in Outland with the Prince.

The Netherbright Regiment was entirely stationed on the Isle of Quel'Danas and were not allowed to leave until Kael'thas Sunstrider had been slain. After his death, Erelle lost all interest and desire in her Regiment as it had served it's purpose and the once great military force fell to infighting and disarray as it's leader went on her own way.

The Lady of the Beasts

Erelle Netherbright is notorious for having a quicksilver temper and a vicious nature, reveling in bloodshed and warfare in ways usually attributed to orcs. There is no specific way that Erelle chooses to kill, using whatever weapon it is at hand, or her fists if necessary. Despite every effort to distance herself from her father and all of the loathing that she felt for him, Erelle was slowly becoming his daughter, prone to violent outbursts that would often end in death or merciless beatings of whoever or whatever had sparked her ire.

Her primal and often feral nature has given her a special affinity for the beasts of Azeroth, developing a special bond with one particular raptor tamed from the Blade's Edge Mountains named Bru. Bru became nearly as notorious as Erelle, sharing her temperament, though he was far more popular and well liked than the elf could ever hope to be.