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Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank
Amberlin Alliance Kargath IconSmall Human Female.gif Rogue Rogue 70 None


Name Faction Server Race Class Level Guild Rank

Orphaned at the age of 10, she grew up in the streets, learning many skills. She is mostly a Combat Spec Rogue


Name: Amberlin Armsman

Race: Human

Class: Rogue

Age: 20

Height: 5' 6"

Weight: 120 lbs.

Faction: Alliance


Amberlin grew up in the town Greensalve with her father Kram the High Priest. When she was 10 years old, the town was under constant attack from Horde Renegades. The paladins Donmy Goldensun and Rion were sent to help. However, before they could arrive, Amberlin was captured by the orcs. When the paladins arrived, Kram asked them to free her. The two paladins and thier army managed to break through the Renegade's defenses and rescue Amberlin, but soon after, The Scourge showed up. The paladins went off to fight, but just when it seemed like The Scourge would lose, Rion went insane. He started emmitting powerful energies and began to slaughter the Alliance Forces. Donmy tried to keep him at bay, but to no avail. Rion reached the town and destroyed it. During the battle, he killed Kram and raised him up as an undead servant. Amberlin, horrified, ran away. She managed to hitch a ride on a traveling merchant's caravan, all the way to Stormwind.

Living on the streets, she soon becomes a wanted criminal by the guard. Because of this, she learns many useful skills and becomes a formidable rogue. For 10 years she survived, each passing year adding more hate towards Rion and Donmy. She vowed to one day hunt them down and avenge her father's death. This day proved to be sooner than she thought. Upon stealing a wallet from a dwarf paladin, she was caught and stunned. The human paladin retrieved the wallet and they began to take Amberlin to the Stormwind Stockade. Once they had arrived, they were all shocked to see that the stocade guards were injured and setting up a barracade. There was a prison break and the stockades had been taken. During a conversation with the captain, a few prisoners ran out and began attacking the guards. The human ran to help, while the dwarf, whose name turned out to be Thraknor, kept watch over Amberlin. While the fight was taking place, Thraknor revealed that the human was none other than Donmy.

After a discussion between Amberlin and Donmy, she managed to persuade them to take her along with them on thier mission. After arriving in the Plaguelands, Donmy told Amberlin about Rion's condition. Abandoned when he was only a young child, Rion was found by the Night Elves of Ashtree Village. But his world changed when Anub'Arak led an attack against his village and when Sylvanas interfered, Rion was shot by one of her arrows. He tried to fight the curse by training under Donmy, but became fully corrupt upon the appearance of Anub'Arak during the battle with The Scourge and became Lord Chaos. Hearing this, Amberlin became filled with rage and wanted to kill Lord Chaos, but Donmy explained how he was too powerful and eventually, she calmed down.

Amberlin in her Epic Armor Set

Donmy and Thraknor were sent on a mission to discover what had happened to some missing paladins and messengers sent to the Scarlet Crusade. Later on in this mission, they met a Scarlet solder named Darkkil Grein. Together, the four discovered the corruption of the Crusade, and found out that Darkhammer, Donmy's former teacher was still alive and was organizing the corruption. Donmy, enraged by this betrayal, unleashed a fury of attacks and uncovered the truth that Darkhammer had sold his soul to The Legion. The adventurers faught hard and eventually overcame the traitor. But afterward, Donmy went off alone and wasn't seen until the next day...

Amberlin was pardoned from her crimes and later met a warrior named Adaryn Armsman, whom she married. Hearing Amberlin's tale of her father's murder by Lord Chaos and her vow to get revenge, Adaryn agreed that the two of them should be able to take the so-called lord down. They travelled to the plaguelands and found Chaos leading an army of undead against a Forsaken outpost. Taking the death knight by surprise, the two managed to greatly injure him. But as he retreated, Chaos fired a ray of death at Amberlin. Adaryn put up his shield to protect her and was blasted backwards off a cliff.

Amberlin had thought him dead and was in a state of grievance. She was staying at an Inn when The Scourge began attacking. Her sadness became furious anger and she ran out to kill every undead she saw. What she didn't expect was to run out right into Adaryn. She was in shock long enough for him to grab her and throw her into a burning wall. He began to approach her, laughing a souless, heartless cackle. Amberlin couldn't belive it. She tried to plead with him, get him to remember thier love, and in the end broke The Lich King's hold over him. He fell to his knees and cried, he apologized over and over. Amberlin forgave him, but the town was still under attack and she was needed. Adaryn returned to his grim disposition, and charged.

Adaryn gave up his soul in order to live after falling down the cliff. He was manipulated by The Lich King, and so can never be truely human again. But he has chosen to use his powers of death against Arthas. He would never be accepted back into the Alliance after what he had done as an agent of The Scourge, so he became a bounty hunter that worked for both factions. Never revealing his face, nobody except Amberlin knows his true identity. Now, with a home and regular income from her husband, she is able to live the life her father wanted. She is a member of the Protectors of The Light and has made it her purpose in life to avenge her father.


Amberlin was orphaned at the age of 10, and watched her own father die. Even so, she managed to stay relatively good-natured. She did steal, but only so she could survive, and so didn't become evil or mean. She did what was needed to survive, but never stole for money or power. It's truely amazing that with such a tragic childhood, she remained this way. Now, with a house, husband, and enough money, she uses her skills to aid Azeroth and help Donmy and his guild.