User:DeludedTroll/Fan art

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

Crappy pencil drawings of various things.


Ideas of what various loa—primarily more obscure ones that have never been officially depicted by Blizzard or that only use generic models in WoW—could look like. An ongoing project.

Other deities



  1. ^ I decided to go all-in on some of the only information we have about Grimath, namely that he assists in the taming of direhorns. His tusks are intended to look like direhorn horns, and the stripes direhorn stripes. Needless to say, I imagine him to be a very minor loa (i.e. one only worshipped on the family level, not a city or tribe level) with a highly specific sphere of influence.
  2. ^ The pattern adorning the metal bands around his body is based on the armor worn by his followers in slith form.
  3. ^ The thorny vines are based on those surrounding the Altar of Rhunok.
  4. ^ The birds in the background are sun rocs.
  5. ^ Mu'sha's necklace is a memento from her only lover—a fragment from one of Apa'ro's antlers.
  6. ^ The halo is meant to be evocative of a naaru. The upper portion is based on the anchor halo from Kul Tiras' flag. Her face is scarred from battles in the Troll Wars, and her staff features a combination of a silver hand and the symbol of the modern-day Church of Light.
  7. ^ Intended to closely match the succubus' design (the armor, tattoos, spikes on legs and tail, etc.). The lack of wings is intentional as a way of showing that sayaadi society is a strictly matriarchal one where the males are weaker than/subservient to the females and where the females commonly eat the males in sexual cannibalism (as suggested in Ask CDev I).
  8. ^ It's not specified what kind of "stone giant" it was that the titans sent against Soggoth, but in my opinion, the most sensible option is that he was killed during the Black Empire/titan-forged war and that the "stone giants" were watchers of the vanir type, and not any of the giant races that were later created from the Forge of Wills.