User:Coobra/Billy Blue

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NeutralBilly Blue
Image of Billy Blue
Title <Counter>
Gender Male
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 65
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Counting Society of Azeroth
Occupation Mathematician
Location Elwynn Forest
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Nessy (sister)

Billy Blue

This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

Billy Blue was an agent of the CSA sent out to replace Alice Goround to finish counting the sheep that she was tasked to do. Usually Billy was never sent out to count the animals, due to his 'riding addictions', but he was the only available counter.

He was killed by a herd of stampeding cows in Elwynn Forest during the Cataclysm. King Varian Wrynn was outraged when Billy's body was discovered with hoof prints all over his broken body and immediately blamed the tauren of Thunder Bluff. Because of this Varian made a "treaty" with the Grimtotem tauren, after discovering they left the Horde, to provide them with the weapons they need to fight their tauren brethren. When they failed, he quickly turned on them and sent heroes to kill as many of them as possible.


Billy grew up with his family of eight, in the great gnome city of Gnomeregan till the unfortunate events that followed left the city uninhabitable. Only his sister (Nessy) and himself had survived the horrific event, leaving him with but one question Why wasn't there enough exits out of the city?

After moving to Ironforge Billy started to notice changes in Nessy's behavior, but only attributed them to the lost of their loved ones. To keep his mind off of the past, Billy started to count the citizens of Ironforge and calculated how long it would take to evacuate the city through the limited exits provided, he was not happy with the figures and urged the king to have more tunnels made. The king would not listen. A few months later Billy caught Nessy summoning a demon, fearing the new powers his sister had gained and scared of living in a mountain he moved to Stormwind and became a bank teller. It was then he was recruited into the Counting Society of Azeroth, where he remained until the Shattering.