User:Coobra/Alice Goround

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NeutralAlice Goround
Image of Alice Goround
Title <Head Counter>
Gender Female
Race Human
Level 72
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Counting Society of Azeroth
Occupation Mathematician
Location Unknown
Status Alive
Relative(s) Mary Goround (sister), Coobra Farsight (adoptive father)

Alice Goround

This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

Alice Goround is the top agent of the CSA. She has a big heart and when it comes to making choices she'll choose her feelings over logic any day.

Recently tasked to count the world's humanoids, her whereabouts are unknown and when she'll return is undetermined.


Born in Goldshire this rambunctious little girl spent much of her childhood playing with the boys rather than girls and was often referred to as a "tom boy". Her younger sister, Mary, was quite the opposite. Being as adventurous as she was, she was always getting into trouble for one reason or another. Fearing for her safety, Alice's parents decided to move to Stormwind, that way if she were to get in trouble she wouldn't be in the danger outside the walls. That however did not prevent her from getting in other sorts of dangers.

Alice would often explore the city streets getting into places where children do not belong. It was on one of these days that she encountered a |spirit that cursed her, making Alice tired and weak. She was quickly taken to the city's priests for cleansing, but none were able to do so. Alice's parents were told of a powerful night elf druid in Darnassus that is able to cure any ailment. Leaving Mary with relatives in Stormwind, the three set out for Darnassus.

It was in the land of Darkshore in which a small band of trolls brutality attacked Alice and her parents, leaving them for dead. It was said that Coobra, a night elf in search of friends, came upon the humans and rushed Alice (who was barely alive) quickly to Auberdine for treatment. After her most serious wounds were healed she was then brought to Darnassus to be watched over, during her recovery period. While in the city the great druid healer sensed a weakness within their borders, finding his way to Alice she was cleanse of the curse for what she came to originally do. When she awoke, some weeks later, all she could remember was her name. Learning that Coobra had saved her and watched over her the whole time, she remained with him for several years and eventually joined the Counting Society of Azeroth.

Years went by and as she traveled the world counting the creatures that existed she became to wonder about her own past, friends and family that she might have known, but couldn't remember. Asking Coobra about her past, he told her all he knew, which is where he found her and how. Alice was eventually pointed to someone capable of putting her into a dreamlike state, where she may or may not find her past. In this dreamlike state she discovered what was blocked for all those years, memories of a sister and her life in Stormwind.


Elwynn Forest

Billy Blue found Alice in Elwynn Forest counting sheep, as she had be told to do, but when a priority humanoid count was ordered she was quickly sent to complete the job. Billy, as the only available counter, took her place.

Un'goro Crater

A [report] was sent to the CSA by an unnamed courier, which detailed the numbers of trolls within a small encampment in Un'goro Crater that contained 56 trolls and 2 human children. A few days later another [message] was received to fix a counting error that was sent earlier. The once counted trolls were infact not there and the two children were found alone, sent with the letter was a dried up ear, from one could only guess...a troll.


A letter ([Letter to Mary]) was sent to Mary from Theramore Isle informing her that she is traveling to Northrend.


A stack of letters ([Letters to Counting Society]) was sent to the CSA from Northrend providing numbers of the amounts of each different humanoid species.

Sholazar Basin

After mailing off the reports to headquarters from Valgarde, she had informed the innkeeper to her next destination Sholazar Basin, though she had been there before and knows the humanoid count she had seen something very peculiar and wanted to investigate further.

Several weeks had gone by and fearing the worst the innkeeper informed the counting society all that he knew of her disappearance. It's believed that Coobra himself has set out to locate Alice.

To find out what happens to Alice see CSA Chronicles: Volume 3.