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This article is a player character biography page for Rendran of Skywall US

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HordeRendran Dawnrise
No image available
Title <Ranger-Captain>
Gender Male
Race Blood elf
Level 80
Class Hunter
Affiliation(s) Silvermoon City, Horde, formerly Alliance of Lordaeron
Occupation Ranger,Instructor
Location Silvermoon City
Status Alive
Relative(s) Renthran Dawnrise(brother, deceased), Alaniana(ancestor)


  • Stands at a height of 6 feet one inch tall.
  • Weighs approximately 200 pounds.
  • Has several scars adorning his face, specifically around his forehead region.
  • Always carries his bow and arrows at all times.
  • Often seen in Silvermoon City, training novice Rangers in the ways of their craft.



Rendran Dawnrise was born into House Dawnrise approximately 125 years before the Third War. His family was not very wealthy, but managed to provide him with an education and a home. Rendran himself was the oldest of two; his brother, Renthran, was born three years later. Growing up, Rendran and his brother were very close, training, laughing and crying together. The two of them had big plans - Rendran wanted to be a member of the Elven Ranger Corps, while Renthran wanted to train in the arts that their people were most known for. Even though the two brothers were very close, they were also very different; Rendran was much more of a quiet introvert while Renthran was very outgoing and sometimes was brash and arrogant.

The two brothers eventually both began training to fulfill their dreams; Rendran began his training as a Ranger, and Rethran was accepted for apprenticeship in the capital training under some of the best magi that the elven people had to offer. Renthran excelled in his magical studies, and quickly became one of the best apprentices trained by the Magisters. He was constantly singled-out for accolades and words of praise, and had a promising career ahead of him.

Rendran, meanwhile had found his own niche; The Ranger Corps was everything that he ever wanted. He grew as an excellent archer and was known by his trainers to be someone who was "silent but deadly". Eventually, Rendran finished his training and was accepted as a full member of the Corps, which remains to this day the best day of Rendran's life.

For many years, Rendran's postings were mostly dull; he was always patrolling the areas around the southern regions of Quel'Thalas and was generally resigned to a dull career. However, in the engagements he did face off in, he excelled; he became known in his unit for being the best at bringing down the Amani raiders that attacked their unit from a far. Rendran's career seemed destined to remain the same, however, it was not to be - when news of a severe threat came from a southern Human kingdom.

Second War

Around the time of the Second War, Rendran had become a Ranger-Lieutenant in the Corps. As the threat from the enemy grew, King Terenas Menethil II rallied together the other Human kingdoms, as well as the Dwarves of Ironforge into a grand force that would put a stop to the Orcish threat once and for all. Due in part to the elven's pledge to aid the Arathi bloodline of Humans, Elven King Sunstrider ordered the Corps mobilized. Rendran stepped up his training regimen immediately and began preparing for a conflict; little did he know that that conflict would be a long struggle that would test him to the extreme.

Battle of Tarren Mill

Rendran's unit was sent to the Human Kingdom of Lordaeron to reinforce the capital and the surrounding region. While there, he trained and met with many Human soldiers, and developed a training regimen with the men. His unit, however, was still stuck in the ideology that they were the superior race and that they were being forced to fight another people's war, and thus, rejected Rendran's attempts at reconciliation. Irregardless, Rendran and the soldiers spent much of their time with the Humans, trained hard and prepared for the Orcish onslaught.

The onslaught did come, but it did not strike at the areas that the Corps anticipated. The Horde had captured several islands and launched a double-pronged assault on both the Dwarven kingdom of Khaz Modan and on the deeper southern regions of the Kingdom. Rendran's unit was quickly sent into battle against the so-called Horde at the town of Tarren Mill, sent in order to free captured brethren. When Rendran's unit arrived, they quickly went about preparing the small town for war; equipping its population and setting up fortifications in order to strike out and free their captured brothers. After the town was reinforced the Corps, as well as arriving soldiers from the Alliance began striking out in raids against the Horde.

Rendran's unit battled the Horde units hard, taking heavy casualties, but inflicting the same upon the Horde forces they fought. However, the Horde was much more of a challenge then they thought - due to the unmerciful rage that the Orcs held, Rendran was nearly killed in a well-orchestrated ambush lead by the Orcs. Drawing the Alliance forces in by leaving small groups of Orcs, the main force of raiders attacked and smashed into Rendran's unit. They were cut-off from the Human forces and had to fend for themselves for several minutes as the Humans quickly tried to link up with them. In the chaos, Rendran was sliced through the stomach by an Orcish warrior and was nearly killed, if not for his quick thinking; he killed the warrior by stabbing him in the groin with a lose arrow and then slicing him across the neck.

Rendran's unit was nearly wiped out by the ambush, but the Human footmen managed to link up with them and drive the Horde back. After his serious injury, Rendran was transfered back to Lordaeron to recuperate in a small, quiet town known for its hospitality.

Further Service

Rendran's service in the rest of the War was relatively uneventful, serving against the Horde in areas such as Southshore and in his own homeland, when the Horde invaded it and began burning down the enchanted forests. In all of the campaigns he served in, he was always seen at the side of one Corporal Arthur McTavish, a member of the 5th Lordaeron Guards Regiment.

(More to come!)