Twilight Hermit

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NeutralTwilight Hermit
Image of Twilight Hermit
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 50
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Twilight's Hammer
Location North of the Scarab Wall, Silithus: The Wound[40.1, 76.7]
Status Alive

The Twilight Hermit is an orc that can be found just outside the Scarab Wall by the road in both phases of Silithus.

The whispers ceased speaking to him on the day that the wound opened, and he wishes to spend his days atoning for what he did with his life.[1]



The hermit has gossip based on which weapon appearance is equipped from the  [Arsenal: Cosmic Weapons Cache] from the November 2023 Trading Post:

 [Gorridar, Darkblade of the Sunderer] or  [Seetheras, Broadsword of the Sunderer]:

That weapon you hold... you should not have brought it here!

Please, lower your weapon. I mean you no harm.

Gossip You recognize my weapon?

I warned you before that the end times are coming. That weapon you wield proves it.
It emanates the same energies that coursed through the Dark Titan's blade.
Why did he strike this place? He was far too masterful a tactician to choose this target by chance.
His crusade sought to eradicate all life from existence. Do you think his final act before being captured by the Pantheon would not be in service to that goal?
Tread carefully, <class>, lest you inadvertently find yourself serving the same cause.

 [M'thorus, Dagger of the Grand Design] or  [Taesavir, Sword of the Grand Design]:

That blade you hold... it profanes this place!

Please, lower your weapon. I mean you no harm.

Gossip You recognize my blade?

To bring a weapon like that here is to invite destruction, <class>.
The titans care only about their precious Order. They would sacrifice anything to achieve it--including their own followers.
Even the Dark Titan had a pattern to his actions. A cold logic intended to impose his perfect vision, and the willingness to eradicate existence if he could not achieve his ends.
Do you think the rest of his kind are any different? Only in method, not in goal.
Be careful that you do not blindly become a part of their plan.

 [Voidsong, Stave of the Harbinger]:

Your stave... it whispers to me!

Please, lower your weapon. I mean you no harm.

Gossip You recognize my staff?

Do you have any idea how ancient that weapon you wield is, <class>?
There was a time when this whole world was ruled by the Black Empire. It was beautiful.
The masters bestowed gifts upon their faithful. That stave was one such instrument.
It was given to the Harbinger so that one day she might... she might...
What? No! I was not going to tell them! I... I...
<The orc goes silent, as if chastised by some unseen presence.>


  • He uses the Dragonmaw orc model.
  • He uses the same model as Twilight Elementalists.
  • Despite being an orc, he originally used the human male voice set instead of the orc one, which was fixed in a hotfix a day after launch. He was also categorized as a beast, rather than a humanoid, and more specifically as a bat, which was fixed the following day.

Patch changes


  1. ^ N [10-50] Wriggling Mass

External links