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Faction/Affiliation Independent
Racial capital Unknown
Racial leader(s) Unknown
Homeworld Azeroth, Draenor
Language(s) Common, Zandali, Dwarven
This is a silly article.
The content of this article is not part of official Warcraft lore, but has nevertheless become part of the World of Warcraft culture or community.

A Trumarf is a race of three combined races, the Humans, Trolls & Dwarves. During the Cataclysm Beta, a bug caused the player's troll to shrink to the size of a dwarf and got human animation.


A few years ago an anomaly of time had appeared, sending Krasus, Rhonin, and Broxigar back 10,000 years. Little known however, was that this same anomaly sent Jaina Proudmoore, Sen'Jin, and Baelgun Flamebeard, back 2,800 years right in the middle of the Troll Wars.

Both the forest trolls of the Amani Empire, and the Humans of Arathor called a cease fire to celebrate Winter's Veil in harmony. The Dwarves were called in to serve only the finest belly warming brews to compliment such a heart warming occasion.

Since Jaina, Sen'Jin, and Baelgun weren't from this time they were not entirely used to such 'hearty' beverages, and had succumb to the debuff we now call 'beer goggles' while under the effects of this curse, bad decisions were made, and unspeakable acts committed.

Fast forward nine months and as far as history can tell an 'un named' human female gave birth to twin trumarfs. Eventually the three were brought back to their own time when Nozdormu had regained control of himself, but the Trumarfs were not brought back with them, no, Nozdormu had locked them within an underground cavern to never be re-discovered.

However in the Clysm, it seems that the rocks that once surrounded the trumarfs earthly cage has been re opened, and among them a hero has emereged. The trumarf, Totalhobnob.
