Trand Prepfoot

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NeutralTrand Prepfoot
Image of Trand Prepfoot
Gender Male
Race Highmountain tauren (Humanoid)
Level 10-45 Elite
Class Shaman[1]
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Prepfoot
Occupation Founder and leader of the Prepfoot
Location Prepfoot Compound, Highmountain[57.8, 27.8]
Status Alive

Trand Prepfoot is the founder and leader of the Prepfoot, a recently-formed group of Highmountain tauren who, seemingly unaware of the events of the Cataclysm, believe that the invasion of the Burning Legion is a sign that Deathwing will soon return to Highmountain and that the apocalypse is imminent, based on a vision had by Trand.[1]

Trand can be found at the Prepfoot Compound in the northeastern cliffs of Highmountain, standing before Wu'de, Lisy and Darsa Prepfoot and offering to hold sermons for adventurers who find their way to the compound.


Wanderer! Have you come to save your soul?
It will soon be upon us! The second coming! Deathwing is returning, and Azeroth will be destroyed! We must be prepared for the ocean to swallow the world!
Gossip ...Deathwing? You mean the Burning Legion?
The Burning Legion? Hah! They are naught but a sign. Listen to my sermon.
Gossip ...Okay?
Trand Prepfoot says: And so I declare, Deathwing has not been defeated. He lays in wait for Azeroth's distraction. Soon he will return, flying over the world and spreading his destruction.
Trand Prepfoot says: Surely, you may think, the Alliance and Horde will take him down with their great airships. But his body will cause the earth to shake, and the oceans will rise up to swallow us all.
Trand Prepfoot says: But the Prepfoot... we know! We have seen the future and will prepare until the time comes. We shall survive... nay, thrive!


  • Trand and his followers are a parody of preppers, individuals or groups actively preparing for emergencies.
  • Trand is shown to actually be quite inept at efficiently preparing for disaster, as he claims that salted meat spoils faster than non-salted meat.[2] He is also likely responsible for, or at least a supporter of, the Prepfoot notion that bananas and milk are long-lasting types of food.[3]

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