Tinkmaster Overspark (Radiant Echoes)

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Radiant Echoes
The subject of this article or section was part of Radiant Echoes, a world event that heralded the opening of The War Within.
NeutralTinkmaster Overspark
Image of Tinkmaster Overspark
Gender Male
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 10 - 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Cauldron, Searing Gorge
Status Alive

Tinkmaster Overspark is a gnome projection located with Scooty next to a Goblin Teleporter on a tower in the Cauldron in the Searing Gorge during the Radiant Echoes event. He is the memory of Tinkmaster Overspark.


Tinkmaster Overspark yells: The fallout from Thermaplugg's betrayal must be contained!
Scooty yells: And if someone happens to turn a tidy little profit during all that heroism, what's the harm?

Patch changes

External links