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The Theater Troupe

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NeutralThe Theater Troupe
Start Stage Manager Huberta
End Stage Manager Huberta
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Type Weekly
Category Isle of Dorn
Rewards  [Theater Troupe's Trove]


Participate in the Theater Troupe event.


Since you're an honorary member of the theater troupe, <name>, what do you think about playing a part in our plays?

No big parts--I don't want to upset the rest of the troupe by taking away their limelight. You know how they are.

Are you available, say, once a week?


You will receive:


The show must go on! And on. And on. We've been renewed for a permanent showing. For the earthen that means... well, it means we're all employed for a long time.


Marbleous! You're the perfect addition to our theater troupe, <name>.

Please come and help us again in our next showing!


For a decription of the event see:

Main article: Theater Troupe


  1. N [80] Thespians at the Proscenium
  2. N [80] The Grand Debut
  3. N [70-73] Quickchange Artist
  4. N [70-73] Attention-Getter
  5. N [70-73] Authenticity in Dress
  6. N [70-73] Resonant Performance

Patch changes

External links