The Shell, You Say?

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NeutralThe Shell, You Say?
Start Fargo Flintlocke
End Fargo Flintlocke
Level 10-45
Category Engineering
Rewards  [Schematic: Sonic Environment Enhancer]
Previous N Engineering [10-45] It's Not Rocket Science
Next N Engineering [10-45] Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey


Slay murlocs to collect 10 of their shells for Fargo Flintlocke.


I know ol' Hobart sent me down 'ere to acquire 'is precious murloc glass thingies, but I have designs of me own!

I've seen those murlocs carrying interesting lookin' shells that would go perfectly into me music box I've been workin on.

Ya lead the charge an'a I'll be right behind ya.


You will learn:  [Schematic: Sonic Environment Enhancer]


Jes let me finish up 'ere and I'll be right with yeh.


Oh, yer finished! I swear I was jes' about ta join yeh, too.

Well, what's done is done. I s'pose I can share me design with yeh since yeh got all the shells fer me.


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