Assault on Violet Hold: Cheating Death

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NeutralAssault on Violet Hold: Cheating Death
Start Didi the Wrench
End Didi the Wrench
Level 10-45
Type Dungeon
Category Engineering
Rewards [Schematic: Reaves Module: Failure Detection Mode]
Previous N Engineering [10-45] 'Locke, Stock and Barrel
Next N Engineering [45D] Court of Stars: Revamping the Recoil


Craft 2 Failure Detection Pylons. Go to the Violet Hold and recover a Plasmatic Laser Bolt and return everything to Didi the Wrench in Dalaran.


Hobart was showing me a copy of a design you found, and it got me to thinking of a new module for Reaves.

Unfortunately I didn't have the materials required to test it.

Could you make me a couple Failure Detection Pylons?

I'll also need a plasmatic laser bolt. You should be able to find one in the Violet Hold.


You will learn the following: [Schematic: Reaves Module: Failure Detection Mode]


Just rip the bolt off of one of the prison cells. I'm sure whatever's inside has long since died.


<Didi takes the pylons and begins tinkering with them and starts writing some notes.>

Yea, that should do the trick!

One new and improved Reaves module schematic for you, <name>.


  1. N Engineering [10-45] Aww Scrap!
  2. Complete all of:
  3. Complete all of:
  4. N Engineering [10-45] 'Locke and Load
  5. N Engineering [10-45D] Halls of Valor: Trigger Happy & N Engineering [10-45D] Assault on Violet Hold: Cheating Death
  6. Complete all of:
  7. N Engineering [45D] Boon of the Builder

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