Fire and Forget

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NeutralFire and Forget
Start Hobart Grapplehammer
End Hobart Grapplehammer
Level 10-45
Category Engineering
Rewards Schematic: Pump-Action Bandage Gun


Test out the  [Prototype Pump-Action Bandage Gun] on Wounded Kirin Tor Guardians in Dalaran. Use the gun to calibrate it when needed.

  • Wounded Guards Bandaged (3)
  • Use the gun to calibrate it
  • Wounded Guards Bandaged (3)
  • Use the gun again to calibrate it once more
  • Wounded Guards Bandaged (3)
  •  [Prototype Pump-Action Bandage Gun] (provided)


They say, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Well, life gave me a butt-load of guns.

So I've been figuring out ways to turn these guns into useful tools.

My latest modification is a gun that shoots bandages! Imagine it, you're on the battlefield, you see your ally go down, you pull out your bandage gun, shoot him with it and bam, he's back in the fight!

I just need you to test it first and make sure it's safe.


You will learn: Schematic: Pump-Action Bandage Gun


Good job on calibrating the power. Shame about those first few though...

I've adjusted the numbers on the schematic to the new specifications so you should be able to make the safe version.


Before calibration
  • Wounded Kirin Tor Guardian says: What just hit me!?
  • Wounded Kirin Tor Guardian says: Ugh! Oh, my head...
After first calibration
  • Wounded Kirin Tor Guardian says: What the...?! I guess that feels better.
  • Wounded Kirin Tor Guardian says: Who throws a bandage at someone? Honestly?
After second calibration
  • Wounded Kirin Tor Guardian says: Thanks for the heal!
  • Wounded Kirin Tor Guardian says: I don't know what you just did... but I LIKE it!


  1. N Engineering [10-45] Aww Scrap!
  2. Complete all of:
  3. Complete all of:
  4. N Engineering [10-45] 'Locke and Load
  5. N Engineering [10-45D] Halls of Valor: Trigger Happy & N Engineering [10-45D] Assault on Violet Hold: Cheating Death
  6. Complete all of:
  7. N Engineering [45D] Boon of the Builder

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