Keep Yer Powder Dry

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NeutralKeep Yer Powder Dry
Start Fargo Flintlocke
End Fargo Flintlocke
Level 10-45
Category Engineering
Rewards [Schematic: Gunpack]
Previous N Engineering [10-45] Going Out With a Bang
Next N Engineering [10-45] 'Locke, Stock and Barrel


Gather 8 Barrels of Gunpowder and return them to Fargo Flintlocke in Azsuna.


So while we've got all tha parts for tha pack again, I'm afraid I'm all outta gunpowder.

This is the worst thing ta ever happen ta me.

But there's hope. Just o'er to tha north are caves filled with crashed ships. Chances are them sea giants crashed one or two ships with cannons. And cannons mean gunpowder, sweet gunpowder.

Search their caves fer sum powder an' bring it on back.


You will learn the following: [Schematic: Gunpack]


Try not ta get it wet, I dunna feel like waitin' fer it ta dry out.


Oh aye, tha's plenty, lad. I made sum adjustments ta tha design fer tha gunpack.

You should probably hold on to 'em, seein as 'ow these inventions of Hobart keep explodin' on me.


  1. N Engineering [10-45] Aww Scrap!
  2. Complete all of:
  3. Complete all of:
  4. N Engineering [10-45] 'Locke and Load
  5. N Engineering [10-45D] Halls of Valor: Trigger Happy & N Engineering [10-45D] Assault on Violet Hold: Cheating Death
  6. Complete all of:
  7. N Engineering [45D] Boon of the Builder

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