The Power of Pine

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Hallow's End
The subject of this article or section is part of Hallow's End, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.
AllianceThe Power of Pine
Start Sergeant Hartman
End Sergeant Hartman
Level 60 (Requires 25)
Type PvP
Category Hallow's End
Experience 1650 EXP (or 10s 20c at level 70)
Rewards  [Hallow's End Pumpkin Treat]

This quest is one of two required for Alliance version of the  [Rotten Hallow] achievement.


Use a  [Stink Bomb Cleaner] to remove any Forsaken Stink Bomb that's been dropped on Southshore. Return to Sergeant Hartman in Southshore when you're done.


The thing I hate the most about Hallow's End are the stink bombs the Forsaken use on Southshore. Who knew that celebrating liberation would have to involve such a smelly mess?

During Hallow's End, use this cleaner to remove any nasty stink bombs the Horde may drop here in the village. It uses the power of pine to fight funky smells.

Do your part to keep Southshore clean, and I'll give you some Hallow's End treats I'm sure you'll enjoy. We have a deal?


You receive
Inv misc food 59.png 15x [Hallow's End Pumpkin Treat]

Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


Those blasted Forsaken... it's already bad enough that they're undead, but then they get all riled up and start causing trouble in MY village!


Ah, it almost smells better around here already.  Almost.

Thanks to you, <name>, Southshore just might make it through another Hallow's End.  Here's your treats, with my thanks!  If you run out of candy, I think there's a gnome named Katrina Shimmerstar in Ironforge who can sell you more; she's only around during Hallow's End, I believe.

Patch changes

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