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The Path to Suramar City

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NeutralThe Path to Suramar City
Start Tanithria
End Tanithria
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Tailoring
Experience 16,450
Rewards 1000x [Ancient Mana]
18g 28s 50c
Previous N Tailoring [45] Secret Silkweaving Methods
Next N Tailoring [45] The Nightborne Connection


Assist the nightfallen of Suramar until you discover a way to move safely amongst the elves of Suramar City.


I recall Lyndras mentioning a guild of tailors within Suramar City. Perhaps they could further our understanding of how to utilize this new cloth.

Unfortunately from what I've heard, they've sided with the demons and anyone opposed to them is to be killed on sight.

You must find a way to move safely within the confines of their city if we're to continue our research.


You will receive:
Inv misc ancient mana.png 1000x [Ancient Mana]

You will also receive:

  • 18g 28s 50c
  • 16,450 XP




Now that you can move safely around the city, it's time to find some new masters.


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