Where's Lyndras Again?

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NeutralWhere's Lyndras Again?
Start Tanithria
End Lyndras
Level 10-45
Category Tailoring
Experience 15,900
Previous N Tailoring [10-45] Sew Far, Sew Good
Next N Tailoring [10-45] Taking Inspiration & N Tailoring [10-45] The Right Color


Find Lyndras in Dalaran.


Oh dear.

He had just promised you that he wouldn't wander off, and then he did it again!

I'm starting to think that this Lyndras character might be a bit too impetuous for my tastes.

Please, go find him, before he gets into any more trouble.


You will receive:


My most sincere apologies, <name>. Not only did I make a spectacle of myself, I fear I may have also put the good name of your tailoring shop at risk.

You have every right to be upset with me.


Head to the Legerdemain Lounge's second floor where Catriona Macrae is cowering in fear in the corridor.

Catriona Macrae yells: OH GOD, WHAT IS THAT THING?! Someone, help! Please! It's tearing my room apart!
  • Lyndras says: It's in here! I know it!
  • Lyndras says: Just a taste, that's all I need! Just, one... little... TASTE!
  • Lyndras says: Why won't this blasted cabinet open up!!
Speaking with Lyndras
Get away from me!
Gossip Lyndras, please, stop! Get a hold of yourself, man!
Lyndras says: What?! Oh, it's you, <name>. I was just looking for something. My apologies. I'll return to the shop immediately.
Lyndras runs away.


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