Eye of Azshara: The Depraved Nightfallen

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NeutralEye of Azshara: The Depraved Nightfallen
Start Lyndras
End Tanithria
Level 10-45
Type Dungeon
Category Tailoring
Experience 16,170
Rewards Trade tailoring.png Silkweave Gloves
Previous N Tailoring [10-45] The Final Lesson?
Next N Tailoring [45] Where's Lyndras Now?


Go to the Eye of Azshara, defeat the Wrath of Azshara and recover the Heart of the Storm.


In order to craft the gloves, we'll require a special item. This will be no easy task to recover it, <name>.

The naga of Azsuna are said to be hard at work trying to summon a terrible creature into this world.

The creature's heart holds immense energy that we can use to channel into the gloves, making them incredibly powerful.

I need... I mean, we need that heart if we are to produce a suitable pair of gloves for someone of your presence.


You will learn the following:

You will also receive:


What were you able to find?


Lyndras ran off again before you could return, <name>. He left a note and a pattern for you.

The note reads,

"I'm sorry, <name>, but I'm afraid I may become a threat to the fellow tailors of this shop. I'm off to find somewhere to try and control my urges, or fall into depravity. It has been an honor training you.



How sad...


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